Monday, February 27, 2006

Answer This Equation!

What is: xp+debt+debt+debt+debt+xp-debt=?

The answer when i return!

Tags: misc_

Answer This Equation!

What is: xp+debt+debt+debt+-debt+xp-debt=?

The answer when i return!

Tags: misc_

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Monthly Rent

This is mostly a note to the other leaders and to people who wonder why the rent isn't payed, but we're switching to an every-other-period payment. Basically, there's no penalty for missing a single rent payment, and rent doesn't accumulate, so you can get away with paying only every other one and save (for us) around 100k a month.

Tags: base_

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Strike Buster Badge

I have about 100 Scrapyarders that I'm planning to hunt down Wednesday night -- no exp probably, but anybody who wants the badge is welcome to come along.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I might be able to help. I have a huge job that I'm trying to get done by the end of the week, plus I just got back in town. Also, if you need the Electrician/Surging badges, I'd love to help on those as well.

2/22/2006 02:52:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Yar, just thought I'd bop in..I've pretty much moved on from COX, but I might be back if they add something interesting...

Sadly I have gone over to the dark side and signed up for WoW. I'm almost bored with it already though...gotta pick up Civ 4 this weekend. Tasty!

2/22/2006 03:59:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

The wife got home a bit earlier than expected (no overtime today like we expected), so I think we're going to go out to dinner or something. Fortunately, it was only 100 scrapyarders, and it went pretty fast.

Lobster, sorry to hear that you're taking off for WoW...hopefully we'll see you back around I7ish for level 40-50 villains and patron pool powers. You'll have to keep us updated on what you think about WoW.

2/22/2006 07:42:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Mon Dieu, that restaurant sure was slow. Maybe some people consider it a leasurely meal, but taking 90 minutes to get entrees on the table is just plain horrible service in my book.

2/22/2006 10:23:00 PM  

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President's Day Limerick Contest (sticky until 2/21/06)

Team Evil is hosting a Limerick Contest for the server. While our own members are not eligable to compete, I do invite all of you to participate as judges! Here's what you have to do:

  • Read all of the entries in this thread on Tuesday (after all entries have been submitted).

  • Give me your top three picks (in order) in the comments to this post by Wednesday at noon, EST. I'll combine the scores by giving 3 points to the 1st place vote, 2 pts to the 2nd, and 1 pt to the 3rd. Highest total number of points wins.

  • Please don't comment on the limericks until after the results have been announced.

Tags: events_

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Peacebringer or Warshade

For the ones who still haven't gotten to lvl 50 or who just got there and are not sure about whether to choose a peacebringer or a warshade when they unlock them. if anyone have one of the epic archtype and owuld like to comment on which one you like and why, say maybe somethings that you like about one and not the other. just some guidence for the rest of us! and if you have a website on any of the archtypes that may give a description on powers or a forum with other peoples thoughts.

since i want to be a warshade i have 2 sites: this one has pictures and listings of power plus a little description about it this one goes into more detail about the powers

Tags: misc_

Saturday, February 11, 2006

1st Respec Trial

DeathBone and I will be running the first respec trial at 3:30 pm EST tomorrow (Sunday). You must be at least level 25 to join, and people higher than 30 will be auto-malfactored. Hope to see you there!

Update: Respec successful!

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

WX and I may be a few minutes late, but we're in.

2/11/2006 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work guys and congrats, sorry i couldn't have been there but i am working on my hero so i wont be in for a while until i get to lvl 50. but good work and congrats! i may host a TF or a respec sometime soon if anyone is up for it.

2/13/2006 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you mean that you did the first respec trial for the SG, FYI i already did that, not to sound mean but im just telling you. gratz again

2/15/2006 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Techmind, you were neither the first nor the last to "do the first respec trial for the SG". We have members with characters of very different levels, and we've been hitting the various respecs and strike forces repeatedly as characters level up into their ranges.

2/15/2006 03:25:00 PM  

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day (a bit early)

Hope everybody is having fun doing the Pocket D missions -- feel free to contact me (global @Balshor) if you need a hero or a villain to lend a hand.

(See this thread for more hearts!)

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I would like to farm the first Mission from Scratch to get the 4 badges on my main Hero. These badges are:

Hordeling Lasher
Weed Whacker

Anybody else in for this?

2/09/2006 11:56:00 AM  

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Ding lvl 50

i was wondering if we could do an all day/weekend COH deal where if anyone has a lvl 50 can sk the pipsqueaks (yes thats includes me) so we can get to lvl 50. if anyone is interested we can plan for some tfs and/or mishes because that was our goal before cov came out (my villian is higher than my blaster) and to tell ya the truth i want to be a warshade sooo bad.

Tags: misc_

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Upcoming Events

A few things, some server-wide and some for our group:

Tuesday, 10pm EST: Caleb raid on Test Server, led by CuppaJoe.

Wednesday, 8pm EST: Hidden Evil night. The current stalker level is 14, but we should have enough sk/rsks for a team of six.

Friday, 8pm EST: Weekly Siren's Call PvP Event. See this thread on the official Pinnacle boards for details. I'd be up for putting together a Team Evil group for this if people are interested.

Sunday, 3pm EST: Anniversary Hami raid. Technically not a CoV event, but I'm leading it, so I'll abuse my posting rights here to advertise. New-raider-orientation starts at 3pm EST in Eden, raid is targetted to begin at 3:30 EST from the south rock.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

I might be a bit late for Hidden Evil -- go ahead and start without me, and I'll try to catch up when I can get online.

2/01/2006 06:38:00 PM  

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Tuesday SF?

Well, the server events didn't go so well last week. Anybody up for a strike force on Tuesday at our usual 8pm EST time? I'm voting for Sharkhead or Ice Mistral, although I would prefer the former. Alternatively, we can hit a respec trial if enough people want to do that.


Tags: events_

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Valentine's Day Event

Pocket D has a purpose...see this thread for details. Be warned that spoilers abound, both about the event and some minor ones about the CoH/CoV book Web of Arachnos.

I'll definitely be interested in getting some teams together for this once it goes live. Some of the badges referred to in the previous Pocket D post are related to this event.

Tags: misc_