Sunday, March 12, 2006

Updated Base Pictures

I just thought that I'd post some pictures of our newly revamped base -- some old base pictures can be found here. Enjoy!


Reception Desk


Infirmary Beds

Main Room (Library, Lounge, and Tech Workshop)

Main Room (Opposite Angle)

Briefing Area and Raid Teleporter

Transport Alcove #1

Transport Alcove #2 with Basement in the Background

Arcane Workshop


Evil Geniuses' Office

Basement Storage and Generator

Basement Lab

Tags: base_


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have a reception desk? WTF! i didnt know we hade one! and also why do the Generator room look like a sewer, thats a dead giveaway to a raid. i think i should resdesign the base at least the Gen room!

3/16/2006 07:48:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Every incarnation of our base has had a reception desk. I have no clue how you've missed them, seeing how they're right in front of the enterance. The generator has also been in a basement with that general look and feel since at least the end of November.

In regards to raids, (1) generators are too big to hide and easy to spot anyway, and (2) this is not a raidable base as it has no dimensional anchors or items of power.

3/16/2006 08:37:00 AM  

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