Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thursday Indigo x2

Okay, I've been saddled with not one but two missions to go take out Indigo. Anybody feel like taking out Paragon City's most reclusive contact? The one who hangs out way in the back of the only city zone to not have a tram and sends you on frequent delivery missions to PI and AP? Twice?

I'll probably be aiming to do these Thursday night around 8pm EDT (approx), as I have a rather large project to work on tomorrow. Find me if you're interested in helping out and (time permitting) teaming a bit afterwards. Expect to fight her as a level 46 EB or AV, depending on team size. The missions are from the mad scientist guy and the spider girl in case you want to double up on the Indigoness (the 45-50 contacts, not the 40-45 ones).

PS -- when you get temp powers from the 45-50 mad scientist guy, use them up each mission until he says that he's giving you the last one. They don't get refilled unless they're gone.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'd love to help, as WX and I have been knocking EBs outta the park all week, but we're leaving Thursday morning and won't be back until Sunday evening. We were going to be on, but happened to get tickets to Superman Returns, and since my FAVORITE comic book character of ALL TIME is Superman, we decided to see the movie. Hope all goes well with the missions.

6/28/2006 01:59:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

No worries. If nothing else, she should be soloable as an EB with the right inspirations.

6/28/2006 09:15:00 AM  

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Are you Stone Cold?

Because I'm not!
I managed to miss this badge on my new alt - if anyone happens to come across it (it's the " Deal with Niles Worthington mission" from Angelo Vendetti in PO, usually his first mission I think) on one of their newb alts, I'd really appreciate it if you would let me tag along.

Tags: misc_

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Venemous badge

It looks like that I'm on my last two story arcs for the 40-45 range, so I'm going to be trying to unlock the contact Number 204 later this week. He requires defeating 200 Toxic Tarantulas, of which there are plenty in Grandville (abit level 43-44 at the lowest, but they're mostly solo and occasionally duo). I'm going to aim for clearing out the rest of my badge (160 or so) on Wednesday night -- feel free to drop me a line if you want to join me for some or all of it.

Edit: Okay, let's say Wednesday at 9pm EDT. Feel free to join in late if you want.

Tags: events_


Blogger Andy said...

So how did this go?

6/22/2006 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Reasonably fast for a 200 kill-count badge. There's at least a couple of different areas in Grandville where the TT's spawn solo or in pairs at level 42-43ish, and with a mid-sized team (3-4 people) you can cruise around a circuit that will respawn at roughly the same speed that you can clear it.

When the team expanded to 7 members, we strung out enough that we were outpacing the respawn. (Having all 7 concentrate on one TT was overkill.) Fortunately, there are some secondary spawn areas that we could move to while the first was repopulating.

On a side note, Number 204 has only a 6-mission story arc. The story was a bit unexciting (at least compared to what I was guessing would happen halfway through), and it had a couple of annoying kill-all missions involving that new giant multi-level Arachnos room with the big ramps going through the center. Note that one of the elevators works (the other doesn't), and it will take you to a higher platform not reachable via the ramps that has additional mobs to fight. On a positive note, there was a nice reasonably-sized outdoor Gutter map with at least a half-dozen bosses to fight (solo/Relentless). That one was pretty fun.

6/22/2006 03:04:00 PM  

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Infamy Budgetting

In case anybody is trying to figure out how much they'll need to buy their level 45 SOs, I just spend about 3.5 million on mine. This is upgrading almost every slot (some already had 45s in them), mostly with accs and dmgs. (Final count was 20 accs, 21 dmgs, and around 20ish misc stuff.)

Previous calculations put an upper bound of 4.3 million infamy on the level 45s (assuming you slotted everything with damage or heal at 54k a pop). So, that was approximately a 25% overestimate of the actual cost. The upper bound for level 50s is about 5.5 million. If we assume the same 25% overestimation, we find that a full set of level 50s should cost about 4.5 million.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Just wanted to say that at 43, i slotted out with 45s and it took me 4.69 Million. Saving for my 50s now.

6/24/2006 08:51:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Really? My calculations must be off...81 slots at level 45 at a max of 54k each (healing/damage) gives you a total cost of 4,374,000 infamy. Do MMs have more slots than other players (as Kheldians do)?

6/24/2006 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your numbers weren't far off though Pal. You said 4.3 tops, and I spent 4.7. That's a reasonable margin of error, IMO.

6/26/2006 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Except...the 4.3 number was supposed to be a gross overestimation of the amount that you could possibly spend.

At level 45, you have 84 slots (I forgot to add the 1st brawl/sprint/rest slots), and the most expensive SO is damage/healing at 54k each. This gives at total cost of 4,536,000 infamy, which assumes that you slotted *everything* with damage or healing. The margin of error to your 4.69 figure is a minimum of 3 SOs -- in actuality, it's probably more, since most level 45 SOs cost much less than 54k each. (End=50k, Def=38k, Knockback=18k)

6/26/2006 07:26:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Now that I think about it, the error is in my number. I accidentally bought 2 lvl 50 SOs, which I promptly sold back. I also slotted heavily on Damage/Accuracy/Healing, with a few other misc ones (Endurance Reduction/Recharge Reduction/Defense Buffs).

6/27/2006 09:25:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Ahh, that would account for the difference.

6/28/2006 12:17:00 AM  

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Skipping "Verifying files..."

You can start CoH/V directly (bypassing the updater) by creating a shortcut to the actual program file (CityOfHeroes.exe). Edit the shortcut, and add " -project coh" (no quotes) after everything else that's currently in the Target line. In particular, if the path in the target line is already in quotes, do not remove them; the " -project coh" should be added after the existing quotes.

You can do the same for the test server, except with " -project cohtest". If you miss a patch, the game will tell you and not let you log on. Just run the updater as usual and you'll be good to go.

On a side note, check out this thread if you're interested in using your gladiators for your badge title.

Tags: misc_


Going by what's currently in the base salvage storage, we currently need 3-4 more arcane essences and arcane glyphs in order to craft the 3rd empowerment station. In particular, if you happen to find any rings, please drop them off in the base.

Tags: crafting_

New Recruits

I just removed the people who were over 100 days inactive, openning up 14 more spots in the group.

For all the officers in the group, please remember to send a "farewell" email to anybody you kick telling them why they were removed (inactivity, usually) and giving them the officers' contact info (@Balshor, @Maverick X, @Lobster, @Trinity Blade, @Voltaic Shock) in case they want to rejoin (assuming inactivity kicking and not disciplinary kicking).

Tags: admin_

Mage Hunter Badge Mission

I have recently acquired the "Defeat Selestar and guards" mission from Mage-Hunter Zuhkara. I'll be doing this sometime tonight, so drop me a line if you want in.

On a side note, Mav and I are planning to run a low level (as in from level 2) recruiting team Monday night, if anybody wants to join us.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Probably around 7-8ish EDT tonight. I don't really want to make a big deal out of this, but if people tell me that they want a spot, I'll wait to run it until everybody is online. (Conversely, if you want a spot, tell me, and discover that you can't come, please tell me somehow!)

6/18/2006 02:29:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

DOH! Well, if I missed it, I'm sure there will be another time. =\

6/19/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

It's a pretty easy mission to get...just make sure you do Mage-Hunter Zuhkara before 45. Considering that I'm on my last two story arcs at the tail end of 42 (except for Number 204), I don't think that will be a problem.

6/19/2006 09:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Guess that means I need to start doing my own missions instead of running with others lol. =]

6/19/2006 10:18:00 AM  

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Well, this would seem to be the opportune time to try to find some new members. It seems that it might be more fruitful to recruit in the lower levels...I'll get a new alt started and see if I can find anybody interesting to team with this weekend. Anybody else have brand-newbies that would like to come?

If you have any other ideas for getting new members, feel free to speak up. I know Mav's been working on some of our higher level friends, but I'm going to make more of an effort to take some random people on teams and see if there are any worth recruiting.

On a side note, sorry about this evening...CoH hard-crashed on me while exitting the mission, and it's getting kind of late anyway.

Tags: admin_


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, i always have more fun with a TE team than with others. GO US! And no worries Bal. I7 has been rough on us all. After that mission, i ran through a bunch of WX's alts newspaper missions to get mayhem missions and now I only lack the PI exploration badge! WOOT! Thats more fun than lagging around GV anyways. =]

6/15/2006 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is also this GREAT badge tracking site called City Information Terminal that gives a bunch of details about new badges that came with issue 7. (Yes, I know, a shameless plug, but hey, I'm proud of it).

Basically, Grave hit the nail on the head. If you havent downloaded the free guide, do so. I know, i know, a LOT of the info is wrong. But it does give some info that is CORRECT about Mayhem missions. Every 5 levels you get a new map as well, starting with Atlas Park, Kings Row, Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Independence Port, Talos Island, Brickstown, Founders Fall, and finally Peregrine Island.

There is one exploration badge per map, and if you get all of them you get an accolade (comparable to Task Force Commander i think...). There are also badges for destroying a certain amount of cars, or vault doors, or police, etc etc etc. Good stuff!

6/15/2006 01:29:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe these Mayhem Maps I did will help you. (I'm working on the installer atm so you can see them in-game).
Atlas Park
Kings Row
Skyway City
Steel Canyon
Independence Port
Talos Island
Founders Fall
Peregrine Island

The keys and locks are side missions you can do. They are as follows:
Blue: Breakout (Jail)
Yellow: Kidnap
Green: Smash & Grab (Store)
Red: Arson
White: Raid

6/15/2006 01:54:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Forgot to mention that the lower level missions wont have all 5 of those side missions. It will randomly pick one. The higher level mission (level, not difficulty), the more side missions it puts in.

6/15/2006 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have 2 other alts that i play with when im bored, just a heads up, im gonna be gone for the next 4 weeks, i will not have acess period. good luck to all!

6/16/2006 10:48:00 PM  

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Sad face

Well, it's official. My laptop is dead. All this means is that WX and I wont be able to play at the same time again. Plus, my desktop is on it's last leg, and with the new I7 lag, there's no way it'll dual box. I just have to hope it'll hold out long enough for me to get a new one.

It's a sad, sad day. =[
Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

Yeah, I7 pretty much killed my laptop. And right after I fixed the zoning issues it had too! *cry*

We want you both on at the same can get a "cheap" gaming rig for under $800 I know you want to go further in debt!!

6/14/2006 02:38:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

sad face indeed :(

6/14/2006 06:03:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I thought it was completely dead, but after tinkering a bit, I got it to boot and play (tho not very well). So I'm still shopping for a new Rig to replace my current desktop and my current rig will become my backup (like the Lappy was).

6/15/2006 09:23:00 AM  

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Best mission complete text 3V4H!

Mission Success: Achieved. Weapons: Perfect. Next step: Use of Weapons. Mwah: Hah: Hah!

-- Rikti Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt, upon completion of his first mission

Tags: misc_

Lessons from I7

(1) My computer likes to crash at inopprotune moments, especially while SJing around Grandville and landing in the middle of a bunch of Bane Spiders.

(2) The second Scirroco arc ends on a really cool (so far) unique outdoor map. This map includes two Ice Mistrals to defeat.

(3) The new Arachnoid caves are visually very nice.

(4) There were waypoints to the hostages in a rescue-hostages-type mission. Unfortunately, the hostages weren't actually at those locations. Also unfortunately, they were tiny little spiderlings that were very difficult to spot. Additionally unfortunately, the map was an outdoor version of Grandville, complete with massive visual lag, three levels of platforms to explore, and tunnels running underneath the whole thing. None of the hostages were on the ground level.

(5) In an effort to up the annoying-ness of that contact, the following mission was a defeat-all-longbow. In an Arachnos base. Where every spawn but the last one was a pair of Spec-Ops. And where the boss was bugged so he "escaped" and you failed the mission as soon as you attacked him. (No, there were no knockback powers involved. I don't have any.)

(6) Sigh...

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

And you guys wonder why I'm holding off on my "enjoyment" of that 40+ content!

*cackles madly* By the time I get to it it might actually be functional!

6/12/2006 06:18:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be up for some lvl 41+ teaming tonight.

6/13/2006 06:13:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sigh..... Maybe I WONT be able to play tonight.

6/13/2006 04:27:00 PM  

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Auto Assault/ buy or not to buy

Hey all, I want some feed back from all of you who have and play AA. what are the pros, cons, is it worth the buy or not. thanks

Tags: misc_

Friday, June 09, 2006


Hey, all -- I was hoping to get on for most of this evening, but our computer room seems to be infested with flies. So...bug bombs away, and I'll see you all either late tonight or tomorrow.

Good evildoing, all, and don't outlevel me too quickly. :)

Tags: misc_


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Stop chldren whats that sound, everybody look whats buzzing around

2. electicute them

3. umn not sure yet

4. get the fly gun

5. use good old news paper

6. (last resort) overheat your pc and put all the flies in there and watch them pop like popcorn!

6/10/2006 10:04:00 PM  

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thugs & blogger

Thugs/ is a ton of fun. And, for the time being, their tier 2 pet buffs of maneuvers/tactics/assault work on other thug pets at least, if not other pets in general. So now's a great time to roll up a thug/ mm! I think we've got 3 already - mine is thug/ta, Wave has a thug/dark, and False has a thug/something.

As you can tell I'm more excited by the new powersets than the 40+ content right now. The av/gm mega buff has really turned me off to all those AVs/ebs for the time being, as I would rather fight AVs (at the old level) in groups than EBs, and fighting AVs now is not very bright without the right team. Judging by the furor on the boards though, it will hopefully be undone (at least the huge hp regen rates) before too long. I'll probably be holding off until that point to do very much serious 40+ play.

Advice: IF you do plan to do the 40+ content, especially the patron arcs which have many AV/heros, turn your difficulty down to 3 or 4 if solo, or less if teamed. Pretty much the only way to beat av/hero/gms right now is with -regen. /dark has this in its heal, rad has it in LR. Bots has it to a limited degree in the assault bot blast, and cold has it in benumb - but neither of those is guaranteed perma, so be very careful!

Blogger has been very unresponsive lately, it looks like the whole database was down yesterday, hopefully they'll get it fixed before too long.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

There are some issues with having a large team, at least until they get the AV thing hammered out. I will in no way spend 20-40 minutes of my time fighting the same AV/hero. I just won't, I'm not paying for that.

So, until the av/hero regen fix hits I won't be doing any large teaming 40+. In fact I turned solo down to vicious so won't have to deal with anything more than an EB.

Sadly, the 40+ content in general excites me much less than the new powersets do right now, so it might be a while before I get into that. Still, I've seen 3-4 of our 40s on most nights, so those people should be able to put something together. I think at that team size it's safe to team on level 2 :P.

6/10/2006 08:59:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

If I ever make it into the game, I'd be happy to run small teams with Pal or larger ones LKing Bray up. (Rad secondary = best anti-AV thing out there currently.)

6/10/2006 11:59:00 PM  

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Base Update

I've installed 1 inspiration storage, 1 enhancement storage, 3 salvage storage, and 1 arcane empowerment station into the base. Everything is along the north side of the base, starting just beyond the library and going back towards the basement. This is semi-temporary -- I'll do a more thorough revamp of the base when I have more time, probably this weekend.

Keep in mind that all storage is accessible to all full members (slacker and above). Also, there are likely still some bugs remaining in the system, so use at your own risk.

Edit: Added the Grandville beacon, too. It's attached to the teleporter next to the Nerva/StM one.

Edit 2: There are known issues with base storage. Specifically, "If a player is kicked out of his/her base when putting items in storage - the items may be lost. It is also possible that items may be lost from storage if a storage container is moved more than a few feet in the base editor." I again emphasize, use at your own risk.

Edit 3: I've added the 2nd tier arcane empowerment station. I don't quite have enough salvage to make the 3rd tier one. (Specifically, I'm short 3 Essences and 6 Glyphs.) Since OC is the salvage collector, I'm dumping the components I do have in the second arcane salvage bin in the basement so OC can craft one and put it in the base.

Tags: base_

I7... live! My CoH is updating now -- looks like a 37.1MB patch in addition to the predownload.

So, are we going to rerun the badge contest?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

I wouldnt mind. But this is the worst possible week for me. I wont really get to play until next monday, by then, I expect you guys to have really blown past me. Just makes me upset. Damn family obligations lol. I called an woke up WX so she could get her and OC on for some action today. I'll be on sometime after 9 Eastern tonight for a while i suspect.

Maybe I can take my laptop with me.... but then WX wont stay with us. GRRRR. BAD CRYPTIC!

6/06/2006 09:53:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

I was expecting next week & at least one more big patch on test first...but OK Cryptic WHaTEver!

Seriously though wow, now I just don't know what to do - newb or high end content? I'm not sure if I have anyone I'm actually jazzed about taking to 50 yet. The PP powers just don't excite me at all, especially the pets not being perma.

Odds are I'll be on a new thug/ta tonight.../shrug

6/06/2006 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I'll be on tonight working on Siccero's patron arc with Pal, in case anybody wants to join me. For those of you starting lowbies, keep an eye out for new recruits among the new characters. :)

6/06/2006 12:43:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Expansion server: Protector?

I'm not sure how close any of you are to filling up your accounts on Pinn, but with my Thug/mm goes my last slot (even on 2 accounts!).

I'm not willing to delete anyone else, yet I want an elec/elec. Solution, time to expand to a new server. I've got several alts on infinity already, but that happens to be another East coast server.

If I'm going to play on another server seriously, it might as well be a West coast server so it's not down when Pinn is, I figure.

My vote is for Protector since I have a few brutes started there.

I'm not sure if anyone else is even in the same state I am in this regard, but I figure I might as well make it "official" and establish a branch there for other longtimers who may either be full on slots or be looking for a new server dynamic.

6/06/2006 03:05:00 PM  

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Atomic Frost in love?

Here is a picture of Atomic Frost making love to Fortunata!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

Villains need hugs too.

Sorry I went afk man, old friend from college called.

6/06/2006 10:48:00 AM  

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Wavelength X hits 40!

I just wanted to be the first to say Grats to my wife for being the newest lvl 40 in Team Evil! WOOT!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Congrats, WX! Looking forward to racing you to 50. :)

6/05/2006 07:00:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Woot! Gratz Wave - and just in time too!

6/06/2006 10:48:00 AM  

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Best Kicked Ass Respec EVER!

On Sunday, Atomic Frost, Fallen Valkyrie, Trim and I (I think I'm missing someone) did the lvl 20-30 respec. It was a 3 Corruptor and 1 Master Mind team. we only died 3 three times but we kicked that trees ass so hard it aint comin back. so did it in about an hour +. pretty good!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

Barring a few hiccups and non-coordinated moments we did do very well for a 4 person team. I had lots of fun too. :)

6/04/2006 04:10:00 PM  

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Friday, June 02, 2006

Weekend Events, brought to you by....Lobster!?!

In an odd and confusing (and somewhat frustrating) turn of events I'll be alone for the weekend. So we all know what that means - mad SF catch up for me!

My tentative plan is to hit Silver Mantis around 8pm pacific friday night, possibly a little earlier, depending on when folks get on.

Saturday mid-morning (11-noonish pacific start) I'd like to take a run at Operative Renault - this is the only one I haven't successfully completed CoV side (3 masterminds were not enough for that silly eye!).

Saturday afternoon/night up I'm for a respec or two on the 21-31 (or whatever the lower range is now) trial.

If I'm really bored I might even take a run at Bastion or Numina hero side on Sunday! That or an rsk'd Virgil Tarikoss SF so I can grab the badge for KV or BB, whoever needs it.

SO - who's available when and for what?

We ran the Sharkhead last night and tore through it really well, around 3-3.5 hours I think. It seemed like most of the deaths were during the first kill task. Always amusing. And the Eye killed me in the first 10 seconds, so I was real useful there.

The badge failed to reward, but I petitioned & was notified by email this morning that the badge was awarded, and lo and behold it actually was. Fastest gm turnaround time I've ever seen. Capio also reports that he was awarded the badge this morning.

Tonight (Saturday 06/03) I will be running the first villain respec trial. I'm thinking after dinner, so maybe around 7 pm pacific? Depends on when folks get in - see you then!

/end EDIT]

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

I'll be around tonight, although I'll miss the rest of the weekend. (I'll be back on Monday.) Any chance we can do Sharkhead tonight instead of Silver Mantis?

6/02/2006 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Friday and Saturday, I SHOULD be able to make it, but no promises about Sunday since my in-laws are throwing an anniversary party for me and Mrs. Mav (5 years!).

6/02/2006 09:21:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

OC: Gratz!
Pal: I was planning on doing Mantis first because my corr is only 24.3, figured that SF would push me over to 25 and into Sharkhead range. Doh!

6/02/2006 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Definite gratz to OC and WX!

Silver Mantis is fine if you want to level up somebody, although I was hoping for Sharkhead since that's my character's range, and we did Silver Mantis last time. Ahh, well.

6/02/2006 02:38:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

You know me, I rarely do anything if there's no xp involved.

I was holding off on leveling the corr to keep him in range for Mantis, but I'll get on as soon as I get home and try and get him 7 more bubbles so he can do Sharkhead instead.

6/02/2006 03:22:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

UPDATE: We are running the sharkhead SF (25-31) tonight around 8PST.

6/02/2006 10:07:00 PM  

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