Saturday, May 06, 2006

Draft Badge Hunting Rules

Edit: The contest has been announced! Here is the official thread.

The following is a draft of the post for the badge hunting announcement. I hope to have this ready for the boards by Sunday or Monday, so if you have any feedback, please post here before then. If anybody wants to help out by standing in Breakout to register people or to be available to verify people's badges, please feel free to voluteer in the replies to this post.

Title:Badge Hunting Contest

Team Evil and the City Information Terminal are pleased to announce our "Something to do on Live while waiting for I7 bugs to be fixed" badge hunting contest. The judges for this contest are me (@Balshor) and Maverick X (@Maverick X), so feel free to contact us about any questions, issues, or other comments about this contest.

The rules:

  • Time frame: This contest will begin at 7pm EDT on May 10th and end at 7pm EDT on May 21st.

  • Two ways to enter:
    • Players able to start their characters between 7pm EDT and 9pm EDT should meet the Team Evil representative in Breakout. Your character will then be entered into our database.

    • Players unable to start their characters during this time frame should join City Information Terminal's global chat channel "CIT". They then should take a screenshot of their character (1) standing in front of the first contact in Breakout (2) with the character name visible and (3) with the MotD from the CIT channel visible. Email this screenshot to with the subject line "Badge Contest Registration" and manually register this character on City Information Terminal as usual.

  • How to play: Players must use the City Game Tracker or HeroStats to automatically track your badges with City Information Terminal. (See below for information on how to set up CGT.) If you are unable to use CGT or HS, please contact to make alternate arrangements. Any technical issues with badge tracking should also be sent to that address.

  • Three ways to win:

    • Points will be awarded based on the badges collected. See the following post for the points breakdown. The player with the most points at the end of the contest will win the grand prize. The player with the second most points at the end of the contest will win the runner-up prize.

    • The first player to collect the "Low Level Badge Set" (see below) will win a prize. (This prize is only available to users of CGT/HS.)

    • The first player to collect a mystery badge set (all theoretically attainable at level 15) will win a prize. (This prize is also only available to users of CGT/HS.)

  • Players are allowed to use any method (allowed by Cryptic/NCSoft) in their badge collecting. This includes collaborating with other characters of any level, whether in the contest or not.

  • Grand prize and runner-up winners must be available sometime between 7pm EDT and 11pm EDT on May 21st to have their badges verified in-game. Prizes will be distributed after all winners have been verified. If a player will be unable to log in during this time, he or she may ask to be pre-verified before the end of the contest by contacting @Balshor or @Maverick X in-game.

  • Prizes:

    • The player with the most points will win 2 million infamy and pick of 2 HOs from the list below.

    • The player with the second most points will win 1 million infamy and a pick of 1 HO, after the 1st place winner has chosen.

    • The first player to collect the "low level badge set" will win 1 million infamy and a pick of 1 HO, after the 1st and 2nd place winners have chosen.

    • The first player to collect a mystery grab-bag of badges will win 1 million infamy and a pick of 1 HO, after the above winners have chosen.

  • Prize restrictions:

    • Each player may only win one prize.

    • HOs will only be awarded if the player has a level 45-50 hero. If the player has only lower level heroes, he or she will instead win (calculate enough influence to buy SOs from 25-50) influence, which is sufficient to buy a full set of SOs every five levels from 22-50. If the player has no heroes, no hero-side prizes will be awarded.

    • All prizes must be claimed (or arranged to be claimed) within 2 weeks of the winners being announced on the official forums. Only characters with the same global chat handle as the original winning character may claim prizes.

  • The available HOs are: 1x(resist/end), 2x(dmg/acc), 2x(buff/end)...

  • The point breakdown for the badges are: Mav, can you verify these numbers with CIT?

    • Exporation Badges: 1 point each

    • History Badges: 5 points each

    • SF badges: 30 points each

    • Yellow/red mission badges: 10 points each

    • Red/black mission badges: 20 points each

    • Kill badges: 10 points each

    • PvP mission badges: 1 point per mission required

    • Tiered badges (healing, debt, damage, etc): 15 points per tier (so Dazed and Confused would be 30 points)

    • Badge badges and Level badges: 10 points each

    • All other accomplishment badges: 5 points each

    • Respec badges: 30 points each

    • Gladiators: 5 points each

  • The "Low Level Badge Set" consists of all non-PvP exploration and history badges, Plague Carrier, Mask Maker, Stone Cold, Bone Collector, Soldier, and Obsessed. The "Mystery Badge Set" consists of an undisclosed number of badges, all theoretically attainable by characters of level 15 or lower.

  • How to set up CGT with CIT:
    • Go to City Information Terminal and set up an account if you do not already have one.

    • Download the most recent stable version of the City Game Tracker and install it. Register for a CGT account if you do not already have one.

    • Run the CGT. When prompted, enter your CGT and CIT login information.

    • You're all set! Make sure you run CGT before starting up CoV in order to keep your badges up-to-date. If you forget, you can update your character's information by just temporarily setting your badge title to any missing badges (ie, click on them in your badge window while CGT is running).

Again, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact the judges (@Balshor and @Maverick X) or post below.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Looks good to me, if that's what you're asking. =]

5/06/2006 02:01:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Basically, yes, although I need a contact address for you and either good instructions on how to use CGT/HS+CIT or a link to such instructions.

5/06/2006 02:03:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Thanks, Grave, and I look forward to seeing you back in-game.

5/06/2006 04:31:00 PM  

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