Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Caleb Spawned!

This was pretty much a non-event. Over 200 villains (and one level 50 CuppaJoe hero) gathered in Nerva for this hunt, spawning multiple instances of the zone. We spread out and cleared out all the spectral demons we could find. At dusk, Caleb spawned in the water north of Thorn Island. Villains swarmed, and he was down before half of us could even fire a shot.

I didn't get any screenshots of him (I was only there about 10 seconds before he was defeated), but I did pull his demo tag (Nerva_Caleb) out of the demo I recorded. If you want to see what he looks like, try grabbing this editted demo file. To play it, create a copy of your game shortcut, add -demoplay in the command line (outside of any quotes, separated from what's there by a space), and drag-and-drop the demo file onto it. He's not that impressive -- basically looks like a spec demon lord with some crystal things sticking out of him.

All in all, that was the most anti-climactic thing that we'll see in this game until the Anniversary raid on Sunday. :)

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Err, yes there is, but I had incorrectly marked it as happening on Saturday. Thanks for prompting me to fix that error.

2/01/2006 03:53:00 PM  

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Saturday, January 28, 2006

CaD SF success!

Team Evil successfully completed the Cap au Diable strike force in two hours and fifteen minutes. The team consisted of:

Omicron Cypher
Towering Inferno
Admiral Voltron
- and -
Voltaic Bot, although he couldn't stay the whole time

Unfortunately, I forgot to get a team screenshot at the end, but you all know what you look like anyway.

Well done!

Tags: events_

On Test: Updated Paragon Dance Party...and more!

The most recent update to the test server revamped the Paragon Dance Party -- it's now accessible to both heroes and villains, allowing them to team up inside and hang out together. There's a thread on the official forums if you want to chat about it. There's speculation that the presence of portals and reclaimators in the PDP indicate that there will be a joint hero/villain strike force located there in the future.

I've poked around a bit in the game files, and it appears that they've also added a few badges. It's uncertain what is required to get them or whether they're even active, but here they are:

Never Seen
Heart of Light / Heart of Darkness
Red Cap
Handsome / Beautiful

My guess? "Never Seen" is a badge you get for hanging out in the PDP for a sufficiently long time (ie, you're never seen in the real world), which unlocks a contact there. The Heart of Light/Darkness badges are the rewards for completing the task force. No clue about the others.

Update: Here are the Handsome/Beautiful, Heart of Light/Darkness, and what I think is the Toothbreaker (Snaptooth) badge. The icons indicate that HoL/D is probably for a SF and Toothbreaker is probably a kill badge. I'm guessing that Red Cap and Snowbeast are new gladiators, and I have no clue what Never Seen looks like.

Handsome / Beautiful

Heart of Light / Heart of Darkness

Tags: misc_

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Weekend Strike Force

Sorry I haven't been on much -- with the semester starting up again, things have been pretty busy. Fortunately, I just got a grader today, so I will hopefully be able to spend more time in game and less time disappointing students with grades.

Anybody up for a Strike Force this weekend? I nominate Saturday 4pm EST as our target time. I'll bring Bray if you want to do CaD (my preference if there are no objections) or Palcioz for any of the others. Thoughts?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

It depends. I was supposed to be helping a friend move, but they've been moving all week while I'm at work, so there may not be much for me to help with. In the event that I'm not needed, I'm there.

1/27/2006 10:21:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

CaD sound good? Or would you prefer one of the other 3?

1/27/2006 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey all, i was thinking about doing another SF, but im in the process of making a brute, so i doesn't matter to me

1/27/2006 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im also willing to host a higher lvl sf if anyone is interested

1/27/2006 05:50:00 PM  

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Monday, January 23, 2006


Hey all, i was wondering when we are doing a raid?

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

A base raid, you mean? I don't think we really have plans to do so, although if enough people want to set something up I'm sure that one of our coalition partners (WWE, probably) would be willing to let us instant-raid their base.

1/23/2006 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u mean to tell me that we could raid our partners in crime? that would be funny, we would be able to get another generator, teleporters or who knows what but that would be very funny!:)

1/24/2006 07:50:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

No, there is nothing you can currently steal from anybody in the game. Eventually, IoPs will go live and we could theoretically steal and defend those, but my understanding is that we don't have enough interest in defending IoPs considering their very small benefits.

Instant raids are completely for fun, and the defender's base reverts back to its pre-raid state afterwards.

There currently isn't anything else that really qualifies as a "raid" in CoV, so I'm not sure what else you might be talking about in this post.

1/24/2006 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont mind what i said, i think i have been reading that booklet too much.

1/25/2006 08:27:00 AM  

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Friday, January 20, 2006

Base Upgrade In Progress

Congrats and thanks to all of you who helped us save more than 1.6 million prestige for the base upgrade. We're currently in the process of putting the upgraded base together, but the teleporters and med bay should still be functional during the upgrade. Any feedback on how you'd like the base decorated would be welcome and appreciated.

Tags: base_

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Base Update

First, a quick reminder: don't place any personal items in the base unless you're willing to have them deleted. We don't really need any of the personal items currently available, and we're saving up our prestige for the next base expansion.

We're less than 100k short of our base expansion target. We'll be upgrading the plot to the 8x12 size, then rearranging some rooms in order to free up some additional prestige. (For example, we can save 150k by purchasing three smaller teleport rooms instead of the large secure one we currently have.) We'll also be upgrading the energy room in preparation for eventually purchasing the turbine generator and eventually adding an additional workshop and the remaining two arcane tables.

This expansion is the last step in completing the non-raid portion of the base. As base raiding seems to be a rather unattractive proposition at the moment (loss of prestige/salvage, poor balance, etc), my current thoughts are to put future prestige earnings to decorative and social rooms. If people are interested in base raids, we can either arrange instant raids with other SGs or upgrade the base later for IoPs and such.

Tags: base_

Monday, January 16, 2006

Respec Update

Okay, since the 16th is too soon, i have decided to make it Friday, January 20, at 8pm. i am leaving the door open to all lvls (i dont know the respec ranges), so anyone is welcome to join to whoever wants to have a respec on hand. i would like a lvl 40 to come with just for some help in the mishes (and also i dont know where the respec person is) so palcoiz, OC u r welcome to join us. the meeting place of the respec is near the ferry in Nerva, ill be there from 7:45 to 8:00 to start recruiting. i will announce when we are recruiting and so i can give people a heads up so they can finish a mish they started or for any other reason. please post if u r interested in joining.

PS Palcoiz, please put on the SG message of the day, the date, time and meeting place of the respec.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Some info for you:

The respecs are 25-30 and 30-40. The 25-30 contact is a demon on the far east side of the southern islands in Nerva. The 30-40 contact is a succubus on an island in a bay on the east side of Primeva (also in Nerva). Both are surrounded by Mu NPCs.

I'll try to come, although my schedule has become a lot more volitile recently (as some of you may have noticed).

1/16/2006 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, we'll do the 25-30 respec, im only a lvl 24 1/2, ill be 25 by thruday mabye friday. do u think we can lackey some of the little ones so they cant ag along?

1/17/2006 01:00:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Lackying will not allow somebody below the level of a SF to do the SF. The only thing lackying will do is allow people at the low end of the SF range to effectively team with people at or above the high end of the SF range.

1/17/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry it was just a thought, good news thou, i got XP severice pack 2 for my pc so i should be able to run it normally.

1/17/2006 06:38:00 PM  
Blogger Cobol said...


i got a new mobo (the onboard graphics are better than my old graphics card(changed from AGP to PCI-E)...it's so sad)
since i reinstalled windows, i now have SP2!
more normal computer!
and i can transfer music from MY computer to my iRiver!

and i can do .Net programming!

word up!

1/19/2006 05:52:00 PM  

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Respec Trial

Hey all, i was think of host a respec trial sometime soon. i dont know when a good date is so ill take to the leaders and see when is good. also i would like to know the level requirement fot he joint SF.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Just post a day and see who can come. Make sure you indicate what level you plan to run the respec at.

I updated the CaD post for you with the level range (15-20).

1/15/2006 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was thinking monday maybe u can tag along wiht us

1/15/2006 04:42:00 PM  

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Joint SF with Chaos Legion

Some of the Jagged Legion villains are interested in doing a strike force with us next weekend. Ice Mistral was our initial thought, but as we've done a couple of them over the past few days, suggestions for a different SF are welcome. Any thoughts on which strike force and when?

Edit: Sunday, Jan 15, 7pm EST, Cap au Diable. Meet at the portal in the hills on the east side of Cap au Diable. Level range is 15-20.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Let's begin with the basics? So, why not the CAD SF?

1/09/2006 11:04:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Damnit Trin, you're blowing my cover! My REAL motives is that the SF in CAD has the lowest Exemplar and we dont have lots of special powers. More skill is involved and more would have the opportunity to team up... yeah, thats my motive. :)

1/10/2006 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there are any spots left, I should be available to help with the sf's, depending on the time. I have a few villains of various levels, as I am sure many do, so there isn't a problem with which sf is done. :-) And I am sure there are others from Chaos Legion that would be around to help as well.

1/12/2006 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, total SF noob. What's the level range on this one? 15-20, correct?

Highest villain I have is a lvl 32, so count me in on whatever I can get his cold, grubby mitts on. = )

1/13/2006 05:02:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Okay, let's say Saturday, 8pm EST, CaD? Meet at the SF contact by the portal on the east side of the zone. This is the 15-20 SF with Infernal and the (other) big demon dude at the end.

1/13/2006 05:30:00 PM  

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Base Rent Payed

Our current rent is 76,105 prestige. We're still #7 on the rankings, but the rankings are currently a bit borked right now, so it doesn't really mean anything. We have just over 1.2 million prestige banked, putting us less than a half-million away from our plot upgrade.

Tags: base_

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Recruiting, Inactivity, and Silver Mantis

The supergroup is currently at the 75 member maximum, but quite a few of these players have 3 weeks or more of inactivity. So, on Thursday, I will be removing the following characters from the group:

Magma Phoenix (42 days without logging on)
Winny (37)
Hell Flame (37)
Wayne Statik (35)
Judicator Jones (31)
Bari (30)
Sarah Kerwyn (30)

The criteria for this list was the cannon fodders with over 30 days of inactivity, plus Magma Phoenix who will have over 45 days of inactivity by Thursday.

This will free up 7 slots for new members, and I will be holding a recruiting Silver Mantis SF on Friday at 8pm EST. Ideally, I'd like to see 4 SG members and 4 potential recruits, although if we get more people interested, we can always run two teams in parallel. I'll announce the event on the Pinnacle boards on Wednesday and see who bites.

If anybody has a reason why I should not remove any of the inactive characters, would like to come on the SF on Friday, or has other ideas about how we could recruit members, please feel free to reply in the comments.

Tags: admin_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be there for the SF. WX may want to accompany us, but she hasn't decided. I'll be there for sure though (unless of course, RL gets in the way, which it shouldnt).

1/09/2006 11:14:00 AM  

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ice Mistral SF Completed!

This was a fun and relatively short SF. Seven missions total (including one hunt), with a unique map (and quite an AV battle) for the final mission. Time to completion: approximately 2 hours, 45 minutes.

We'll be doing this again Monday night at 7:30 PM, EST for those interested.

The Victorious Strike Force Squall

from left to right, Prox, OC, Palcioz, and Mie (in alternate form)

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I look like I'm riding an imaginary horse in that picture lol. :)

1/09/2006 12:12:00 PM  

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hidden Evil Report

Hidden Evil night was its usual success. We only hit a tough spot once or twice where two or three groups were overlapping.

Official stalker level is 14. We only made it to 13, but we think it'd be good to hit travel powers before the jetpacks completely die. Does Wednesday continue to be a good night for people, or are there any preferences for a different night next week? If nobody has another opinion by Friday, I'll go ahead and schedule for next Wednesday the 11th.

Tags: hiddenevil_


Blogger Unknown said...

Wednesday nights are great for me!

1/05/2006 09:40:00 AM  

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