Friday, March 31, 2006

Patron Power Pools

See here.

Can't say that I'm terribly excited about the dominator options. These will make the all those pet-lovers happy, though.

Tags: misc_

Monday, March 27, 2006

Unified forums with AVs and WWE

I've recently been thinking that it would be an enormous boon to event coordination if we had a single forum for our alliance ring with the Arch Villains and World Wide Evil. I posted a proposal on the WWE forums -- tell me what you think (preferably over there, so others can comment).

On a side note, I'll probably be trying to add a few more levels to my sonic/rad tonight if anybody has a 24ish villain they want to bring.

Tags: admin_


Blogger Unknown said...

I replied to that thread. Also, I don't have anything in that range, but I'd still love to team with you. Looked for you all weekend but didn't see you.

3/27/2006 03:50:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

We spent the weekend moving stuff out of storage, across Manhattan, up 5 flights of stairs, and into our current place. Our living room is currently 2/3rds full of boxes that still need to be unpacked, and we need to find a place for the wife's bike, too. (Why she brought a bike all the way from Texas to NYC is beyond me, but she did.)

3/27/2006 05:00:00 PM  

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Plan for tonight

I'm assuming that Maverick Thorn made 32 last night (he was only a bulb away when I had to take off), so I think the current goal is getting Wavelength X up to 40 in preparation for I7. To that end...Warburg missions! I'll be on around 8pm EST tonight until 10 or 10:30ish hitting relentless Warburg PvP missions at level 40...swing by on a 30+ character if you want to join in.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Like most Thursday nights (our church night), we won't be on til after 10 or so, but yes, I DID make 32 last night. WOOT!

3/23/2006 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

In that case, I'm going to see if I can get Tanselle closer to 45 and Hami raids (because you always need another scrapper at Hami raids, of course....) My goal is to hit 50 before I7 so I can focus on the 40-50 content in CoV then.

Drop me a global when you get online, and hopefully I'll have time to run a mission or two on the villain side.

3/23/2006 05:24:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, it's just after 10, we just got home and have to eat. I'll try and catch you, but no promises.

3/23/2006 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

No worries -- have a good dinner, and I'll see you two tomorrow.

3/23/2006 10:28:00 PM  

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Teaming tonight

Okay, the apartment is painted and I can now rewire my computer back into the internet. In celebration, I'll be running a team tonight from 8pm EST until 10:30 or 11ish -- just pop on and speak up in SG chat for an invite. If we still have people working to 40, I'll run Warburg PvP missions; otherwise, it might be time to start an alt team rolling.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Maverick Thorn is almost 32 and I want my pet! You should be able to count on me, unless the wife has other plans for us tonight, which she doesn't as of right now...

3/22/2006 04:53:00 PM  

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Monday, March 20, 2006


Now that summer is comming to florida, its time for me to reflect on last years hurrican season. well last year i think god finally bugged my dad to buy a Generator, or the fact that my dad was worried that we would fall getting on and off my boat which has a generator. anyway thats how i was able to play during that time. in the end i will not be playing COV/H for some time so i wish to congradute anyone on getting to lvl 50. good luck to all!

Tags: misc_

Friday, March 17, 2006

April's Fool

So in surfing the Pigg files today, I stumbled upon the following image:

I also found reference to a badge named "April's Fool", though this badge was named "badge_event_jester". Could there be an April Fools Day event planned?

Tags: badges_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Hmm...sounds probable. I'm guessing that the devs like to do events on the scale of the Valentine's thing, as it takes a minimal amount of new artwork (badges), lets them play with interesting mission structures, and doesn't really require any major changes to the game (like removing the 5th column or adding the Rularuu).

Of course, the ultimate irony would be if this badge didn't actually exist and was an April Fool's joke on the pigg hacker.

3/18/2006 12:42:00 AM  

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Monday, March 13, 2006

Ice Mistral SF: Wed 7:30pm EST

Okay, it's been a while since we saw each other online, much less teamed together. Let's try to get together for a SF this week -- I propose Ice Mistral, Thursday night, 6pm EST so we have plenty of time to finish it. Alternatively, there's not too many of us, so if this time doesn't work, please post below with a better one. We can also stretch this into two nights if people don't have time for it all in one night.

Level range is 35-40. Minimum participate is 4, but I'll try to fill out the team with coalition members if possible. This will probably only happen if we get 3-4 people together, so reply to this post so I know you're interested (and with a preferred time if 6pm EST on Thursday doesn't work for you)!

Update: Looks like we're now aiming for 7pm EST on Wednesday.
Update 2: Time change to 7:30 pm EST on Wednesday. So far, we have 5: Omicron Cypher, Grave Sorcerer, Chaos Force Mage, me, and King Venom will try to make it.
Update 3: Okay, OC and KV didn't show, and CFM wouldn't have been able to start until around 8:15ish. I'm not going to schedule this until I get better feedback about times -- post in the comments when would be good for you. I suggest Sunday at sometime -- I should be free all day. The SF is 6 doors and 1 hunt, so figure 2-3 hours.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Welcome to the blog, GS. :)

3/15/2006 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry, I had an emergency come up. I probably won't be on until Friday night. This weekend would be fine for me. Saturday afternoon I have to change the oil in my car, but after that, I'll be gaming until the wee hours. Sunday, after 4 would be fine as well.

3/16/2006 09:11:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Looks like my wife and I are going to be painting our apartment this weekend, which means that the computer's going to need to move away from the internet connection. I'll hopefully be on in the evenings, but I better not commit to any specific time at this point.

3/17/2006 11:16:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like RL is a mess for most of us lol.

3/17/2006 12:02:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Ain't that the truth?

3/17/2006 02:37:00 PM  

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Updated Base Pictures

I just thought that I'd post some pictures of our newly revamped base -- some old base pictures can be found here. Enjoy!


Reception Desk


Infirmary Beds

Main Room (Library, Lounge, and Tech Workshop)

Main Room (Opposite Angle)

Briefing Area and Raid Teleporter

Transport Alcove #1

Transport Alcove #2 with Basement in the Background

Arcane Workshop


Evil Geniuses' Office

Basement Storage and Generator

Basement Lab

Tags: base_


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have a reception desk? WTF! i didnt know we hade one! and also why do the Generator room look like a sewer, thats a dead giveaway to a raid. i think i should resdesign the base at least the Gen room!

3/16/2006 07:48:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Every incarnation of our base has had a reception desk. I have no clue how you've missed them, seeing how they're right in front of the enterance. The generator has also been in a basement with that general look and feel since at least the end of November.

In regards to raids, (1) generators are too big to hide and easy to spot anyway, and (2) this is not a raidable base as it has no dimensional anchors or items of power.

3/16/2006 08:37:00 AM  

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Reviving Team Evil

As I'm sure most of you remaining people have noticed, the VG has become rather inactive of late. Maverick X and I are going to be starting to take some steps to try to revive the group to keep it alive through I7 (when we expect a number of players to return to the game) and beyond.

As a first step, we're extending invitation privs to all slackers -- feel free to invite your friends or any other good players who are looking for a good group. We'll also be trying to move over any active players from Hidden Evil, and we're beginning to explore other opportunities to add to our membership.

We're still in the planning stages of how to increase our number of actives -- we'll be sure to keep everybody updated on what's going on, and feel free to contact one of us if you have any ideas on how to make the group more attractive for our current and prospective members.

Tags: admin_

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Auto Assault

Well, I thought I'd spin this off into its own thread. How many of you are planning to get Auto Assault? I haven't touched the game since back before that huge revamp several months ago -- the game needed a lot of work back then, but it's been long enough for considerable improvement.

Basically, I'm wondering if the teaming situation is any better now -- convoying was pretty useless, and for me, teaming is the main reason to play MMOs....

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know if I'll get it. I haven't logged-in in months. I've been betatesting Space Cowboy (I'd rather fly than drive). Plus, I can't afford too many monthly fees. End of the month im moving to a larger (read, more expensive) apartment in my complex, so I may be out for a week as well.

3/08/2006 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

From my time in the beta of Auto Assault (playing up into the 30s as a Mutant Archon -- yeah, it was past the level cap at the time, but whatever), I thought the game felt like it would make a really excellent single-player game but a really poor MMO. It felt mostly like Morrowind meets Mad Max -- fairly engrossing quests (with a difficult-to-manage organizational system), fairly easy combat (meaning either trivial or impossible -- basically no skill involved), and a lot of driving around the wasteland. As per the original post, though, that was before they did a massive revamp of the game, and I haven't seen it since then.

I wasn't really planning on picking it up, but I'd be willing to give it a go if you all say that it's worthwhile. I think I agree with Staggerlee when he says that CoV isn't really what I wanted, but I might just be getting a bit tired of the whole CoX thing in general. I'm paid up with Cryptic for another few months, though, so I'll be around regardless.

Currently, my gaming time is mostly divided between SW:Empire at War (I was one of those few fans of SW:Rebellion, and this is much better) and Puzzle Pirates, the latter purely because they have a micropayment system that lets you play essentially for free. I'm definitely searching for something new, though....

3/09/2006 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well this is gonna be funny to most of you. since i got bored with COV/H i have been playing Starcraft. (i know i like it that much!) For those of you who dont know what Starcraft is, is was an RPG that came out back in the mid-90's, its still a great game though, for any of who who played it. But if any of you can give me an overveiw of what AA is about maybe ill look into buying it.

3/10/2006 07:42:00 AM  

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Woo! Internet Access is Restored!

Sorry for the unexpected absense, but I spent the past week trying to get my internet access switched to my new apartment. You'd think that since it's the same building, you could just plug in the modem and go, but apparently there was some new wiring that had to be done or something like that. Apparently the previous tenant just shared access with one of the neighbors (there's CAT-5 running through holes in the wall, out the apartment, down the hall, and into somebody else's place), so the place was never wired for cable.

Silly old NYC building. Due to all the moving, I'm a bit behind in my research, but I should be back in-game shortly.

Hope the evildoing continues to go well!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Phew! I was worried Pal. Good to have you back!

3/08/2006 09:18:00 AM  

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

A word of advice WARNING

Okay, to simplify things, The Patrol somehow dissappeared, i suspect it was because we didnt pay rent. so i think it is best to pay rent instead of waiting for it to cap out. WARINING

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Not sure what you're talking about Tech. The Patrol is still there. Did you quit the SG? I logged on a few of my characters and they are all still in it.

3/06/2006 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i logged onto COH i saw that i was not on the SG. i know i didnt quit so maybe someone booted me off so im still tryin to get back on. but i just wanted to get that out there but maybe im too crazy.

3/07/2006 07:51:00 AM  

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

VG Costume Contest (sticky until 3/1/06)

We've had some small rumblings about putting together a VG costume, but there's nothing final that we've settled on. So, in the spirit of competition over cooperation, I'm offering up a half million infamy to whoever can come up with the best costume design for Team Evil.

Here's how this will work: Entrants should create a costume and post front and back pictures to the blog by midnight PST on the evening of March 1st. Omicron Cypher and I will go through the entires and pick what we feel are the two best ones, judging by how well the costumes fit with the "Team Evil" theme and overall appearance. We will then open up a thread for member voting, and the costume that receives the most votes by March 15th (via replies on the blog) will become our official costume.

Only basic costume parts available to all characters are allowed, so no capes, auras, special helmets, togas, etc. You may post different versions for the three different types of characters (male/female/huge), or else your costume should be easily transferable to any of the three types. You may enter as many times as you like.

If you do not have posting priviledges yet, please send me (Palcioz) a real email address via in-game email, and I'll send you an invite.

Update: As we have received only a single entry, I'm postponing the choosing of a VG costume for the immediate future. We'll get this going again once the group is more active.

Tags: events_



Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree

3/05/2006 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, I have 2 beta accounts and have tooled around a bit in there as well. Not sure if I'll make the total switch though. If I do, I'll be sure to look you up bud. =]

3/06/2006 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont know what i might so later on, but let me see about auto assault and ill get back to ya.

3/07/2006 07:53:00 AM  

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