Thursday, November 09, 2006

Veteran Rewards

Anyone checking out te veteran rewards


Blogger Unknown said...

I did. Even though I've been here since the US CoH Beta, I had a month or two without the game, so I only have the 27 months instead of 30 available. I've NEVER liked the "trenchcoats", as I don't think they look enough like trenchcoats to be called that. The wings are ok, but just not my cup of tea. The new costume options are ok. But the powers and costume tokens, as well as the new badges are what I enjoy most.

11/09/2006 10:45:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Ahh, so OC likes the new badges the most. Why am I not surprised? :)

Me, I haven't had much time to play (trying to get a paper published at the moment), so I stick to live when I do get to be online.

11/09/2006 05:47:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You will see them in your inherant list, but only after you have clicked the redeem button on that "badge" in the Veterans tab of you badge listing.

11/10/2006 09:14:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

So far they are a pretty mixed bag for me.

The axe/sands will be handy in general I think, esp for news.

The samurai costume is actually better than I thought, and bodes well for costume pieces in the future - stuff on legs, etc.

Wings are a great start, and do very well for flyers. Need work for those silly jumpers who want wings though, and need more and more sizes of course.

Trenchoats are kinda dumb, they are just a jacket plus an ass-cape. Entirely too billowy for my tastes. The shoulder cape is incredibly dumb, but I'm sure someone will find a use for it.

The other costume stuff is just icing, nothing sucks but nothing is actually "cool".

I am looking forward to my nemesis staff in January or whenever though!

Mostly I'm just excited about not having to do the whole hero-side shitty run EVERYFUCKINGWHERE for the contacts EVER again. Man, I had this contact at lvl 13 on my scrap that had me run from Steel to like 3 zones away 2 or 3 times in a row. SUCK!

Hello police radio!

11/19/2006 03:41:00 AM  

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