Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I9 stuff and junk

I, for one, am really enjoying I9. I've wasted the time (it seems to take 1-2 hours per character) to fully deck out 5 or 6 chars in IOs now, and boy is it worth it efficiency wise. Quick advice: If you're not rich, screw the set bonuses, just got for combining the dual & triple aspect set IOs to maximize your powers - for most you can get 9 slots worth. I usually wind up with 95 dmg, 60% end, 60% acc, 60% recharge.

I've seen a few of you on recently, but haven't managed to connect much. I talked a little with Stagger, and we're going to shoot for trying an STF this weekend, Saturday night I think. Probably after 9pm PST. Nothing written in stone, because my schedule is dictated by the pregnant wife currently, but somewhere around there would be nice. I'll have my 47 fire/ff, recently respecced for vengeance & he's got Helper Monkey. So that's the support...we just need the rest :).

Tags: misc_


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