Monday, July 31, 2006

Comment Spam

Unfortunately, we started getting some comment spam, so I'm turning the word verification for comments back on. If it continues, I'll disallow non-registered users from commenting.

Tags: blog_

Friday, July 28, 2006

RSF After-action report

Well, we were short a few people and ran this without what is generally considered the "optimal" AT distribution of 4ish corruptors and 1-2 brutes. We were:

3 MMs (Grave Sorcerer, Mie, and Droid Master)
3 Brutes (Capio, Bad Mike, and Dreadfyre Wraith)
1 Stalker (Dark Moon)
and 1 Dominator (me)

The first two missions went reasonably well -- Crimson with his EB escorts, Kronos Titan, and the Malta MM AV whose name escapes me were all fairly straightforward to defeat. We took a while taking out Psyche/Numina/Manticore/BaB in the ruins of AP, but we managed to finally pull that off. We were around 4 hours into the thing when we finally called it quits against the Vindicators, although it was more out of fatigue than defeat. We managed to single pull Swan once and almost defeat her, but we got Swan/Luminary/Mynx the second time. After this wipe, we called it a night seeing how we didn't expect to be able to take out the 54 AVs in the next mission anyway.

I unfortunately won't have time to run another of these for a while, as I'm pretty booked for this weekend, I have an old friend from grade school visiting during the week, and it's my wife's and my first anniversary next weekend. Feel free to schedule one without me, though, and I'll see if I can make it.

Thanks for coming, everybody -- I've been curious about this SF for a while. 3 more levels on Bray, and I can bring him instead.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Thanks, GS.

7/30/2006 12:02:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Gratz Pal!

I've been somewhat AWOL for now and the near forseeable future - all that grinding last week just burned me out on the game. I'm taking a little break in hopes that I'll be back to enjoying it in a few weeks.

I may be on my ice/ss tank hero side occasionally, as I do have a blast herding up big mobs and then killing them for 15-20 minutes at a time.

7/30/2006 08:26:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Pal!

And now that I'm back in town (for good for a while I hope), I'm all set for a RSF.

7/31/2006 09:18:00 AM  

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Preparing for the RSF

A few things to do before we start the RSF tomorrow (Friday) night at 7:30 EDT:

  • Get warheads from Warburg. Try to grab a chem warhead and a bio warhead. The nuke warheads aren't too useful, so don't worry about them.

  • Get Shivans from Bloody Bay. These will be very useful if we need more damage.

  • Download TeamSpeak and test it out on Mike's server. The server info is in the MotD. If you need help setting it up, contact me or Mike.

  • Stock up on larger inspirations. Feel free to remove smaller inspirations from the base storage if you need more space to horde them.

See you all in-game!

Tags: events_

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Items of Power

According to Cricket, the CoP trial is going live before scheduled base raids. What this means is that, until the base raids go live, we're free to capture IoPs without fear of being raided.

If I remember correctly, the IoP is targetted at a maximum of 24 players, although I believe it's been done with a team of 8. Players of all levels will be able to participate.

I'm hoping that this will go live with the new base rooms, which will allow us to convert several of our decorative rooms into cheaper versions (saving us 50k-100k each). Regardless, I'll revamp the base to hold an IoP once it goes live, and we can give this monster a try.

I knew we had a raid teleporter for a reason. :)

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Here's the quick summary:

A SG wins an IoP initially by completing the CoP trial, given through the mission computer and entered through the raid teleporter. The CoP trial can accomodate up to 24 players from the same SG. You should be able to find a description of the trial itself on the forums somewhere. Starting the trial requires 6 anchors, 1 empty IoP base, a raid teleporter, and a mission computer. The trial is entirely PvE.

Once the trial is beaten, a random IoP is automatically placed on the IoP base. The trial can be completed multiple times in the 7-day window when it's open. After the trial closes, no new IoPs can be earned. The trial reopens after 21 more days, at which point all existing IoPs are removed and the process starts again.

The connection to base raids is that IoPs are supposed to make you vulnerable to scheduled raids. Once in possession of an IoP, the SG leader needs to set two raid windows, when the base can be raided. If the attackers succeed, one of your IoPs is transfered to their base. This is the only way to obtain an IoP during the 21 days when the trial is closed. The exact details of scheduled base raids are a bit murky, as they're currently broken and disabled.

So, the short version is that the devs are putting the PvE portion of IoPs (the CoP trial) live and just disabling the PvP portion until some point in the nebulous future when it's fixed. Thus, SGs can win IoPs without fear of their base being raided, at least for the near future.

I say we give the CoP a shot when it's live -- my understanding was that it was doable with a team of 8, and we don't have to worry about defending it until the PvP portion goes live.

7/25/2006 02:15:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Don't we have a ton of extra prestige now as well from the 20k/person bonus? I'd think we'd have plenty to put some of this stuff in.

What are the level reqs on the CoP trial? I'd be more than willing to tank that one on Filth if the trial allows access to 38 powers.

7/25/2006 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just want the badge! =D

7/25/2006 04:02:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I haven't been keeping up on the CoP information, but my impression was that you get auto-LKed to some level (probably 40 or 50), similar to as in a PvP zone. I could be wrong about that, though. I believe that the trial may be no-XP, because most of the mobs are spawning out of portals, but I'm even less sure about this than the auto-LKing.

And yes, we have plenty of prestige to install the anchors, vault, and IoP base. We don't have plenty of prestige if you want to make a defense-oriented base, but I don't think that's our plan anyway.

7/25/2006 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be willing to help out if you any, I dont know the restrictions but if i can help, i will. I support Team Evil 1000000000000000000000000000000000%! GOTEAMEVIL!

7/26/2006 07:24:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7/27/2006 12:12:00 PM  

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Monday, July 24, 2006

No internet...

Sadly, Earthlink (or Time Warner Cable, who provides their NYC cable service) is experiencing a network outage, and I won't be online until it's fixed. Among other things, it's entirely possible that I won't be able to do the Paragon Protector farming tomorrow night.

It was the weirdest thing being able to get an IP address and ping the gateway but not be able to access anything else online. Couldn't figure out what was going wrong until my wife pointed out that we could just call tech support and listen to their pre-recorded service outage message. Silly wife...doesn't she know that if it's not online, then it doesn't exist?

Thankfully, I had episodes of Rome to catch up on last night. Maybe I'll finally go pick up Oblivion this afternoon and see if I can make my computer cry....

Hope to see you all in-game soon!

Update: Just realized that I can't even order groceries without the internet. Guess we're eating take-out. Perhaps I'm a bit too dependent on the internet. Oh, well...could be worse. I can't imagine going two weeks without electricity, and that's essentially right across the river from me....

Update 2: Ahh, internet restored just shy of 24 hours later. I guess if that's the only outage this year, they'll have scored 99.7% uptime, which sounds fine until you're in that .3%.

See you all at infiltrator tomorrow.

Tags: misc_

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Recluse's Strike Force 7:30 EDT, Friday

When? After this weekend, we should be able to pull together an all-TE group. If not, I'm sure some of our coalition members would be happy to join us.

If we do this over the week, it would have to be casual-style. I nominate either Wed/Thurs starting around 8pm EDT, or on Friday starting whenever people can be online.

Edit: Looks like we're aiming for a start time of 7:30 EDT on Friday. Please try to be prompt -- if you can't make this time, post below and we can try to rearrange things.

Note that this is for level 45-50 villains only. It's preferable to not be 48, so we can get everybody to 49-50 through lackeys.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Evil Armiger (of the Villain Syndicate, one of our allies) would like in on this as well. If you aren't sure who he is, he's Boyant Armiger from the Patrol, and a damn good brute at that.

7/24/2006 10:36:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

So the interested people look like:

Omicron Cypher
Wavelength X
Capio or Mie
Dark Moon
Big Mike
Grave Sorcerer
Chaos Force Mage
Evil Armiger

Am I forgetting anybody? That's nine so far -- if everybody shows up, I think we might have to ask EA to bow out, as I feel that the TE characters should get precedence.

It would probably be a good idea to get Teamspeak set up and test it out on Mike's server. If you have any problems, I'd assume that he's amenable to being bugged about it.

7/25/2006 12:58:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, also, WX is at my brother's for the week. She has the laptop and is still playing though. I told her about this, and she sounded interested, but there's no telling if she'll join us. She's not so good with set times on events either (and half the reason I've missed some of those lol).

7/25/2006 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

If both Mike and Evil Armiger come, that's two brutes -- we'd probably be better off with Mie. If not, it's probably good to have at least 2 brutes along.

7/26/2006 11:23:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Now I'm pissed. Without fail, I've agreed to do a scheduled event and my wife has changed my plans. I don't even know why I bother. EVERYTIME I agree to a scheduled event, this happens. So, instead of playing this SF, which I was REALLY looking forward to for badges alone, I'll be driving for 4 hours. And since I won't be online to remind her, WX won't be on either. So, the team of 9 just went to 7. Trin can bring both of his guys now.

How come my plans can't ever stay solid?! GAHHHHHHHHHHH!

I'm gonna go ahead and appologize for this post as well. Just venting.

7/27/2006 12:13:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Sorry, Mav. Don't worry -- I'm sure we'll do this many times.

7/27/2006 02:12:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know. I just wanted to help with the first run, and it's frustrating that everytime I make plans to support a scheduled event, at the last minute something comes up that I can't get out of. I hope all goes well.

7/27/2006 04:06:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Well, it looks like Evil Armiger won't be making it. That leaves us with 5-6 people...I'd much rather do our first run as a full (or mostly full) VG team....

7/28/2006 06:49:00 PM  

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Infiltrator, again

Mike and I will be running the Infiltrator farming mission again Tuesday, 9pm EDT. This badge will probably take 60-75 minutes if we can get a full team, and is required to unlock Viridian (a level 45-50 contact).

Tags: events_

Congrats to Omicron Cypher!

The title says it all -- well done to our esteemed leader!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

WOOT! Thanks!

7/22/2006 04:29:00 PM  

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Friday, July 21, 2006


8 villains, 2xXP, 1 Lord Recluse.

155k xp (at level 37). The 45ish villains were getting 200k. Plus the mission bonus.


Tags: misc_

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Warburg XP Team

I'll be leading a Warburg XP team tomorrow night at 8pm EDT. Minimum level is 30, and participation is dependent on available LKs. (Must be LKed to 45+ in order to get XP.)

The rest of the weekend, I'll probably try to get Bray into the 40s.

Go double XP!

Tags: events_


Blogger Andy said...

I was thinking about working on my energy/stone brute in prep for the RSF. She's currently 33 right now.

I need to get 2 other chars from 32/33 to I'll definitely be on on SOMEbody. :) Look forward to some teamage with you guys again.

7/21/2006 02:32:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Cool, be good to see you back on Pinnacle.

7/21/2006 04:07:00 PM  

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006


for starters: I HAVE RETURNED! after my long 4 weeks of camp, im ready to get back on and kick some ass!!!!!!!! LETS MAKE TEAM EVILS BELLS RING!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Welcome back, Techmind. Hope you had a good time at camp.

7/19/2006 10:48:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

As of tonight, after getting 5 bubs, im only 15 bubs from 50. I'll be there this weekend and then work on Thorn. =]

7/20/2006 12:40:00 AM  

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Monday, July 17, 2006


For those interested, we have a teamspeak server available -- check the message of the day or ask Big Mike for the server/password.

Using teamspeak is not required in this group; however, it can be quite useful for team coordination and general chatting. See to download the client.

Tags: admin_

Infiltrator badge

Big Mike (Murderdoll1) will be leading a farming team to get this badge (Paragon Protectors) at 9pm EDT tomorrow (Tuesday). Since the only "free range" Paragon Protectors are the 49-50s in the Fab, this will be a very good opportunity to get a badge that will unlock a 45-50 contact.

BTW, welcome to the blog, Mike!

Tags: events_

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Base Rent

Base rent has been paid. Remember that in the short time between power shutting off and the rent getting paid, you can still use coalition teleporters and autodocs. Additionally, the empowerment stations and storage do not require power, so they will be still available in our base. So, the only thing that is completely unavailable when the power is down is the medical reclaimator.

Tags: base_

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Grats to Palcioz!

That's right folks! Your plush, and loveable friend and buddy, Palcioz, hit 50!
Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

Go go gagted Palcioz!
Now get to beating that Recluse sf you lazy 50s!

7/14/2006 07:39:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Thanks, guys -- Go Team Evil!

7/15/2006 11:29:00 AM  

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Recluse SF

You guys probably already know this, but there is a bug in the Recluse SF right now where you can spawn the heroes at lower levels - I think this is done by running it on relentless. It is fixed on test, I don't think it has hit live yet??? Maybe it has. Anyway, just saying you might want to take a "practice" run at it before they fix it. Sure wish I had a 47+ to go along with you but I'm just not motivated by end game content & PPs for any of my characters yet.

Oh, I'm still around, I've just been slumming on champion lately playing with some newbie doms since my Pinn stable is full the funk up.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, I'd love to give it a stab. That SF is chock FULL of badge goodness that I need! =]

7/13/2006 11:28:00 AM  

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Saturday, July 08, 2006


Bray strolls past the lounges and workshops and descends into the basement of the Team Evil Mansion. After navigating through the shelves and shelves of scavanged EChips, dodging around the humming generator, and avoiding the deranged white-coated scientists working in the lab, he arrives at the small door hidden in the back.

Bray knocks. A small panel slides open, and a pair of steel eyes glares at him. A voice growls through the door.

"What's the password?" it asks.

"I don't know the password. I'm one of Omicron Cypher's friends," Bray replies.

"Omicron Cypher? I don't know anybody called Omicron Cypher," says the voice.

"That's funny. Omicron Cypher is the one who wanted Filipino strippers in the first place," says Bray.

"Alright. Maybe I do know Omicron Cypher. But you're still not getting inside without the password. Go back to your regular gin joint if you want to dance a Charleston. Go shake down a bank if you're looking for some graft."

The panel slams shut. With a sigh, Bray takes a deep breath and howls. The shockwave blows the door off of its frame and crushes the unfortunate bouncer underneath.

"Easy enough to enter, as long as you speak the right language," Bray mutters as he strolls into the club.

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...


7/09/2006 01:06:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

I proposed something like this for our house, but my wife just wasn't big on it for some reason.

Yay for virtual whatever!

7/09/2006 01:43:00 PM  

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Congrats to Capio!

Contrats on being the first 50 in Team Evil, Capio!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, grats buddy! Let me be the first of TE to say:


7/07/2006 01:32:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Nice job man.

And as they say in the Swedish Armored Defense Unit, 3rd class: "Now what?" (Or, in English, "Who stepped on my fuckin muffins!?")

7/07/2006 09:45:00 PM  

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Base Rent

Just in case anybody is wondering why we have near-constant messages about the base rent and don't just pay the stupid thing when the message pops up, check out this post on the base construction forum. Basically, we end up paying half as much by staring at that message for 2 weeks and a third as much by waiting until the power gets shut off before paying (ie, staring at that message for four weeks out of every six). That's a pretty big difference at our current rent levels.

Just food for thought. (Plus, it's nice to know that there are reasons for doing things other than being lazy about running over to Port Oakes to see the registrar.)

Tags: base_

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Connection Problems

Looks like my connection isn't going to be good enough to let me play much this weekend. There's nothing quite like the frustration of when your upstream connection vanish while the downstream is just fine -- gives you a very good show of the Bastilla breaking free of your holds and 2-shotting you while you're helpless to do anything.


Tags: misc_

Base Update

We're within a few hundered thousand prestige of buying the next big upgrade to our base. Here are our two main options:

(1) Upgrade the plot. Although this won't make an immediate visible difference, it will let us buy more rooms later. We've currently filled the 8x12 plot, and the next step up will be 12x12. This would be the best option for building towards a nice big RP/PvE base.

(2) Buy the turbine generator. OC has been lugging this thing around for quite some time. We'll get a big boost in power, which would allow us to reinstall the arcane worktables. However, we don't really have room for the arcane tables due to the empowerment/storage items, and we don't really need them either, since we're using tech base upgrades. This would be the option for building a raidable base; however, I haven't heard any interest in getting into the base defending scene. (The raid teleporter allows us to attack in instant raids, although we've never even used it.)

I'm in favor of (1), as I don't think any of us are really into instant base raids, and IoPs are essentially vaporware. Our base is fully outfitted with everything we can get for the PvE game (except for a couple of medical upgrades that we need healing badges for), so the prestige that we're earning would go towards expanding the base and installing more storage when we need it.

Once we earn the next couple hundred prestige, I'll do a thorough reworking of the base with the new tinting options. So, please comment here if you have any input as to what the next upgrade should be (one of the above or something else) or what type of design scheme you'd like to see.

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...

I vote for option 1 as well. Plus, lugging this thing around is working on my muscle mass. Oh, and I'm back in town now. I'm shooting for lvl 44 tonight! YAY!

7/03/2006 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Base plot has been upgraded. There aren't any visible changes to the base yet (without going into the editor). I'm thinking of pushing the raid teleporter back another room and expanding the "briefing area" into that 3x3 room. We'll still have room for another 3 2x2 rooms in addition to that -- any ideas?

7/04/2006 10:30:00 PM  

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