Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Any midweek events?

Sorry, Lobster...just crashed out. I'm not going bother to log back in tonight since it's bedtime anyway.

I'm going to a friend's wedding this weekend, but I'm pretty free tomorrow and on Thursday until midnightish EDT, in case anybody wants to run do casual SF in the evenings or just generally team during the day.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry that I havent been around much in the past week. Just needed a break and ended up having company anyways. I should be back in the Paragon/Rogue Islands area tomorrow. =]

5/31/2006 10:19:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

No worries Pal :).

Lookin forward to omi getting back too!

As for what to do...I was thinking we could take a run at the 1st SF (or whatever one is 20-25) this week or weekend. Maybe over a few nights. NOTHING SERIOUS OR PRE-PLANNED! Just if we're on, start it up and finish it the next night. I'd like to use my corruptor (who I'm really enjoying!) to grab some of the SF badges for KV he's missing, in preparation for whatever TF Commander type accolade there is for villains.

I'd also like to get a respec out of the way maybe thursday or friday night? Pretty much just for the badge & so I have one banked on the corr.

Random infobit - I had a lot of fun the other night duoing my rad/cold with False's sonic/cold - we were pretty much brute-mages! /cold is lots of fun for duos. Not looking forward to large groups though and the chain buffage :P.

5/31/2006 12:02:00 PM  

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Per the thread here, all test chars will be temporarily wiped and we will be able to create brand new level 40 heroes or villains from May 24th at around 11:00 am Central to May 26th around 8:00 am Central....So, we should get a few SG villain pvp teams going and try some crazy pvp builds - as a team, see what (if anything) the fuss over pvp is all about, and see how much damage we can cause intentionally.

Things to try:
All flying claws/spines stalkers.
All ar/x corruptors with heavy slotting in snipe (no trail to see where shots fired from)
All thug mms for massive pet fest (hello real GANG WAR!)
All elec brutes for massive tele-smash?
All /traps corrs & mms + tfoe for massive gank field fest.

And a million more other fun things I'm sure. I'll definitely be putting in a few hours during this even, hopefully I'll be able to get my standard global (@lobster) - if only just to test thugs, elec brutes, & TA in pvp. Thoughts?
Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like loads of fun. Count me in.

5/22/2006 11:34:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...!

5/24/2006 08:01:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Heh, I saw pretty much no one on live side during the event, nor anyone really on test.

I did try out:

elec/elec brute - def making one on live. tox dmg rapes me. really want to work CJ into my build.
thug/ta - note to self: take aid other/self on live. Not sure how I'm going to fit it in, maybe skip Gang War...
thug/traps - got an ice tank down to almost dead and made him hibernate twice before 2 or 3 friends of his showed up and took 5-10 mins to kill me
mind/kin - just wanted to try out tk, was fairly unimpressed but it wasn't the best circumstances. very hard to kill anything. far cry from the 50 EPPed out mind controllers who were mauling me on test before
inv/mace tank - just wanted to try out mace. Pretty much what you'd expect from at tank. Hard to kill, but couldn't kill anything.
nin/nin stalker - no stamina, teleport + flight. I love ninja blade, absolutely love it. why can't it be a scrapper set? The /nin heal is pretty sweet too. I'll make one of these someday...
dark/energy stalker - dark primary seemed to suck except the fear and self heal. Self heal was pretty low too. Damage seemed quite sub par, but shadow maul is a pretty poor pvp power with that horrid animation time, and midnight grasp did damage too slow to kill anything.
ice/dark corruptor - just wanted to see what having 3 holds was like. End usage on ice/ is HORRIBLE! I would run out of end on an even con warden every time. That's 3 slotted stamina, probably without end reds in attacks though, I forget.

What I wish I'd tried:
elec/elec blaster
/cold & /fire corrs
em stalker
axe tank

Wish they'd do this kind of thing more often, what a blast!

5/26/2006 07:31:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Figures they end this event the day before I get back. Well, I'm back. See you all in-game!

5/27/2006 09:08:00 AM  

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A bit unstable

Well, if you are using the most recent unstable build from CGT (or HS I believe), they now track SG/TG information. So I went ahead and setup a page for Team Evil.

I have also setup a page for the Patrol as well.

These are currently on the unstable site as well, but will move to the live site once a stable release of CGT is published. Help me add to these, as I'm sure many of you do use CGT.

Tags: misc_

Monday, May 15, 2006

Events Update

Silver Mantis: Well done, everybody. Somehow, I knew that our doom-and-gloom hype to Mav was going to leave us sputting, " was far worse last time we did it!" Not to mention various references to "uphill both ways" and "through shoulder-high snow with only Rikti monkey skins wrapped around our feet for protection."

Badge Hunting Contest: Well, we have a grand total of one entrant, whose badge score hasn't changed in a few days. I say we give him 10k for each point scored (so, figure around 200k). I'll pay this out from my portion of the prize fund, but...

Away from Game for a Bit: I'll be far away from internet access from the 20th until the 27th. I'll pass Mav a couple hundred thousand infamy for distributing prizes. Do we want to try to run this contest again when I7 hits and people are levelling up their new toons?

Since I won't be around next weekend, I obviously won't be organizing any SFs or such. Any volunteers to put one together?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks again for the SF!!

As for the contest. I say we call it off until I-7.

5/15/2006 01:19:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

I think the quote of the night goes to Mav with "I'm just glad I'm on a TE team so I don't have to think!" Or something to that effect. :)

SF went very well, always a blast to run these things with you guys! I would volunteer to run something, but you know how flaky my time commitments are ;). I wouldn't mind doing the 35-40 SF though...we shall see.

5/15/2006 04:13:00 PM  

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Friday, May 12, 2006

One Team I'm Glad Not to Be On

So, logging in Bray, I find myself quickly presented with the random invitation to join a team. At least it's a tell, not a blind invite.

madmax999: want to join a team
-->madmax999: doing what?
madmax999: just missions

Hmm, let's investigate the situation a bit. Level 34 probably fighting +3s or so. Could be deadly, could be profitable. I'm bored, let's give it a shot.

-->madmax999: okay, I'll come for a bit
madmax999: they are lvl 37
madmax999: our party is only lvl 30 to 36
-->madmax999: Do you have enough LKs for all the lower characters, including me?
madmax999: sorry I don't think we can lackey you. our lvls are too close
-->madmax999: then why are you freaking soliciting level 31s for your team????

No reply. Probably for the best. Ended up soloing Luminary (EB, not AV) instead of grinding of the likely 2-3 bulbs of debt that would have resulted.

Tags: misc_


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL! You just knocke him so hard he can't speak. what a dusch!

PS ill try get back on tomorrow along with Rez. and they are cutting my power for 6 HOURS! OMG, thy are just transfering powerlines to poles. Thank God for generators!

5/12/2006 10:40:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Hah, brilliant, Mie.

5/15/2006 12:24:00 PM  

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Contest Start

Ok, my fam is in. We're grabbing dinner, then we should be back. I should be back in time to help, but if not, PLEASE get a list of everyone so I can toggle them in the database. Thanks!
Tags: misc_

Monday, May 08, 2006

Updated mission/contact list

OK, after numerous alts, this list should be just about complete. I'm still missing a few special contacts (the ghost one in PO at least). I've put all the info into the first comment so it doesn't push the contest info and such down too far.

One thing to note - some missions have been changed (without any kind of announcement) since CoV went live. I'm discovering them every now and then, and updating everything as I find it. Hopefully this will be useful to someone besides myself!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

This is probably going to format horribly, do a select all and copy and paste it to a .txt file and it should be ok. Eventually I'll clean it up and post it on the web somewhere.


Matthew Burke, 1-6
1) Plant bugs on flyers [MI]- 4 flyers to bug - outdoor arachnos landing pad - arachnos
1) Bring back a Snake skin [MI] - Defeat Sithius & guards - snake hole - snakes
-> phone
-> lvl 1/5 TOs available, insps
2) Defeat all Snakes [MI] - Seek clues - snake hole - snakes
3) Defeat all Snakes in hatchery [MI] - snake holes - snakes - lts hatch from eggs
-> ?? available
3) Defeat all operatives in base [MI] - Steal the Mu Codex - arach base - arachnos
4) Defeat Kurst & his guards [MI] - Steal Kurst's files, Defeat Agent Kurst & guards - longbow base - longbow
-> introduce: Doctor Creed

Kalinda, 1-6
1) Defeat Burch & all negotiators [MI] - outdoor MI area - longbow, arach
2) Defeat Sapphus & guards [MI] - snake hole - snakes
3) Eliminate the infected [MI] - sewage/warehouse - infected
1) Defeat all snakes in area [MI] - outdoor MI area - snakes
-> 5 TOs available
2) Defeat all snakes in lab [MI] - arach lab - snakes
3) Defeat Syrus & guards [MI] - snake hole - snakes
-> introduce: Mongoose
a) Speak with Lorenz Ansaldo [SI]
b) Defeat all agents, destroy contraband [SI] - 3 crates to destroy - warehouse -
c) Steal cape from hero [SI] - Defeat hero & allies, 2 destroy statue - outdoor GC - longbow
a) Speak with archmage Taraxus [SI]
b) Find Mystic artifacts [martial] - large warehouse - carnies
c) Offer artifacts to powers [CaD] - Offer artifacts, Fend off attackers! - large oranbega - cot - 3 waves

Mongoose, 5-10
1) Steal money from Bank [MI] - Steal money from vault!, Defeat guards to escape - bank - security guards
-> 5 TOs available
-> phone on return
1) Cull snake population - Defeat 5 snakes
-> 10 TOs available
2) Clear out Snake nest [MI] - snake hole - snakes
3) Defeat Snake leader & minions [MI] - snake hole - snakes
4) Defeat all Snakes in casino [MI] - tiki hut - snakes
5) Defeat all Hellions in base [MI] - 75 mins - arach base - hellions

Doctor Creed, 5-10
1) Defeat all guards, steal supplies [MI] - 5 crates to steal, defeat guards to escape - top/insade ship - wyvern
1) Defeat all Infected in warehouse [MI]
*TEMP POWER: Infected Anti-Serum, lasts 15 mins
-> insps, 1-5 TOs available
-> phone after return
2) Rescue Arachnos informant [MI] - Rescue informant!, Lead informant out! - longbow warehouse - longbow, arachnos [pet]
-> ? available
3) Interrogate Doctor Geist [MI] - Steal research data, Defeat Doctor Geist, 2 labs to destroy - arach lab - arach
3) Stop Biopulse from joining Longbow [MI] - Defeat Biopulse & witnesses - sewers - infected, longbow
4) Kidnap homeless people from warehouse [MI] - 2 victims to kidnap - undership scaffolding->homeless warehouse - hellions

Seer Marino, Mercy Island, 10-15
1) Talk to Operative Oudot [BB]
2) Uncover Paolo's true fate [MI] - Find Surveillance, find more information - trashed office - lost
-> 15 TOs available
-> phone after return
3) Get records, leave no witnesses [MI] - Find Wretch's files, destroy security computer - arachnos lab - arachnos
4) Steal research from Legacy Chain [MI] - 3 books to research - red office - legacy chain
-> 15 DOs available ?
5) Protect Ohanko [MI] - Free Ohanko, Remove body, Defeat base leader - arachnos lab - arachnos
6a) Warn Ghost Widow [MI] - arachnos lab - arachnos
6b) Speak with Arbiter Diaz [MI]
7) Rescue the Wretch [MI] - Defeat Mu'Rakir - arachnos lab/sewers - arachnos


*Get the plans - Get the plans - warehouse - mooks
*Defeat Boiling Point & guards - warehouse - hellions
*Get the Sonata CD - warehouse - mooks
*Kidnap Haxx0r - warehouse - goldbrickers
*Defeat Ocala & guards - warehouse - mooks
*Get the microchip - red office - mooks
*Defeat Pumm & guards - red office - trolls
*Defeat Mark & guards - red office - lost
*Defeat Death's Head/Ivory & guards - brown cave - skulls
*Steal the Enigmatic's Tooth - Steal the Enigmatic's tooth - brown caves - cot

*Rob the Hook & Anchor [PO] - casino - security guards
*Find Blackbeards treasure [PO] - Defeat security to escape - blackbeard's- security guards
*Get the Loot [PO] - bank - rogue island police - RIPS
*Get the Loot [MI] - Defeat security to escape - bank - RIPS
*Take advantage of Mook robbery [PO] - Defeat security to escape - mooks, rips - 3 ambushes at vault

Billie Heck, 6-10
1) Defeat all Verandi intruders [PO] - Rescue Emil Marcone - red office - mooks
-> phone after return
2) Kidnap Vanessa Verandi [PO] - Assist Pitbull, Get Vanessa out of cargo ship - boat top and interior - mooks - elite

boss (bloody vicious)
3) Get reward from warehouse [PO] - Defeat all ambushers - ruined warehouse - hellions/mooks - low cons
-> enhancements
4) Capture Guido "The Mooch" Verandi [PO] - warehouse - mooks/hellions - elite boss (guido verandi)
5) Defeat Bloody Vicious, Pitbull, thugs [PO] - Defeat Bloody Vicious [boss] & thugs, Defeat Pitbull [lt] & thugs - red

office - mooks

Angelo Vendetti, 6-10, 1 is alwayst first, 2 & 3 are randomly ordered
1) Catch Archon Winters [PO] - Capture Winters & escape - council base - council - 4 ambushes
-> 5/10 TOs available
-> phone after return
2) Deal with Niles Worthington [PO] - Crush Niles Worthington - council base - council
3) *ARC:
1) Get shipping info & clear base [PO] - Shipping info - council base - council
2) Search ship & defeat Council [PO] - 2 clues to find - ship interior - council
3) Defeat the Council's Vampyr [PO] - council base - council

Mr. Bocor, 5-10
1) Retrieve the Loa Bone [PO] - Defeat Arcanist Wistan - red office - legacy chain
*BADGE: Bone Collector
*TEMP POWER: Loa Bone - Summon Zombie, 5 uses
2) *ARC: The Book & the Burning
1) Defeat all guards & steal book [PO] - Steal the book- red office - family, hellions
-> phone after completion
2a) Defeat Hellions for info - Defeat 10 Hellions
2b) Defeat all Hellions in hideout [PO] - Find Mordrogar, Find the book - abandoned warehouse - hellions, legacy chain
3) Defeat all foes in caves [PO] - Find the book - tunnels - hellions, legacy chain
4) Retrieve Olivia Starr [PO] - Catch Olivia Starr - tunnels - hellions
5) Defeat the Sea Witch [PO] - docked ship map - spectral pirates

The Radio, PO, level 10-15 [1 is first, rest are random]
1a) Steal Outbreak from Lost [PO] - sewers - lost
1b) Drop off the canisters of Outbreak [PO] - 4 drop-off points - outdoor city - longbow
*BADGE: Plague Carrier*
2) Take out Wyvern Financier [PO] - red office - wyverns
-> phone after completion
3) Bust up Legacy initation [PO] - 4 things to steal, defeat initation boss - red office - legacy chain
1A) Beat Wyvern Rep for info [CaD] - Beat Wyvern rep - red office - wyverns - ambushes mid mish
1B) Force Tech to get codebreakers [PO] - Kidnap technician, take tech to computer - arach lab - arachnos
1C) Get the Hit List [PO] - Steal list, 3 research files, beat guardian - red office - wyvern
2a) Learn spy identity [PO] - Find spy identity, defeat spymaster - council caves - council
2b) Catch Council spy, or not [PO] - catch the spy - arach labs - council


*Defeat Joey Hamburger & Guards - red office - mooks
*Get the Dagger of Erishkigel - brown cave - snakes
*Get the membership list - red office - mooks
*Get Long John's silver - red office - trolls
*Kidnap RJ - red office - hellions
*Defeat Gamuche & guards - warehouse - mooks
*Get the treasure map - sewers - cot
*Get the gizmos - brown caves - skulls
*Defeat Tonk & guards - red office -
*Get the Blood Ruby - brown cave - snakes
*Defeat White Phosphorous & guards - abandoned warehouse - hellions
*Defeat Pharason & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Boiling Point & guards - warehouse - hellions
*Defeat Three Bands & Guards - sewers - snakes
*Kidnap Dr. Howard - mooks
*Kidnap Frank Gordon - warehouse - trolls
*Get the Blue Oyster - brown cave - snakes

Boris the Russian:
*Get the loot [CaD] - bank - RIPs
*Rob the speakeasy [CaD] - speakeasy - RIPs

1st 15 contact has:
1) Talk to Seer Marino [MI]
2) Speak with Arachos Liason [CaD]

Peter Themari, 10-15 (all missions ordered)
1) Defeat Longbow agent & his team [CaD] - tunnel - luddites, longbow
-> 10-15 TOs available
-> phone after return
2) Defeat all agents in post [CaD] - longbow base - longbow
-> ?? available
3) Save Olivia Darque [CaD] - outdoor skyway map - longbow, council, arach [pet] - hostage escort
1) Defeat all villains in lab [CaD] - Seek cause of death - lab - arachnos
-> introduce: Willy Wheeler
2) Plant files on computer [CaD] - red office - legacy chain
3) Extract Pyriss [CaD] - tunnels - legacy chain, vigilantes [pet]

Willy Wheeler, 15-20, random order (arc last)
1) Defeat all Arachnos personell [CaD] - arach warehouse - arachnos
-> 15 TOs, 15 mut/mag DOs available
-> phone on return
2) Plant bombs in Arachnos base [CaD] - 5 bombs to set - arachnos base - arachnos
3) Destroy altar & guardians [CaD] - blue caves - cot
4) Discipline the Circle [Cad] - Defeat 20 CoT
1) Free Willy's source from Arachnos [CaD] - Rescue Ace McKnight!, Lead Ace McKnight out! - arach base - arachnos
2) Defeat Arachnos Agent Dominic [CaD] - arach base - arachnos
3) Capture McKnight, defeat his allies [CaD] - warehouse - arachnos, longbow - EB [ace mcknight]
*END ARC: random DO

Dr. Shelly Percey, CAD, 10?-15
1a) Find the Nictus - council caves - council
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Shadow Step (teleport): 2 hour duration,
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Gravitic Emanation: cone kb, disorient, slow: 2 hour duration
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Absorbtion: passive, res neg/nrg
1b) Have Nictus extracted [CaD] - lab - council
*NICTUS Powers removed
-> 10-15 TOs available
1) Defeat Hicks & his men [CaD] - Steal the equipment - arach lab - arachnos, luddites
-> Phone after completion
-> ?? available
2) Defeat all Arachnos in base [CaD] - Search base for info, 2 keys to find - lab - arachnos - do middle elevator last!
-> introduce: Marshall Brass
3) Save Dr. Percey's work [CaD] - lab - goldbrickers - lab equipment to protect - ambushes after lab equip room cleared
*END ARC: random TO*
3) Find chemical samples [CaD] - sewers - vahz - many ambushes - it's a KILL ALL mish
4) Defeat Typhoid Willy & friends [CaD] - sewers - lost
5) Defeat all Arachnos & Longbow [CaD] - arachnos base - arachnos, longbow
-> introduce: Marshall Brass

Marshal Brass, 15-20, random order
1) Talk to Seer Marino [MI]
2)*ARC: [unnamed]*
-> 15 tech/natch DOs available
-> phone after complete
1) Defeat all Wyverns in base [CaD] - Find Wyvern's objective - small arach base - wyvern
2) Recover Amanda Vines [CaD] - Find Vines, Prof. Echo - lab - shivans
-> 20 tech/natch available
3) Kidnap workmen [CaD] - 3 workers to kidnap - outdoor industrial map - clockwork
4) Find truth about PTS [CaD] - Secure PTS data, Find Vines - arach/pts cave [special] - arach, wyvern
-> introduce: Operative Wellman
5) Destroy the generators [CaD] - 90 mins - 7 generators to destroy - outdoor cobblestone town - wyvern, arach
3a) Steel Rocket-pack from Brickers [CaD] - Steal Rocket-pack - warehouse - goldbrickers
3b) Get Rocket-pack to Dr. Flammond [CaD] - 90 mins - Find Dr. Flammond, escort Dr. Flammond out - arachnos lab -
4)*ARC: Echo Down the Aeons
1) Defeat all Wyvern tech thieves [CaD] - Find target of theft - lab - wyvern
2) Defeat any intruders in base [CaD] - arach lab - shivans, prof echo
3) Catch Prof. Echo [CaD] - arach lab - 2 level arach lab - wyvern, prof echo [elite boss], dr aeon? [lt]
*END ARC: random DO*

Dmitri Krylov, 10-15
1) Defeat Beatiful Dead [CaD] - sewers - vahz
2) Bring citizens to Vahzilok surgeons [CaD] - 3 victims to kidnap - small city block/graveyard map - skulls, clocks,

-> lvl 10/15 TOs available
3) Steal notes from facemaker [CaD] - 75 mins - red office - vahz, facemaster [elite boss]
1) Defeat Experiment 236 & witnesses [CaD] - arachnos lab - arachnos, spetsnaz commandos, 2 bosses in last room
-> ?? available
2) Take down spies & witnesses [CaD] - abandoned warehouse - wyverns, spetsnaz commandos
-> introduce: Golden Roller
3) Defeate Electroshock & witnesses [CaD] - outdoor KR map - skulls, lost, vahz
4) Interrogate Spetsnaz leader [CaD] - top/inside of boat - spetsnaz commandos
5) Take down Turovsky & witnesses [CaD] - outdoor factory type area - spetsnaz commandos, goldbrickers, arachnos,

luddites, clockworks
6) Defeat all spetsnaz in lab [CaD] - 90 mins - Stop Fariak before he escapes! - lab - spesnatz commandos

Golden Roller, 15-20 (random order), random order
1) Shut down the D-Rifter [CaD] - 90 mins - Destroy the D-Rifter - 90 mins - 4 floor lab - arachnos, trolls, vahz, clocks,

family, tsoo, lost
-> 15 TOs, 15 sci/tech DOs available
-> phone on return
1) Kidnap Dr. Cambrian [Cad] - Kidnap Dr. Cambrian - arachnos lab - arachnos
2) Defeat Lost in cargo ship [CaD] - inside ship - lost
-> 20 sci/tech DOs available
3) Steal data & decryption key [CaD] - Steal research data, steal decryption key - lab - crey
*END ARC: random DO
3) Break Goldbrickers out of Wyvern hideout [CaD] - Rescue Flashbang, lead Flashbang out - warehouse - wyvern, goldbricker

[pets] - entry ambush,
3) Defeat the Luddites [CaD] - ship outdoor & indoor - luddites - elite boss (sea witch) (used to be a badge mish

(seaweed), but not any more)
4) Set bombs at PTS [CaD] - 3 bombs to set - outdoor industrial map - longbow, goldbrickers, clocks

Operative Wellman, 15-20
1) Steal the prisoner transfer list [CaD] - longbow - longbow base
-> 15 TOs, 15 mut/sci DOs
-> phone after return
2) Break prisoners out of the Zig [MI] - 0-> 3 villains to free->3 villains to lead out - brickstown/zig/breakout map -

longbow, security guards, arachnos [allies] - pets: jenkins, blunt trauma [ss brute], nexus 99 [en/en blaster], void ripper

[dm scrap]
-> 20 mut/sci DOs (?)
3) Defeat all Longbow agents [CaD] - inside/outside boat - longbow
*END ARC: random DO*
1) Defeat all Wyvern mercenaries [CaD] - inside/outside boat - wyvern
2) Destroy Boomtown supplies [CaD] - 2 forklifts to destroy, 5 supply piles to destroy - boomtown map - longbow
3) Destroy hero statues [CaD] - NE SC/statues map - 2 statues to destroy - wyvern, tsoo, outcasts
#MAP:STATUES# (also in cape mish)
*END ARC: random DO


PAPER: 5 for heist

* Defeat Manhandle & Guards - red office - freaks
* Get Henri's Cross - sewers - cot
* Kidnap Kerry Killen:
- red office - council - *BUGGED: KILL BOSS not hostage
- warehouse - lost
* Kidnap Luke - sewers - sky raiders
* Kidnap Arbiter Armstrong - warehouse - sky raiders
* Get the Claw of Doom - brown cave - tsoo
* Get the mandrake rook/Isis' Staff - Get [X] - sewers - sky raiders
* Defeat Flying Dragon & Guards - brown cave - tsoo
* Kidnap Jesse Montoya - sewers - cot
* Defeat Veratzu & guards - sewers - cot
* Kidnap Gigabyte - sewers - council
* Get hacker codes - Get the hacker codes - warehouse - freaks - click + kill all in room
* Defeat Archon Maurillo & guards - red office - council
* Defeat Connor & guards [SI] - red office - lost
* Defeat Officer Benatar & Guards - warehouse/red office - sky raiders
* Defeat Oiler/Jag & guards - warehouse - freaks
* Defeat Zonk & guards - warehouse - trolls


* Defeat all security (chum bucket) [SI] - rob the safe - bar casino - security guards
* Get the loot [SI] - Defeat security to escape - brown walled bank - security guards
* Get the Loot [SI] - white walled bank - cage consortium


Captain Petrovich, 20-25
1) Talk to Warzon Liason [SI]
2) Harvest coral - Defeat 20 Slag Golems
3) Steal the arms shipment [SI] - 3 arms crates to steal - outside & inside ship - family
-> 20/25 Sci/tech DOs available
4) Destroy Cage Consortium assets [SI] - 3 bombs to set, 3 more supply crates to destroy - outdoor industrial - cage

consortium guards
-> phone after completion
1) Break into Freakshow base [SI] - Defeat Freakshow leader & gangers - freakshow warehouse - freaks
-> 25 Tech SOS
2) Take down Freakshow boss in Paragon City [SI] - outdoor residential - freaks
3) Escort Eddie Crush out of Council Base [SI] - Escort Eddie Crush to door - council caves - council, freaks [pet]
4) Squeeze Scrapyarders for info [SI] - warehouse - scrapyarders, family - (defeat boss & room)
5) Defeat Scrapyarder leader [SI] - outside & inside boat - scrapyarders - EB: Spinnerette (fly, psi)
-> intro: Lt. Chalmers
6) Kidnap Iron Widow from Council base [SI] - 90 mins - council base - council, scrapyarders (eb pet) - 3 simultaneous

ambushes (3 player)
6) Destroy magic ring in Hell Forge [SI] - Destroy ring in accid barrel!- outdoor industrial map - security guards
7) Find family heirloom [SI] - brown cave - cot

Lt. Chalmers, 20-25 (ordered missions)
1) Rescue Air Defense coordinator [SI] - Rescue Coordinator - warehouse - wyvern, longbow
-> 20/25 mut/mag DOs available
-> phone after return
2) Attack Underwater Base [MI] - 4 bombs to set, Find plans, Find info, defeat Vickers - longbow base - longbow
-> ?? available
3) Defeat Ballista-1 during battle [SI] - 90 mins - Defeat Ballista - outdoor SI area near sky raider base - longbow,

sky raiders [allies] - EB: Ballista-1
1) Steal holographic disguise - Find Holographic Disguise - arach lab - archanos
2a) Talk to Shelly Pearce [CaD]
*TEMP POWERS [2 hours or end after mish 5b]:
*Galaxy disguise, Nictus Gravitic Emanation, Nictus Absorbtion, Nictus Shadow Step
2b) Kidnap Council defector [CaD] - Kidnap defector - tunnels - wyvern
3) Steal robotics data [SI] - 2 pieces of data - council base - council, wyvern (ambushes) - defeat all

Lorenz Ansaldo, 20-25 (1st random, 2nd always arc)
1) Bust up the d ockworkers strike [SI] - 3 strike leaders to defeat - outdoor SI map - scrapyarders - FUCKING HORRID MAP
-> 20/25 tech/nat DOs available
1) Interrogate Legacy Chain leader [SI] - Defeat leader & minions - warehouse - legacy chain
2) Interrogate Scrapyarders - Defeat 20 Scrapyarders
3) Kidnap Iron Billy [SI] - outdoor scrapyard area - scrapyarders
-> ?? available
4) Take down the Sea Witch [SI] - outdoor ship + scaffolding map - scrapyarders, hero [sea witch]
3) Get Wormy out of warehouse [SI] - Lead Wormy Out! - warehouse - longbow - constant ambushes
4a) Attack Council near The Pit [SI] - Defeat 20 Council
4b) Blow up Council generators [SI] - 5 generators to destroy - council base - council
-> introduce: Operative Vargas
5) Defeat doctor & assistants [SI] - outdoor industrial yard - sneaky freaks
->l27: introduce: Operative Kirkland
6a) Take out Marcone boss [SI] - red office - family
6b) Find the Scrapyard troublemaker [SI] - abandoned warehouse - scrapyarders

Operative Vargas, 20-25
1) Take prototype launcher [SI] - Steal plans, steal prototype, Defeat Cpt. Dawnson - lab - sky raiders
-> 20/25 mut/sci DOs available
-> phone on return
1) Defeat all Council in base [SI] - small council base - council
2) Defeat all Freakshow in base [SI] - 90 mins - 4 bombs to disarm - arach base - freaks
-> 25 Sci SOs available
3) Get info from Bruce Braun [SI] - Catch Cpt. Bruce Brown - lab - skyraiders
4a) Catch Agent Sampson [SI] - Capture Agent Sampson - brown caves - scrapyarders
4b) Secure stolen information [SI] - 4 pieces of stolen info - longbow warehouse - longbow - ambush after each clicky
5) Capture Agent Caspian [SI] - DEfeat Agent Caspian - arach base - arachnos
6) Capture Longbow Base [MI] - Kidnap tech->Take tech to mainframe, Defeat LeoKnight [EB: Tank], Capture Commander -

longbow base - longbow
3a) Defeat all Freaks [SI] - Find agents - warehouse - freaks
3b) Defeat Operative Bradley & Crew [SI] Defeat Bradley & Crew - outdoor factory - freaks & arachnos
4a) Incriminate the Family [SI] - Plant evidence, Locate explosives - warehouse - family
4b) Empty Tsoo warehouse [SI] - 4 bombs left - tsoo - warehouse
5) Defeat the Vigilantes [SI] - Defeat Blue Phazer [eb: energy blaster], Defeat Golden Sphinx [eb:tank] - longbow base -

6) Defeat everyone in lab [SI] - 2 chem labs, 1 serum crate, 2 chemicals - council base - council
-->END TILL 26
26-> introduce: Operative Kirkland

Vince Dubrowski, 20-25 (random order)
1) Talk to Operative Massey [Sirens]
2) Defeat all Freaks at Hellforge [SI] - 6 crates to recover - outdoor forge - freaks
1) Seek clues to disappearance [SI] - brown cave - cot
2) Kidnap problem scrapyarders [SI] - 4 leaders to kidnap - sewers - scrapyarders
3) Negotiate with Circle [SI] - 3 circle mages to rescue - scrapyarders - tunnels - [pets]
-> XX available
4a) Get info in the Pit [SI] - Defeat 10 scrapyarders
4b) Recover stolen arms shipment [SI] - 4 weapon crates to recover - abandoned warehouse - scrapyarders
5a) Talk to Crash Cage [SI]
5b) Recover the shipment [SI] - 8 crates to retrieve - new warehouse - arachnos, slag golems
*BADGE: Slag Reaper
5c) Return shipment to Crash [SI]
-> introduce: Crash Cage
6) Bomb Scrapyarder cell [SI] - 5 bombs to place - warehouse - scrapyarders
7) Stop safehouse boss & his men [SI] - abandoned office - scrapyarders - boss is an 8k hp DESK

Crash Cage, 20-25
1) Steal the Coral [SI] - 4 shards to steal - warehouse - cage consortium guards, arachnos - entering arachnos ambushes
-> introduce: Diviner Maros
2) Talk to Mr. Bocor [PO]
-> 20/25 mag/natch DOs
3) Defeat all Arachnos in base [SI] - oranbega - arachnos & cot & cot portals
4) Take shard to Mr. Bocor [PO]
-> ?? available
5) Talk to Vince Dubrowski [SI]
6) Kidnap Leonard Sykes [SI] - red office - cage guards
7) Defeat all Legacy Chain [SI] - brown cave - legacy chain, cot
8a) Talk no Vince Dubrowski [SI]
8b) Steal the crystal [SI] - oranbega - cot

Diviner Maros, 25-30, [introduce or paper @ 27+]
1a) Speak with Tarixus [SI]
1b) Defeat Circle in cavern [SI] - brown cave - cot,freak [pet]
-> 25 mag/natch DOs & 25 magic SOs available
-> phone after finishe,
1) Get Coral for Maros [SI] - brown cave - slag golems, ?freakshow?
2) Strike Freakshow cultists [SI] - 3 cult clues, Get coral shards - abandoned warehouse - freaks
-> ?? available
3) Defeat Metal Shift [SI] - freak warehouse - freaks, Barracuda [eb: pet] - ambush after boss
4) Force info from Legacy Chain [SI] - Kidnap researcher, Take Haversham to tomes - red office - legacy chain
5) Destroy shaper cult [SI] - Barracuda [EB], Metal Shift [EB] - freak warehouse - freaks
6) Stop Calystix [SI] - water cave map - freaks, Calystix [AV/EB]
3a) Get book from Legacy [SI] - Find magic tome, Defeat Abernathy - red office - legacy
3b) Beat all Circle & Warriors at Deal [SI] -
4) Steal Theron's devices [PO] - 3 items to steal - longbow base - longbow
5a) Steal Citadel's plans [SI] - lab - sky raiders
5b) Take plans to Council [SI] - council caves - longbow, council [pet] - kill all
6) Steal scroll of Tielekku [SI] - Steal the Scroll - abandoned red office - BP

Operative Kirkland, lvl 25-30 (1st random, 2nd arc, then random)
1) Cull Freakshow [SI] - Defeat 20 Freakshow
-> 25 tech/natch DOs, 25 natch SOs
-> phone after return
1) Interrogate CoT [SI] - Defeat 20 CoT
2) Find information on Circle entity [SI] - 3 chests to search - brown cave - cot - all 3 chests not required - haiku

entrance text: Stone grinds upon stone./The Circle lair lies open./Damp, cold air greets you.
-> ??
3) Seek answers in Legacy Chain hideout [SI] - 5 bookcases to search, Interrogate Tellus - red office - legacy chain
3) Destroy the longbow office [SI] - 3 bombs to plant, 3 assets to destroy - longbow office - longbow
4) Take out negotiator & witnesses [SI] - outdoor & indoor ship - family
5) Capture Council base leader [SI] - 90 mins - council base - council
6) Recover Arachnos files from Wyvern hideout [NA] - 75 mins - Stop Wyvern Boss from escaping! - ruined red office - wyvern


Doc Buzzsaw (53yrds NE of natural store) - 1st infamy badge needed, 25-30
1a) Recover 1st item for Buzzsaw [SI] - Get Eyes from Rafferty - warehouse - council
1b) Recover 2nd item for Buzzsaw [SI] - Search body for part - abandoned office - scrapyarders
1c) Recover 3rd item for Buzzsaw [SI] - Get arm from Mr. W@nG0 T@nG0 - sewers - freaks
1d) Recover 4th item for Buzzsaw [SI] - Get legs from Shaderix - arach lab - arachnos
1e) Recover last item for Buzzsaw [SI] - Get heart from Reliquary - abandoned warehouse - legacy chain
-> phone after return
-> 25 tech/sci DOs available, 25/30 tech SOs available
2) Recover parts for Doc Buzzsaw [SI] - 5 freak parts to collect, defeat 'Big Rocky' - outdoor refinery map - slag

golems, freaks [allies]
3) Destroy the Superfreak [SI] - Defeat the Superfreak - brown cave - slag golems - elite boss
1) Steal medical supplies [SI] - 4 medical supplies to steal - warehouse - family - ambushes
2) Steal parts for Doc Buzzsaw [SI] - 4 parts to take - outdoor & indoor ship - council - ambushes
3) Rescue all 3 Freak Tanks [SI] - 3 freaks to recover - lab - council, family, freaks [3 tank pets] - ambushes

Archmage Tarixus - Lorekeeper badge needed, 25-30
1) Retrieve talisman from Tsoo [SI] - office [through boat door...] - tsoo
-> 25 natch/magic DOs available
2) Harvest coral shards from Slag Golems - Defeat 20 Slag Golems
-> 25 magic SOs
-> phone available
3) Deliver puzzle box to Hardcase [SM]
*TEMP POWER: Spirit Potion - 60 seconds of phase, 3 charges
4) *ARC:
1) Retrieve Abyssal Tome from Legacy CHain [SI] - 3 bookcases to search - red office - Legacy Chain - only need to find

correct glowy
-> ?? available
2) Harvest coral from Slag Golems - Defeat 20 Slag Golems - LC ambush
3) Acquire blood of Mu [SI] - warehouse - scrapyarders
4) Retrieve Mu relics from Freakshow [SI] - outdoor island/junkyard/factor map - freaks - kill a random minion ??
5) Gather soul essence of defeated hero [PO] - longbow base - longbow [EB: agentx (ballista)]
6) Forge the Blackwand [SI] - 90 mins - Invoke Charm of Making, Defeat demon attack - oranbega - cot
*TEMP POWER (reward): Blackward - 10 blasts high dmg (neg)



*Defeat Archon Roget & guards - sewers - council
*Defeat Cutter/Dent/Mekanik/Ginormous & guards - red office - freaks
*Defeat Death Walker & Guards - brown cave - tsoo
*Defeat Gregor & Guards - red office - rikti
*Defeat Faculus/Dretch/*Arista/*Regalion & Guards - brown cave - cot
*Defeat Floyd & guards - red office - lost
*Defeat Jag & guards - warehouse - freaks
*Defeat Lou & Guards - sewers - rikti
*Defeat Officer Nader & guards - warehouse - sky raiders
*Defeat Officer Waynewright/Benatar/Jones/Emmert & Guards - lab - skyraiders
*Defeat *Regalion/Romulus/Galan/Pharason/Teramis/*Arista & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Zeke & Guards - sewers/warehouse - lost

*Get Isis' Staff - brown cave - tsoo
*Get Maria's Tears - lab - sky raiders
*Get Shard of Serafina - sewers - skyraiders
*Get the bank gun - Get the bank gun - warehouse - lost
*Get the coral research - Get the coral research - brown caves - tsoo
*Get the membership list - Get the membership list - sewers - council
*Get the Sea Lute - Get the sea lute - sewers - cot
*Get the superdine derivative - Get the superdine derivative - red office - freaks
*Get Formula 13/Witch's charms - brown cave - tsoo
*Get Scorpion's RAM - red office - council

*Kidnap Dizzy - red office - sky raiders
*Kidnap Dr. Montrose - sewers - lost
*Kidnap efficiency expert - brown cave - tsoo
*Kidnap Giovani Morricone - red office - freaks
*Kidnap Larry Croft - sewers - cot


*Get the loot -
wood panelled bank - rips
light grey panneled bank - rips - rip minion pet
*Rob the Casino - robe the safe, defeat security to escape - longbow

Lt. Demitrovich, NA, 25-29 (1st two random, then arc, then random)
1) Rescue Huntsman Davros [NA] - 75 mins - red office - longbow, arach [allies]
2) Place manifest on cargo ship [SI] - Plant manifest, Defeat guards to escape - ship - wyvern, longbow [ambush]
-> 25 sci/mut DOs, 25 sci SOs available
-> phone after return
1) Take out Lost leader & crew [NA] - sewers - lost, rikti
2) Interrogate Lost leader [NA] - sewers - lost
2b) Rescue Yushenko from Lost [NA] - warehouse - lost
-> 30 sci SOs available
3) Steal blueprints and components [NA] - longbow base - longbow
4) Steal electronic components [NA] - lab - arachnos
5) Defeat Lt. Krieg & crew [NA] - warehouse - sky raiders, freakshow
*TEMP POWER: Nullifier Gun Prototye - 5 charges - -end, -rec, detoggle - gone after mish
6) Deliver Nullifier Gun to Arachnos [SI]
*TEMP POWER: Nullifier Gun Mk. I - 5 charges - -end, -rec, detoggle - gone after mish
4) Destroy cargo crates [NA] - 3 crates to destroy - ship deck & ship - longbow
5) Defeat Longbow agents [NA] - warehouse - longbow, family [pet]
6) Defeat Longbow on Nerva [NA] - Defeat 30 longbow
-> introduce: Operative Rutger
35+-> introduce: magus mu'drakhan

Darla Mavis, 25-30
1)*ARC: Aurora Fades*
1) Investigate in Crimson Cove [NA] - Defeat 10 Longbow
-> 25 mut/magic DOs, 25 mutant SOs
2) Defeat all Longbow agents [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> phone after completion
-> 30 mutant SOs available
3) Defeat Aurora Borealis [NA] - outdoor nerva map - longbow - hero: Aurora Borealis
2)*ARC: Power Mine*
1) Steal the Sapper research [NA] - 3 files to find - big longbow base - longbow - many ambushes
2) Defeat all Lost in sewers [NA] - sewers - lost, rikti
3) Free Dr. Rossi [CaD] - arachnos lab - arachnos
-> introduce: Psymon Omega

Shadowy Figure, 25-29, 1-5 random order
1a) Get computer virus [NA] - (errand)
1b) Upload virus to computer [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> 25 tech/natch DOs, 25 tech SOs
-> phone after return to contact
2) Steal research from lab [NA] - Rescue Cecil Grywacheski! - lab - wyvern
3a) Defeat Agent Chamberlain & team [NA] - longbow base - longbow - 4 ambushes after boss kill then end
3b) Defeat Longbow guards, Kidnap Ross [NA] - 75 mins - Kidnap J.D. Ross, Lead J.D. Ross to boat - outdoor island w/

statues map - longbow
-> 30 tech SOs available
4) Defeat all Lost in sewers [NA] - sewers - lost, freaks [pet]
5) Extract the Longbow Defector - Rescue Geoffrey Richardson! - longbow base - longbow - intro ambush
1) Talk with Lorenz Ansaldo [SI]
2) Steal Ultra-Jammer from Aeon lab [CaD] - lab - arachnos
3a) Steal passcodes & plant ultra-jammer [NA] - Plant Ultra-Jammer, Find passcodes - longbow base - longbow
3b) Break James O'Clary out of the Zig [NA] - 90 mins - Rescue O'Clary - longbow base - longbow
30-> introduce: Timothy Raymond

Timothy Raymond, 30-35, (missions ordered)
1) Eliminate Kit'Vul [NA] - sewers - rikti
-> 30 mut/sci DOs, 30 sci SOs
2)*ARC: [no name, no souvenier, missions in random order]
1a) Ask Kelly Uqua about spy [NA]
1b) Defeat Thornbird & his guards [NA] - Don't let Thornbird escape! - outdoor river map - crey
-> phone after finish
-> 35 sci SOs
2) Kidnap the scientists [NA] - 3 doctors to kidnap - crey,.
3) Extract Tina Raymond from base [NA] - longbow base - longbow, crey, crey [pet]
4) Defeat all Crey in lab [NA] - Seek reason for raid - arach base - crey
1) Defeat all Rikti in base [NA] - brown cave - rikti
2) Raid the Circle library [NA] - brown cave/bega - cot - continual ambushes
3) Defeat all Rikti in lab [NA] - Find Timothy's DNA - lab - rikti
35-> introduce: Kelly Uqua

Psymon Omega, 30-35, 1st mish random, then arc, then random
1) Find source of psychic fog [NA] - 3 psychic disruptors to destroy - sewers - rikti
1) Salvage Rikti tech [NA] - sewers - longbow, rikti - longbow ambushes (boss: romulus/warshade)
2a) Interrogate Arachnos troops - Defeat 20 arachnos
2b) Steal Void Hunter Rifle [NA] - special warehouse - arachnos - (kill all or all item room)
*TEMP POWER: Void rifle: 10 shots: -spd, -rech
-> 30 mut/mag DOs, 30 mut SOs available
3) Defeat Romulus the Warshade [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> phone after completion
3) Steal ore sample, research data [NA] - Find the ore sample!, Find the research data! - lab - security guards
1) Discover source of disturbance [SI] - outdoor industrial map - freaks - ( find clicky )
2) Steal geological records [SI] - red office - security guards - (find clicky)
-> 35 mut SOs available (?)
3) Interrogate Longbow scientist [NA] - longbow base - longbow [elite boss - ballista]
4) Interrogate GIFT researcher [NA] - Take researcher to safe - red office - security guards
5) Steal components, defeat guards [SM] - 3 components to steal, Defeat guards to escape - arach base - arachnos
6) Defeat Aurora Borealis & allies [NA] - 5 use psionic activator on stasis tubes - lab - longbow
5) Defeat Thorn Isle mystics [NA] - outdoor island map - cot - 3 bosses to kill
6) Steal Rikti psi-tech [NA] - 3 crates to find, defeat guards to escape - longbow base - longbow
7a) Deliver blood to Tarixus [SI]
7b) Destroy all phobias [NA] - Defeat Fear of Commitment!, Defeat Fear of the Past!, Defeat fear of the Unknown! - brown

cave - skulls, nemesis, carnies, rikti
35-> introduce: Technician Naylor [NA]

Operative Rutger, 30-35
1) Take out Ether & her guards [NA] - longbow base - longbow
1) Defeat McGowin & his guards [NA] - longbow base - longbow
2) Eliminate all agents on ship [CaD] - inside ship - longbow
-> 30 tech/natch DOs, 30 natch SOs
-> phone after return
3) Kidnap Luminary [CaD] - longbow base - longbow, hero [luminary]
3) Defeat White Lightning & Guards [NA] - river map - longbow, arachnos [boss: storm def]
1) Interrogate agents in Nerva [NA] - Defeat 20 Longbow
-> ?? available
2) Get info on Infernal's new base [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> can choose non-arc missions here
3) Interrogate agents in Nerva [NA] - Defeat 20 Crey
4) Steal Crey equipment [NA] - 3 items to steal - lab - crey
5) Defeat all Longbow agents [NA] - 3 jammers to plant - longbow base - longbow
6) Defeat Infernal [NA] - longbow base - longbow, infernal [hero]
5) Kidnap Agent wilder [NA] - Don't let Wilder escape - longbow base - longbow
6) Extract Desert Adder [NA] - Escore Desert Adder out - longbow base - longbow, arachnos [pet: rad/rad def]
7) Defeat all Agents in base [NA] - PLant evidence against Vargas - arachnos base - arachnos

Kelly Uqua, 35-40
1) Recover tech specialists [NA] - 1 tech specialist to recover, 2 technicians to rescue - arach base - arachnos - 3

ambushes per hostage
-> 35 mut/sci DOs available
-> phone
2) Destroy BrassTrack technology [CaD] - red office - nemesis automatons
1) Steal Longbow intelligence [NA] - Find Data, Defeat investigator - longbow warehouse - longbow
2) Sanitize Longbow lab [NA] - Recover research, Destroy artifact - longbow base - longbow
3) Terminate Thorn's Investigation - 90 mins - Plant false data, Remove Agent Bell - office - longbow, EB [ballista]
4) Drive Longbow off the ship [NA] - 90 mins - 4 bombs to disarm, Defeat Cmndr Duncan - outside & inside ship - longbow -

extra bosses (3 total)
5a) Stop Orrik's surveillance [NA] - Uncover information, Defeat Orrik - arach base - arach
5b) Threaten Timothy Raymont [NA]
6a) Get Info from Freaks [SI] - Defeat freak leader - freak warehouse - RIKTI freaks, freaks
6b) Lean on Doc Buzzsaw [SI]

Technician Naylor, 35-40
1a) Take book from Circle [NA] - Find book - orangeba - cot
1b) Steal Coordinates [NA] - Find coordinates - red office - nemesis automatons
1) Catch longbow Commander [NA/portal] - Catch longbow commander - outdoor factory (ghost falcon map) - de, nemesis,

longbow, EB (ballista)
-> 35 sci/tech DOs, 35 tech SOs
-> phone
2) Steal info from Nemesis Army [NA/portal] - 11 supply caches to search - outdoor park/hill map - de, nemesis [pets]
3) Steal information [NA/portal] - 3 pieces of intel, Longbow Commander - lab - longbow - EB (ballista)
4) Catch Captain Deckard [NA/portal] - Find Deckard - outdoor ruined city (herding map) - council, nemesis
-> 40 tech SOs
5) Find the Truth [NA/portal] - 3 pieces of the truth, Lead real Naylor out, Defeat Captor - lab - nemesis
6) Destroy Fake Naylor [NA/portal] - Destroy Fake Grant Naylor - ruined city map (drek) - nemesis
*END ARC: choice of SOs*
3) Cause a Rikti attack [NA/portal] - 4 devices to alter, Defeat Dr. Advance - outdoor park/water map - longbow - 2-3

ambushes per clicky
4) Rescue expedition [NA/portal] - Find sample, find survivor - park map - hydra, rikti, arachnos
5a) Destroy Aeon's expedition [NA/portal] - Defeat Commander & Staff, 3 devices to destroy - outdoor graveyard map -

5b) Take out Aeon's lab [CaD] - 2 scientists to kidnap, 2 computers to destroy - arach base - arachnos
6) Attack Longbow portal base [NA/portal] - Infect computer, 3 PHTs to destroy, Base commander - lab - longbow
1) Force Scientist to get data [NA/portal] - Kidnap Doc Kryten->Take Doc to Portal Computer->Find Mission Exit - lab -

longbow - normal exit
2) Secure Mole Point Bravo [NA/portal] - Over-ride computer, 2 guard squads, 2 natives to kidnap - mole point map -

longbow - 2 ambushes per hostage
3) Rescue Rimsey [NA/portal] - Take Rimsey to Computer - mole point map - longbow, rularuu - mu guardian, fortunata

mistress, toxic tarantula, Rimsey pets
*END ARC: random SO*

Magus Mu'drakhan, 35-40
1a) Speak with Tarixus [SI]
1b) Eradicate Circle coven [CaD] - red office - cot
-> 35 natch/magic DOs, 35 magic SOs
-> phone after return
2) Destroy Circle Rituals [NA] - 120 min - 9 rituals to stop - outdoor cot island map - cot - AV/eb: Baphomet (3 waves

after mish end, then spawn)
3) Attack Circle Abductors [NA] - Find Clue, Find Mu Mystic, Defeat Leader - abandoned red office - cot, mu guardian [pet]
4) Attack Longbow for Book [NA] - Find Book, Defeat Longbow Boss - warehouse - longbow
-> 40 magic SOs ?
5) Defeat Infernal [NA] - Defeat Infernal - oranbega - cot, longbow - hero/eb: infernal
6) Rescue Mu Mystics from Circle [NA] - 2 mystics to rescue - oranbega - cot, mu mystic [pet] - 1 hostage & 1 clicky (NOT

7) Recover Ancient Mu soul Crystal [NA] - Take Crystal, Longbow Leader, Circle Defender - small oranbega - longbow, cot -
8) Defeat & Capture Lilitu [NA] - Defeat Lilitu->Find Mission Exit - oranbega - cot - Av/hero/eb: Lilitu, Infernal
*END ARC: choice of SOs*
2) Eliminate Mu'Drakhan's rival [NA] - Plant 'Evidence', Silence Mu'Thekesh - arach base - arachnos
1) Capture Circle Librarian [NA] - Catch Librarian - oranbega - cot
2) Kidnap Legacy representative [NA] - Kidnap Legacy rep - longbow base - longbow
3) Defeat Aurora & get books [NA] - 2 hours - Steal books, Defeat Aurora Borealis - longbow island/outdoor NA map -

longbow - hero/eb: Aurora
*END ARC: random SO*
4) Defeat all DE in ruins [NA] - oranbega - de, cot
5) Recover tablet from the Tsoo [SM] - Find Tablet, Defeat Tsoo Boss - warehouse - tsoo


Crimson Revenant, 30-35, need HAMMER DOWN badge (kill Ghost of Scrapyard), 102 yeards nw of Science store on roof
1) Question agents in Nerva [NA] - Defeat 20 Crey
-> 30 sci/tech DOs, 30 tech SOs
-> phone (?)
2) Defeat all agents in base [NA] - longbow base - longbow
3) Defeat Mynx [NA] - Defeat agents until Mynx shows - longbow base - longbow - QUICK HERO AMBUSH (at last room)
*END ARC: random SO*
1) Steal explosives [SI] - 5 crates to steal - outdoor industrial - cage consortium guards
2) Create a distraction [NA] - 6 explosives to plant - longbow base - longbow
3) Defeat Back Alley Brawler & guards [NA] - outdoor city/island (nerva) map - longbow, hero [Back Alley Brawler]
*END ARC: random SO*

Arbiter Leery, 30-40, requires THORN ROBBER badge (respec)
1) Defeat all operatives on boat [NA] - inner boat - arachnos - TONS of ambushes
-> 35 tech/natch DOs, 35 nat SOs
-> phone
2a) Capture Operative Unger [NA] - small arach base - arachnos crabs
2b) Capture Wren [NA] - small arach base - arachnos spiders
-> 40 natch SOs available
3) Capture the Deciever [NA] - 75 mins - longbow base - longbow - hero: Indigo
*END ARC: random SO*
2) ARC:
1) Capture Castle & his guards [SI] - inside boat - longbow
2) Retrieve Tears of the Spirit [NA] - Defeat Ice Mistral - arach base - arachnos mu/fortunatas - av/eb: Ice Mistral
3) Destroy Tears of the Spirit [NA] - Defeat Wretch - arach base - arachnos fortunatas - av/eb: Wretch
*END ARC: random SO


*Get the Golden Tortuga -
*Defeat Archon Maurillo & guards - red office - council
*Defeat Archon Romano/Foss & guards - sewers - council
*Defeat Dilanis/Modessa/Orestes/Paralis/Terramis & guards - brown cave - cot
*Defeat Officer Slizewski & Guards - sewers - sky raiders
*Defeat Officer Benatar/Jones & Guards - lab - sky raiders
*Defeat Officer Chalmers & Guards - sewers - sky raiders
*Defeat Paco & guards - red office - rikti
*Defeat Regalion & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Shawn & Guards - sewers - rikti
*Defeat Terence & guards - warehouse - rikti
*Defeat Domi & guards - sewers - cot
*Get Scorpion's RAM - Get Scorpions RAM - sewers - council
*Get Pyle's keepsakes - red office - council
*Get the Rikti interface - sewers - council
*Get Crown of Enos - warehouse - sky raiders
*Steal the L'Ollonais Sabre - Steal the L'Ollonais Sabre - sewer - sky raiders
*Kidnap Dr. Theopolis - Kidnap Dr. Theopolis, escape with Dr. Theopolis - warehouse - council

*Get the loot - white walls - rips, rip [ally]
*Get the loot - rob the safe, defeat security to escape - casino - security guards

Vivacious Verandi, 30-35
1) Steal weapons from Family [SM] - 4 crates to steal - warehouse - family
-> 30 mut/mag DOs, 30 mut SOs
-> phone after return
2) Plant weapons in freakshow hideout [SM] - 4 crates to plant - warehouse - freaks - many freak ambushes
3) Stir up chaos in St. Martial [SM] - Dfeat 10 DE
-> ?? available
4) Steal magical weapons [SM] - oranbega - cot - many ambushes
5) Plant weapons in Tsoo base [SM] - 4 weapons to plant - warehouse - tsoo, many cot ambushes
6a) Talk to Hardcase [SM]
6b) Stop battling in St. Martial [SM] - warehouse - tsoo, cot
6c) Return to Hardcase [SM]
35-> introduce: Jezebel Jones

Hard Luck, 30-35, random order
1) Beat Lucky Dragon & his guards [SM] - Cut off Lucky Dragon's beard - warehouse - tsoo
-> 30 tech/natch DOs, 30 natch SOn available
-> phone after return
2) Defeat all operatives in base [SM] - 45 mins - arachnos lab - arachnos
1) Seek hideout in SM [SM] - Defeat 10 Freakshow
-> ?? available
2) Seek Luckless [SM] - Learn Luckless' methods - warehouse - freaks - FF on object
3) Defeat Luckless & his guards [SM] - red office - carnies, freaks
4) Save Hard Luck's brother [SM] - council base - council, council [pet] - pet escort
5) Kidnap the programmer [SM] - Take Zeigler to exit - warehouse - freaks
6) Steal artifact from Tavaris [SM] - Don't let Tavaris escape - tunnels - cot
35-> introduce: Basse Croupier

Hardcase, 30-35, random order
1) Defeat Pandora & minions [SM] - gold framed casino - carnies
1) Interrogate wailers [SM] - brown cave - wailers - (defeat boss & guards)
-> lvl 30 natch/magic DOs available
2) Steal banishing ritual & components [NA] - Find ritual, find components - oranbega - cot
-> 35 Magic SOs available
-> phone after return
3) Defeat Silvertongue [SM] - abandoned warehouse - wailers
*END ARC: random SO*
3) Retrieve banishing ritual [SI]
1) Collect demonic essence [SM] - abandoned warehouse - wailers - (kill a certain spawn group)
2a) Defeat CoT - Defeat 30 CoT
2b) Interrogate Karvos the Mystic [SM] - blue cave - wailers, cot
3) Steal Tolshak Mysteries [NA] - oranbega - cot - bookcase clicky, no killing required
4) Rescue Daniel Hawthorn [SM] - outdoor PO type map - wailers
-> ?? available
5a) Visit Archmage Tarixus [SI]
5b) Defeat 30 Circle on Primeva [NA] - Defeat 30 CoT
6) Steal Babylon property records [SM] - red office - security guards
*END ARC: choose SO*
5) Defeat Circle & Wailer negotiators [SM] - brown cave - cot, wailers
6) Defeat all Wailers [SM] - sewers - wailers
7a) Speak with Virgil Tarikoss [CaD]
7b) Defeat all Wailers [CaD] - outdoor burning park map - wailers
****END TILL 35****
1) Find cause of Wailer attack [SM] - ruined warehouse - wailers, freaks - defeat battling bosses
2) Steal sonic device [SM] - Kidnap Trey Belcreff, Take Belcleffe to Sonic device - warehouse - sonic freaks
*all smashers, possible farming mish?
3) Draw Wailers to Paragon City [NA] - Plant sonic device, defeat reinforcements, defeat witnesses - sewers - longbow
*END ARC: random SO*
9) Stop the Carnival pact [SM] - 3 kidnap victims to free, defeat negotiators - warehouse - carnival, wailers
10) ARC: ?? [no name on souvenier]
1) Rescue victims from Wailers [SM] - 3 victims to rescue - outdoor SE SM map - wailers
2) Defeat all Wailers in office [SM] - Stop Silvertongue from escaping! - large 1 floor red office - wailers - entrance

3) Disrupt Circle plans [SM] - 2 victims to free, Interrogate Circle leader - brown caves - cot
4) Interrogate Paradox [SM] - abandoned warehouse - wailers, carnies
5) Interrogate Carnival - Defeat 30 Carnies
6) Keep Wailers out of Babylon [SM] - 75 mins - Protect statue, Defeat Devereaux - N central SM map - carnies - 3 waves of

ambushes at statue
*END ARC: choice of SOs*
11) Rescue casino patrons from Circle [NA] - 5 casino patrons to recover - oranbega - cot
12) Rescue kidnap victims [SM] - 5 kidnap victims to rescue - council caves - council
13) Break up negotiations [SM] - warehouse - tsoo
14) Provide relief against Wailers [SM] - Rescue assault leader, 2 squad leaders to rescue - outdoor E central SM - wailers

- kill all, thats it

Basse Croupier, 35-40
1) Recover Ms. Vashers [SM] - Rescue Ms. Vashers!, Defeat T33-V33 - ruined office - freaks
1) Steal blackmail photo from Carnival [SM] - Find the photos - red office - carnies
-> phone on return
-> 35 tech/natch DOs, 35 natch SOs
2) Steal proof from Arachnos [SM] - Find proof against Wenkler - arach base - arach
3) Kidnap Councilman Wenkler [NA] - Kidnap Wenkler - longbow base - longbow
*END ARC: random SO*
-> 40? natch SOs
3) Tell Archon Dekker to pay up [NA] - Defeat Archon Dekker & guards - council base - council
4a) Beat Freaks for Info - Defeat 20 Freakshow
4b) Find 'B4nKbUsTah' [SM] - Defeat B4nKbUsTah & crew - sewers - freaks
5a) Defeat Tsoo Racketeers [SM] - casino - tsoo
5b) Defeat & rob Tsoo gangsters [SM] - 4 safes - warehouse - tsoo
6) Punish embezzlers [SM] - Find Books, Kidnap the bookie - red office - family - nemesis ambushes

Jezebel Jones, 35-40
1) Investigate disapearance [SM] - Seek clues - red office - carnies - ambushes after clicky
-> 35 mut/mag DOs, 35 mut SOs
-> phone after return
2) Investigate disapearance [SM] - Defeat Ruby, Defeat Belle - abandoned red office - carnies
-> 40 mut SOs ?
3a) Question St. Martial carnies [SM] - Defeat 10 Carnies
3b) Defeat all carnies in warehouse [SM] - Rescue missing client->lead Richard out - warehouse - carnies
*END ARC: random SO*
1) Nab Johnny's squeeze [SM] - Escape with Theodora - warehouse - family
2) Defeat all Longbow agents [SM] - Escape with Theodora - sewers - longbow
3) Defeat Theadora & her guards [SM] - TINY arach base - arachnos, longbow [boss]
*END ARC: random SO*



Virgil Tarikoss SF, CaD, 15-20
1) Defeat all Legacy in office [CaD] - Find ritual notes - red office - legacy chain
2) Find reason for Circle attack [CaD] - Find foreman, defeat attack leader & crew - outdoor industrial map - cot
3) Take book and stop investigator [CaD] - Take Journal, Defeat investigator - red office -
legacy chain
4) Find Circle plan with Bat'Zul [Cad] - Discover Circle plan, Defeat Circle Librarian - oranbega - cot
5) Steal barrier piercing knowledge [CaD] - lab - longbow
6) Bind Bat'Zul [CaD] - 5 altars remaining, Bind Bat'Zul - hollows Trial map - bat'zul, cot

Operative Renault SF, SI, 25-31
1) Find and assist Barracuda [SI] - Find Barracuda - tunnels - longbow, arachnos [boss pet, eb pet]
2) Cause distraction for Barracuda [NA] - Defeat 20 Longbow
3a) Find info on Coral Key [SI] - Interrogate Tellus Lorekeeper - warehouse - legacy chain
3b) Steal the Coral Key from Fort Cerebus [MI] - Steal coral key, Defeat ambushers to escape - arach lab - arachnos
-> phone after return
4a) Interrogate Longbow in Nerva [NA] - Defeat 10 Longbow
4b) Find Longbow leader on Nerva [NA] - Defeat 10 Longbow
4c) Defeat Shockstorm [NA] - lab - longbow
5a) Speak with Kalinda [MI]
5b) Steal Death Rattle [MI] - Defeat Gharbu & minions - outdoor graveryard map - BP
5c) Deliver Death Rattle to Kalinda [MI]
6) Retrieve weapons [SI] - 5 search crates, Defeat all ambushers - warehouse - family - just need to kill av & ambush (no

7) Steal Eye of the Leviathan [SI] - tunnels (cave of the shaper) - AV: Calystix the Shaper, AV: Leviathan

Sparcetriel, NA, 24-30 respec
1) Defeat 25 CoT
2) Defeat hero attack leaders [NA] - Defeat Chelman, Defeat Elliot, Defeat Devries - longbow base - longbow, wyvern, legacy

- 3 EBs
-> phone after return
3) Take the Nexus of Thorns [NA] - oranbega - cot

Tresparciel, NA, 31-40 respec
1) Defeat 40 CoT [NA]
2) Defeat all DE [NA] - open cavern - DE
3) Take the Nexus of Thorns [NA] - oranbega - cot

5/08/2006 01:39:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WOW! That's a lot of good info Lob. Actually, CIT (Volt and myself lol) are thinking about putting more game details on the site, so we would be more than just Badge Tracking. Mind if we use this, with you properly credited?

5/08/2006 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My PC crashed just trying to open the comments LOL! ill be back on this friday!

5/09/2006 07:39:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Awesome, see you in-game, Tech

5/09/2006 01:14:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Fire me and email mav & we'll talk, I've already formatted some of this for the web and have it posted on one of my sites.

5/12/2006 09:40:00 PM  

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Next Team Evil Event

I've been a bit busy trying to get this badge hunting thing organized, but let's try to get a SF rolling this weekend. I nominate Silver Mantis, as we really should break our jinx on it. When works best for everybody? Friday night? Saturday? Sunday? Casual style, spread over two nights?

I'll go ahead an nominate a start time of 4pm EDT on Sunday, but if we nail down a time early enough, I should be good for just about whenever this weekend.

Tags: events_


Blogger Andy said...

Woot, my stalker should be in range in time for the weekend (hopefully with SOs)!

Friday night/saturday night probably best for me, have to be after 8pm pacific.

Is this a 2 hour or 4 hour SF? I have yet to even attempt it.

5/08/2006 01:35:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

4 hours last time we did it, I think

5/08/2006 09:36:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

starting 8pm pacific would be a bit tough for me, as four hours later would be 3am eastern. I probably can do casual style, 8-10 pacific (11-1am eastern) split over the two nights.

Are there any earlier times you're available this weekend, Lobster?

5/08/2006 11:59:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think I'm still jinxed. =[ 2 of my brothers are coming in town Wednesday through Sunday. I'll be there for the start of the event Wednesday night, but not sure how much, if any, of the SF I'll be able to do. That will be the one badge I'll never be able to get it seems lol. I think I have better odds on Bug Hunter...

5/08/2006 01:30:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WAIT WAIT! Keira Knightly is on my Top 10 list!! My wife even understands that! If you were to vote me off and get her, I would have to do Vile/EVIL things to you.... =]

5/08/2006 03:48:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Okay, I propose we do this casual-style over Saturday and Sunday night starting at 11pm EDT (8pm PDT). Saturday night, we'll start the thing and go for a couple hours or until people have to leave. People who remain can continue up until the last mission (#6, it's pretty obvious which it is). We'll hit whatever's left Sunday night at 11pm EDT.

Thoughts or objections? I'm assuming you can at least log on some characters Saturday night, Mav, and join us Sunday night, but we can do this Sunday/Monday if you prefer.

5/09/2006 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Even with family there, I should be able to at least log in for it.

5/09/2006 01:15:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Looks like we have 5, then: Lobster, Mie, OC, GS, and me. I'll post on the forums to see if anybody is interested in filling out the three extra slots.

5/12/2006 01:41:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Sweet! Look forward to seeing you back in game, Stagger.

5/13/2006 02:21:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Looks like I'm ok to go with the wife, so if I'm not in right by 8 please give me a few minutes. :)

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

5/13/2006 09:10:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Trin. I'm feeling a bit better today actually. Thinking about working on my tank tonight if you want some company hero-side.

Thanks to EVERYONE for that TF. It was the last accomplishment badge I needed on OC (until I-7). I know it was hard to nail down, but thanks again.

Yeah, that AV was actually easy. I was one of the few that followed him over the side. I stacked my debuffs on what was already on him, plus webbed him down in some caltrops and just spammed the web grenade. Worked wonders.

5/15/2006 01:19:00 PM  

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Draft Badge Hunting Rules

Edit: The contest has been announced! Here is the official thread.

The following is a draft of the post for the badge hunting announcement. I hope to have this ready for the boards by Sunday or Monday, so if you have any feedback, please post here before then. If anybody wants to help out by standing in Breakout to register people or to be available to verify people's badges, please feel free to voluteer in the replies to this post.

Title:Badge Hunting Contest

Team Evil and the City Information Terminal are pleased to announce our "Something to do on Live while waiting for I7 bugs to be fixed" badge hunting contest. The judges for this contest are me (@Balshor) and Maverick X (@Maverick X), so feel free to contact us about any questions, issues, or other comments about this contest.

The rules:

  • Time frame: This contest will begin at 7pm EDT on May 10th and end at 7pm EDT on May 21st.

  • Two ways to enter:
    • Players able to start their characters between 7pm EDT and 9pm EDT should meet the Team Evil representative in Breakout. Your character will then be entered into our database.

    • Players unable to start their characters during this time frame should join City Information Terminal's global chat channel "CIT". They then should take a screenshot of their character (1) standing in front of the first contact in Breakout (2) with the character name visible and (3) with the MotD from the CIT channel visible. Email this screenshot to with the subject line "Badge Contest Registration" and manually register this character on City Information Terminal as usual.

  • How to play: Players must use the City Game Tracker or HeroStats to automatically track your badges with City Information Terminal. (See below for information on how to set up CGT.) If you are unable to use CGT or HS, please contact to make alternate arrangements. Any technical issues with badge tracking should also be sent to that address.

  • Three ways to win:

    • Points will be awarded based on the badges collected. See the following post for the points breakdown. The player with the most points at the end of the contest will win the grand prize. The player with the second most points at the end of the contest will win the runner-up prize.

    • The first player to collect the "Low Level Badge Set" (see below) will win a prize. (This prize is only available to users of CGT/HS.)

    • The first player to collect a mystery badge set (all theoretically attainable at level 15) will win a prize. (This prize is also only available to users of CGT/HS.)

  • Players are allowed to use any method (allowed by Cryptic/NCSoft) in their badge collecting. This includes collaborating with other characters of any level, whether in the contest or not.

  • Grand prize and runner-up winners must be available sometime between 7pm EDT and 11pm EDT on May 21st to have their badges verified in-game. Prizes will be distributed after all winners have been verified. If a player will be unable to log in during this time, he or she may ask to be pre-verified before the end of the contest by contacting @Balshor or @Maverick X in-game.

  • Prizes:

    • The player with the most points will win 2 million infamy and pick of 2 HOs from the list below.

    • The player with the second most points will win 1 million infamy and a pick of 1 HO, after the 1st place winner has chosen.

    • The first player to collect the "low level badge set" will win 1 million infamy and a pick of 1 HO, after the 1st and 2nd place winners have chosen.

    • The first player to collect a mystery grab-bag of badges will win 1 million infamy and a pick of 1 HO, after the above winners have chosen.

  • Prize restrictions:

    • Each player may only win one prize.

    • HOs will only be awarded if the player has a level 45-50 hero. If the player has only lower level heroes, he or she will instead win (calculate enough influence to buy SOs from 25-50) influence, which is sufficient to buy a full set of SOs every five levels from 22-50. If the player has no heroes, no hero-side prizes will be awarded.

    • All prizes must be claimed (or arranged to be claimed) within 2 weeks of the winners being announced on the official forums. Only characters with the same global chat handle as the original winning character may claim prizes.

  • The available HOs are: 1x(resist/end), 2x(dmg/acc), 2x(buff/end)...

  • The point breakdown for the badges are: Mav, can you verify these numbers with CIT?

    • Exporation Badges: 1 point each

    • History Badges: 5 points each

    • SF badges: 30 points each

    • Yellow/red mission badges: 10 points each

    • Red/black mission badges: 20 points each

    • Kill badges: 10 points each

    • PvP mission badges: 1 point per mission required

    • Tiered badges (healing, debt, damage, etc): 15 points per tier (so Dazed and Confused would be 30 points)

    • Badge badges and Level badges: 10 points each

    • All other accomplishment badges: 5 points each

    • Respec badges: 30 points each

    • Gladiators: 5 points each

  • The "Low Level Badge Set" consists of all non-PvP exploration and history badges, Plague Carrier, Mask Maker, Stone Cold, Bone Collector, Soldier, and Obsessed. The "Mystery Badge Set" consists of an undisclosed number of badges, all theoretically attainable by characters of level 15 or lower.

  • How to set up CGT with CIT:
    • Go to City Information Terminal and set up an account if you do not already have one.

    • Download the most recent stable version of the City Game Tracker and install it. Register for a CGT account if you do not already have one.

    • Run the CGT. When prompted, enter your CGT and CIT login information.

    • You're all set! Make sure you run CGT before starting up CoV in order to keep your badges up-to-date. If you forget, you can update your character's information by just temporarily setting your badge title to any missing badges (ie, click on them in your badge window while CGT is running).

Again, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact the judges (@Balshor and @Maverick X) or post below.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Looks good to me, if that's what you're asking. =]

5/06/2006 02:01:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Basically, yes, although I need a contact address for you and either good instructions on how to use CGT/HS+CIT or a link to such instructions.

5/06/2006 02:03:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Thanks, Grave, and I look forward to seeing you back in-game.

5/06/2006 04:31:00 PM  

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Thursday, May 04, 2006


Im actually thinking about renewing my game time im so bored of not playing it. i hope to see everyone soon!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Cool, see you in-game!

5/04/2006 09:46:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Get yer ass back here!

5/04/2006 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i may go back to COV/H but im really interested in getting Auto Assault, it looks really good. ill see everyone out there! PEACE OUT!

5/05/2006 06:10:00 PM  

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Base Rent Payed

I paid the base rent of 100,618 today, leaving us with 333,593 in the bank. Our next rent will be due in another month with a two week grace period after that, as usual, so our next payment will be paid on 6/14. (We should get a notice on 5/17 that rent is due on 5/31, then we'll pay two weeks later.)

Tags: base_

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New I7 base items

The new functional base items in I7 are the empowerment stations, a salvage storage item (150 salvage), an inspiration storage item (50 insps), and an enhancement storage item (100 enhs).

Currently, the empowerment stations aren't looking so hot. They require a lot of salvage to craft a single 15 minute buff. They come in tech/arcane varieties, and there are three different stations of each (similar to worktables). You can get the numbers on the salvage required for the first level buffs off of this thread.

The storage items look good. They cost 15k-25k each. The enhancement and inspiration storage items also consume some power/energy.

Unless there are changes to the buff costs (and there very well could be), I'm thinking that we'll add in some storage items and possibly a first tier empowerment station. Since we use the tech salvage for base-building, I'm thinking that the arcane line of buff stations are probably the right choice (although we could theoretically buy all six eventually).

Of course, this is all subject to change if the devs tweak the buffs before going live.

Tags: base_


Blogger Palcioz said...

I haven't been able to actually get on test to try this out, but according to the forums, it looks like you can set permissions as to who is able to remove things from the bins. Unfortunately, I don't believe that there is a "only the person who placed it" option. It looks like the devs implemented this as shared storage instead of personal storage.

I'm thinking that the enh/insp bins will generally be available for anybody (or maybe slacker+) in the VG to withdraw. The idea would be to make enhancements and inspirations available to other members of the VG. I may make salvage only accessible to EGs (really, to OC) since the empowerment stations seem pretty worthless and the salvage storage is pretty small. (You can carry more salvage on you than will fit in a bin.)

5/02/2006 07:01:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

You can put in multiple enhancement bins, although we'll need a power upgrade before we can stick too many in. You also can't put different permissions on each bin, or even different permissions on each type of bin. There's only one permission for "withdraw anyting from storage", and another for "deposit anything in storage".

One idea I saw on the forums was to use the tech/arcane difference to indicate what is personal and what is for the group. Obviously, it'd have to be on the honor system, and the logging system has giant loopholes in it, but we're a small enough VG that I think we can trust each other with it.

5/03/2006 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Actually, there's a nice little label telling you who put the enhancement there, visible by just openning the container (so no going through logs). The security provided by logging has holes you could sail an aircraft carrier through, though, so any enhancement storage would have to be on the honor system.

There are a few posts by Positron indicating that the storage items will no longer require control and power and that the salvage storage limit will be increased to 2500 per item. Additionally, the salvage requirements for empowerment stations are supposed to decrease a bit after a bugfix.

It looks like there are at least 2 patches going to test before I7 goes live. I'll hold off any judgement about how we'll use these new items until more details become available.

5/03/2006 06:00:00 PM  

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Monday, May 01, 2006

I7 is on test.

Applying patch now...I have about an hour before heading out to dinner with friends, so I'll see what I can see.

Patch notes are here.

Update: Here's how it went:

Patched, DLed a new (small) patch, and patched again.
Logged on.
OMFG it's I7.
Zoned into Grandville.
OMFG, that's a tall building.
Looked at my UI.
OMFG, my inspiration tray is moving around on the screen all by itself! My computer is haunted!
Submitted bug report.
Grabbed a paper mission, entered door.

Welcome to the Test Server. :)

Edit2: Yay, the Task Force Commander badge is now active heroside. +5% HPs, access to shoulder epaulettes at the tailor.

Edit3: After reproducing the mission crash, logged on to Bal and headed over to RV. Best Zone Ever! Unfortunately, the server crashed before I could do more than play tourist. (And yes, it was worth it playing tourist back in Atlas Park.)

Okay, off to dinner -- see you on test or on live later!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Don't think I'm going to make it on tonight -- spent some time playing with the friends' cats after dinner and should probably be getting to sleep. I'll try to catch you all on test tomorrow, though -- send me globals (@Balshor) when you're on, and I'll keep an eye out of everybody.

On a side note, I suspect that the official boards are going to be a real mess for the next few days, so if you have any thoughts you'd like to share here, I'd be interested in hearing them.

5/01/2006 11:49:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I was able to create a Thug MM just intime to crash. I didn't get home til 7 last night, so that was bout the time the server went down until 11. After 10, i decided to go to bed and watch Aeon Flux.

If you find any more badges, I would appreciate if you popped by the Issue 7 forum we have at CIT and drop all the info you could possibly drop on us. Thanks!

And I'll be testing tonight. WOOT! =]

5/02/2006 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Man none of you guys were on Pinn last night it was lonely when I hit 40. :( I did get over to the test server a bit and got an elec/elec up to 2 to check out Jacob's Ladder (awesome!) and a thug mm up to 2 as well to try out dual wield (stupid name!). Thug & both elec sets look great (except for lack of immob protection in /elec, lacking kb I can deal with but lacking immob is silly).

Grandville looked nice, a little confusing with all the silliness inside the base, but cool nonetheless.

Patron Powers are basically a wash, just as "weak" as the hero ones and the pet's aren't perma, so I could sort of care less...But I am excited about my 2 new alts come I7. :)

@lobster is active on test if anyone is on tonight during my normal hours and I'm not on Pinn.

5/02/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Congrats indeed!

I'm not too excited about patron power pools anymore, but I am curious about the new SFs on test. Presumably there's a 40-45 one and the 45-50 (?) Statesman one.

So, who's planning on starting some new alts when I7 goes live?

5/02/2006 03:44:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

There are some (but not very many) sick new costume options. Check out the new crazy spiked shoulder plate things.

I'm definitely set for an elec/elec brute and a thug/ta mm once I7 drops like the funny little bomb that could like it will.

And I still have my stalker & corrupter to work on too. Whatever shall I do? I guess it's a good thing there are no new corruptor or dom powersets eh? That and I have zero desire to play dark/ as a stalker. Maaaybe /dark though....but that's for another year.

5/02/2006 06:02:00 PM  

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