Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Base: Constantly Under Construction

Just a quick note for those wondering what's going on: Omicron Cypher decided that he would like to redesign the workshops, so be prepared for a bit of construction in that area of the base.

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...

Pal just didnt want to be blamed for the current state of the workshops lol.

That's ok. I hope to finish them tonight. I had to leave last nite before I got the chance to finish them, so hopefully I can do that (and get 37) tonight.

11/30/2005 05:58:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

I'll have to take my stab at doing a room eventually, I've seen some nice base images posted around.

11/30/2005 07:54:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think im going to be stuck at 36. 3 bad nights in a row. Oh well. At least i got the workshops a bit more presentable. Maybe i can make 37 by the end of the weekend. I wont be on tomorrow.

11/30/2005 10:09:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Sorry, Omicron Cypher -- rights and responsibilities and all. :) Hope your levelling streak improves soon. I spent today helping villains take over Siren's Call by dropping flying targets for stalkers to AS -- then I spent some time helping the heroes start to retake the zone while being extremely annoyed at all the stalkers who were ASing me. On the plus side, I scattered a bunch of villians camping the hero base. SR + Cryo Armor + IR goggles + stealth temp power = much fun.

12/01/2005 12:42:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Eh, its all good. Ill try more this weekend. I really am looking forward to dropping a bunch of traps in PvP under Mie's shadowfall and helping with that assault. Sounds like fun.

12/01/2005 11:58:00 AM  

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Base Rent

Just paid the rent of 42372 prestige. Using the formula from the boards gives us a net worth of 3,136,701 prestige.

Formula from the boards:
Rent = Prestige * ( 0.000278049 * Prestige ^ 0.2596)

Inverse of that formula:
Prestige = exp(ln(Rent/0.000278049)/1.2596)

Tags: base_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Staggerlee -- all I can say is that I'm glad that there are people like you in the world who don't mind paying people like me to do these things. :)

11/28/2005 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its all greek to me. i like mie's the best, lets whack that landlord to the GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/28/2005 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS i got ur back mie!

11/28/2005 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heck i have RHINO that can kick anyones ass who comes infront of me


11/28/2005 07:09:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...


How do you document real life
When real life is getting more
Like fiction each day
Headlines -- bread-lines
Blow my mind
And now this deadline
"Eviction -- or pay"


How do you write a song
When the chords sound wrong
Though they once sounded right and rare
When the notes are sour
Where is the power
You once had to ignite the air


And we're hungry and frozen


Some life that we've chosen


How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
Last year's rent


We light candles


How do you start a fire
When there's nothing to burn
And it feels like something's stuck in your flue


How can you generate heat
When you can't feel your feet


And they're turning blue!


You light up a mean blaze

[ROGER grabs one of his own posters.]


With posters --

[MARK grabs old manuscripts.]


And screenplays


How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
Last year's rent

[Lights go down on the loft and go up on JOANNE JEFFERSON,]
[who's at the pay phone.]


[On phone]
Don't screen, Maureen
It's me -- Joanne
Your substitute production manager
Hey hey hey! (Did you eat?)
Don't change the subject Maureen
But darling -- you haven't eaten all day
You won't throw up
You won't throw up
The digital delay ---
Didn't blow up (exactly)
There may have been one teeny tiny spark
You're not calling Mark


How do you stay on your feet
When on every street
It's 'trick or treat'
(And tonight it's 'trick')
'Welcome back to town'
Oh, I should lie down
Everything's brown
And uh -- oh
I feel sick


[At the window]
Where is he?


Getting dizzy
[He collapses.]


How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
Last year's rent

[MARK and ROGER stoke the fire. Crosscut to BENNY's Range Rover.]


[On cellular phone]
Alison baby -- you sound sad
I don't believe those two after everything I've done
Ever since our wedding I'm dirt -- They'll see
I can help them all out in the long run

[Three locales: JOANNE at the pay phone,]
[MARK and ROGER in their loft, and COLLINS on the ground.]
[The following is sung simultaneously.]


Forces are gathering
Forces are gathering
Can't turn away
Forces are gathering


Ughhhhh-- I can't think
Ughhhhh-- I need a drink

[MARK (reading from a script page)]

"The music ignites the night with passionate fire"


Maureen -- I'm not a theatre person


"The narration crackles and pops with incendiary wit"


Could never be a theatre person


Zoom in as they burn the past to the ground

[JOANNE (realizing she's been cut off)]



And feel the heat of the future's glow



[The phone rings in the loft. MARK picks it up.]


[On phone]
Hello? Maureen?
--Your equipment won't work?
Okay, all right, I'll go!


How do you leave the past behind
When it keeps finding ways to get to your heart
It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out
Till you're torn apart


How can you connect in an age
Where strangers, landlords, lovers
Your own blood cells betray


What binds the fabric together
When the raging, shifting winds of change
Keep ripping away


Draw a line in the sand
And then make a stand


Use your camera to spar


Use your guitar


When they act tough - you call their bluff


We're not gonna pay


We're not gonna pay


We're not gonna pay


Last year's rent
This year's rent
Next year's rent
Rent rent rent rent rent
We're not gonna pay rent


'Cause everything is rent

I have serious issues, I know. But at least none of them involve barnyard animals.

11/29/2005 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that equation's wrong
rent=(1 pint blood of each sg member)
j=# of sg members;
for i=1 to j
next i
1 extra large geneva sausage, just to appease black scorpion

11/29/2005 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lobster i think you got a little bored because that song it too long!!!!!!(yet funny) but still too long!!!

12/05/2005 07:38:00 AM  

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Upcoming Events

I'm going to be out of town this coming weekend, so I won't be able to organize events for then, but here are some things I'm thinking about for the coming week or two:

1) Team mixer night with the Arch Villains. Get to know our allies by running missions with them. We'll probably start out by meeting up at the base, then breaking into teams depending on level ranges, availability of LKs, and such.

2) Silver Mantis SF. This is for levels 20-25, requires membership in the SG, and has a minimum team size of 4. We can run multiple SFs in parallel if there are more than 8 people interested. My understanding is that this SF is comparable in length to the standard CoH TFMs, so the "standard" completion time is approximately 4 hours. If necessary, we can have a team that runs this "casual style" in two 2-hour blocks on different days.

3) PvP Night. As suggested by Staggerlee (Tormenting Soul), it would be fun to get a group together and check out the new PvP zones. Siren's Call seems to be the best bet, but I'll leave the specifics for Staggerlee to decide. See this post for any details/comments on PvPing.

So...any ideas for other events? Any suggestions for scheduling?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

I would love to do the Silver Mantis SF and even a bit of PvP. As for scheduling, I'm not picky. I just want to spend plenty of time grinding OC.

Also, another photo safari might be fun.

11/28/2005 12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Okay, so PvP in a couple of weeks on Sunday sounds good -- I believe that's December 11th.

How about Silver Mantis for Wednesday or Thursday night?

11/28/2005 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Oh, yeah -- Lost. Okay, let's say Thursday. What's the earlest we can start? Is 7pm Eastern too early for anybody? If so, do we have enough on each coast to run an early group and a late group?

11/28/2005 11:03:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If its on thursday, i wont be able to do it unless its 10:30 EST or later...

11/29/2005 05:05:00 PM  

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gobble, Gobble

It's past midnight here, so Happy Turkey Day!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

Happy holidays and dead turkeys and such!

11/24/2005 02:46:00 PM  

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Teleporter Primer

Teleporters are a bit wonky at the moment, so here's a brief overview of how they work.

We have 4 teleporters in the base: 3 PvE teleporters and 1 larger raid teleporter (which we will not be using for a while).

The PvE teleporters will take you to any of the 6 PvE zones in the Rogue Islands. Each of the 3 teleporters covers 2 zones. Entering from the control room (where the mission computer is), the first on the left goes to Nerva and St. Michael, the second goes to Sharkhead and Cap au Diable, and the last goes to Mercy Island and Port Oakes.

To use a teleporter, walk into the center of the teleporter and click on the computer inside. Because the swirly blue field blocks clicks, you'll have to zoom into first persom mode in order to do this.


Tags: base_ intro_

Next Hidden Evil Night

I nominate Friday night for out next all-stalker group. Current top level is 6, so if you haven't joined, feel free to roll a scrapper and level up to that point. We'll start Friday night once we have at least four interested people on (in order to meet the minimum teaming requirement for the group).

Tags: events_ hiddenevil_


Blogger Andy said...

I will probably be gone Friday night, but that doesn't really mean much, as I can always catch up or sk up later. The joy of an all stalker team is not having to worry about travel in dangerous areas!!

OK, one of the joys.

11/23/2005 07:37:00 PM  

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Base Update

There hasn't been much to say about the base, as we've pretty much maxed out our current options without doing a significant upgrade to the plot and infrastructure (which will require close to 2M prestige between the plot, power, and control upgrades).

We now have all three PvE teleporters up, giving us easy access to all six PvE zones in the Rogue Islands. The raid teleporter is also up, although it won't be much use to us until we upgrade the plot (or sell off a workshop) and install a vault.

All that's left from a PvE perspective is getting the SG healing badges and installing the upgrades to the infirmary (inspiration vendor and improved medical teleporter).

Keep earning that prestige and saving that salvage. If you're accumulating lots of salvage, you can refine it into components or pass it off to Omicron Cypher. I wouldn't recommend building anything but components at this point, as we don't really have a need for them at this point and they'll just eat up our available prestige.

Tags: base_

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Proposed Merger

After talking with a few members of the VG about it, I would like to propose a merger between our alt group, Hidden Evil, and my brother's VG, The Silent Hunters.

The Silent Hunters is an all stalker group. Our same rules and ethics would still apply. If everyone is agreeable to this, I will arrange the terms (to make sure that our ranking members get rank and a say-so, etc) and we can continue with this.

Tags: politics_


Blogger Andy said...

MMM. Are we that serious about this that we want to merge with someone? I thought it was more of a 'for kicks' kind of thing. I wasn't expecting a base or anything for this VG (we made it for over a year in CoH without one, I'm sure we can get by fine here without one).

But on that same note, I don't care either way. Although I sort of lean towards just keeping it as an alt sg, so that it is an obvious alt sg with ties to our main sg. Hmm, so I guess I do sorta care. Damn!

11/22/2005 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Can't say I feel too strongly one way or another about this. I mentioned this to Mav based on having a bigger pool of stalkers to draw upon, since it seems that we might not be up to running an 8 person team on our own. On the other hand, I see what Lobster says about having ties to the main SG.

Do what you will, folks -- I'm happy either way.

11/22/2005 12:59:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I hadn't really thought about it like Lob, but that's what this was for and I completely see the point. I really don't care either way...

11/22/2005 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

In all honesty, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of just a coalition...

11/23/2005 10:10:00 AM  

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Kidnap victims (amusing bugged mission)

One of the St. Martial contacts has an unfortunate habit of going out of his way to make sure that the inhabitants of the island are safe from the scheming of the various organizations fighting for power there. Now, as long as I get paid I have no problems working for him, but rescuing hostages and stopping evil plots just doesn't sit that well with me.

However, this mission to rescue kidnap victims from the Council had an unexpected twist to it that really warmed my heart.

I, for one, welcome our returning 5th Column overlords.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Woot! Go team... 5th Column?!

That rules. I liked the 5th Column more than the council, though either are still some of my favorite villains.

I got conned into coming to work today instead of staying home like i really needed to. Still jealous of your schedule that allows you to play like you do. :O)

11/21/2005 01:19:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Thank you for inspiring me to rework my tabs! Although I'm not sure I could deal with having all the bottom of my screen covered up like that...HRMMMM.

Are you 40 yet or what? ;p

11/22/2005 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I tried covering up the top of the screen instead, but that didn't work so well.

Still 36, although I have aspirations to 40 sometime over Thanksgiving weekend. (Horrible NYC weather + no relatives = small amounts of turkey + large amounts of CoV.)

11/22/2005 12:54:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have aspriations of being at least 36 by the end of the weekend (probably won't be able to play at all on Sunday, or maybe even Saturday for that matter). I think its plausible.

11/22/2005 02:45:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

I've heard rumors that the respec is fixed...which means I may be pestering some folks to help me out with this (3-4 people max) soon so I can take to playing KV again and maybe catch up someday (NOT!).

Hopefully we can just breeze the 1st two missions and use mm madness on the last. If anyone is up for this I'd really appreciate it - not going to try until I'm SURE it's working though.

11/22/2005 03:15:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Hmm, maybe we should have a UI ideas thread. What are your tabs currently like?

11/24/2005 12:54:00 AM  

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Screenshots of the Base

I just thought that I'd put up a few screenshots of our base to share with our non-Team Evil friends. (Edit: redid screenshots with higher quality textures/world detail.)

entering the base

the main hallway

our conference space

the med bay and the basement enterance

basement with the generator

the control room

peering into the teleport room

the peon work area

the evil genius work area

the crafting hall

the arcane alcove

the tech lab

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm shocked and ashamed that you didn't turn your textures and world detail up for those pix Pal!

11/21/2005 12:22:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Oops, knew I forgot something. I'll redo them tonight.

11/21/2005 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wandered in from the CoH forums; very nicely laid out base, great theming. I really like the generator in the basement and the cube farm. How evil! :)

- Slouching Tiger

11/21/2005 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really impressive base!
Much more interesting than most of the ones I have seen so far!
(linked in from base thread of CoH)

11/25/2005 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really nice contrast between tech and arcane. Extensive, and hilarious cubicle vs. evil genius workstations.

12/03/2005 03:28:00 AM  

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Feedback on the blog

So -- we've used this blog for almost 3 weeks now. What do people think? Is it pretty easy to keep track of what's going on? Would you prefer migrating over to a more traditional message board system?

Tags: blog_


Blogger Unknown said...

It works, but the one thing I don't like is that I can't see if someone has replied to a post. I have to try and keep track of how many comments each post has or just click it to see if there is anything new.

11/21/2005 09:05:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

I like it about average - for updates and stuff I think it's going really well.

As far as voting and such - do we really have anyone outside of us who would vote anyway? Activity is low, and I doubt a forum or anything else would bring that up.

11/21/2005 10:47:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I'll look into whether there are easy workarounds to make posts viewable by topic (events, base, etc). I don't think polls are really that necessary -- voting via comments will work as long as there aren't issues we want to keep votes private on and there aren't huge numbers of people voting. Comment tracking is definitely the biggest annoyance from my point of view, and I don't think that one can be resolved easily.

11/21/2005 12:45:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, so at work (on our servers here) I have a board setup. The boards are still in beta (but if we used them, it would be a nice stress-test and good to get feedback on what it needs). The funny thing is, it doesn't really have a way to track new posts and replies since the last login (though it is a bit easier than the blogs). It can be found here:

We don't have to use these, but they are available if we wish to. Also, that's a temporary address, but if we want to use them, we can arrange something a bit more permanent.

11/21/2005 01:24:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just realized that I forgot the L on the end of that address, it should be:

11/21/2005 02:42:00 PM  

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Stalker group: Hidden Evil

Well, the all stalker group had a successful first night, getting through a little over half of the Mercy Island content. For those of you interested in joining this group, see this post for details. Currently, the highest members of the group are level 6, so feel free to play up to that point on your own if you like.

If you have any characters beyond the 3 allowed in the SG, feel free to add them to the "Hidden Evil" alt group. We're already in coalition with them, so it will be pretty easy to communicate back and forth between the two groups. Feel free to contact Lord Conquerer, King Venom, Omicron Cypher, or me for invitations.

Tags: hiddenevil_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll have to say that I had a lot of fun with the stalker group. It was a blast to go up and have us completely obliterate 5-6 targets leaving only one or two for us to clean up. I look forward to many more nights of this (as I hope to be 40 soon, and would love to build my stalker for PvP).

11/21/2005 01:30:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Hmm, maybe "Team Evil: Alpha Strike" would have been another name we could have used. I'm looking forward to being able to take a team of 8 stalkers and completely neutralize 2 bosses and 4 lts in a group, leaving only the minions wandering around as easy prey...

11/21/2005 06:19:00 PM  

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Coalition: Arch Villains

We have formed a coalition with the villain group "Arch Villains". They're a group of about 20 with roots on Pinnacle going back to CoH beta. Please feel free to use the coalition chat channel to communicate with them for grouping, event planning, or just general socializing. Currently, both of our bases are open to coalition members, so don't be too surprised if you see some of them checking out our home.

We'll try to set up a VG meet-and-greet mixer sometime in the near future.

Tags: politics_

Alt Stalker Teaming Sun 8pm EST

For those of you interested in a slightly different CoV experience, we're going to be starting an all-stalker alt team. The goal here is not to just have a SG full of stalkers, but rather to have a group of characters that we can use to easily group with people of different levels. After brief discussion with King Venom and Lord Conquerer, we decided that having an all-stalker team would make for some interesting possibilities. Keeping in mind that the goal is to have an alt group that stays closely in level to each other, here's what I have in mind:

  1. Everybody plays a stalker, but there are no restrictions on origin, costume, powersets, or build.

  2. All members will belong to an allied SG tentatively named "Hidden Evil" (pending availability). The allied SG will follow the same guidelines as Team Evil, except that there is no restriction on the number of characters per player.

  3. In order to keep everybody as close together as possible, all members agree to play their characters only in one of the following situations:
    1. There are at least four members of the stalker group teaming together. This way, even if four members are higher level than the remaining ones, we can still LK up to a full team of 8.

    2. You are lower level than the highest level stalker in the group. In other words, you can catch up to the highest level stalker, but once you are even with the highest level stalker you should stop playing that character.

    3. You are doing something that doesn't earn exp, whether standing around chatting, getting exploration badges, or malefactoring for influence.

We would designate one night of the week to be stalker night in order to make finding a four-person team easier. Hopefully, if we can keep the characters close enough in level, we can even try to sync our contacts together.

Since the respec SF is currently bugged and we're putting Silver Mantis off until next week, I propose making this our Sunday night even for this weekend. The goal would be to see how feasible this is and to advance through the low levels. I'll be trying to put a team together so we can start Kalinda's missions at 8:30p EST -- please bring a level 2 stalker fresh out of Breakout. If this is too short notice, we'll try again later in the week.

Any thoughts?

Edit: Due to OC being sick, he'll be online tonight so we may try Silver Mantis after all. I nominate Wed night for this -- how's that work for people?

Tags: hiddenevil_

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Do not attempt the respec trial!

Just a warning, it's nice and broke. When you kill the last vine it kicks everyone off the server.

Tags: bugs_


Blogger Palcioz said...

says that a fix is on test, so probably it will be live with the next patch.

11/21/2005 11:53:00 PM  

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Reminder: SG Mode

Sorry for the title, been playing Rikti missions a bit much.

I notice that there are a half-dozen of you with zero prestige earnings, all under level 25. Remember that there is no penalty for playing in SG mode until level 25, and so you can help us earn prestige without hurting your influence flow.

Tags: misc_

Quick note: Weekend events

Just a fast note: due to RL issues, Omicron Cypher will probably not be able to make it online Sunday night, so we're putting off the Silver Mantis SF until another weekend. However, we'll still run a SF at 8pm eastern -- either respec or one of the standard ones. Exactly which one will be dependent on the participants levels. As inf earning through rsk was part of the original plan, we'll likely be trying to target the 20-25 range, although 25-30 is also possible. Feel free to post in the comments with suggestions of exactly which SF you would like to do.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Due to being terribly sick, I'm locking myself in my office for the duration of the baby shower. I WILL, therefore be available to help with a SF.

11/20/2005 09:46:00 AM  

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cathedral of Pain

So, I took Bal (well, Balshor1, technically) on Lady Sadako's (well, Lady Sadako3, technically) run through the Cathedral of Pain trail to get an item of power. Here's what I learned:

The goal of the trial is to destroy three obelisks in order to open the portal to the Cathedral of Pain. Once inside, you need to defeat Rularuu.

The trial is level 50. If you are below level 50, you will be auto-sked to that level. There is supposed to be a limit of 24 characters in the trial, and it seems that you really want three teams for this.

The trial is also on a 60 minute timer.

The obelisks are located on an outdoor map done in the style of the Storm Palace. The portal is on an island in the center, the obelisks are each on a separate island surrounding the portal island. All of the islands seemed to be connected by bridges and close enough to use superjump.

Each obelisk is surrounded by natterlings of various sorts (mostly minions with a few lts). Also, there is a large box next to each obelisk that spawns wisps, elementals, and eyeballs. The obelisks are protected by shields which can be taken down by defeating the spawns from the boxes. The natterlings apparently heal the obelisk, and they respawn whenever the shield does.

All three obelisks need to be destroyed before the portal to the Cathedral of Pain will open. The obelisks respawn, so you need to coordinate the teams to take them down near-simultaneously.

Once the portal is open, everybody enters the Cathedral of Pain, which looks like the interior of the Chantry or Storm Palace (with the dark purple lighting). Inside are three more of the boxes that spawn wisps/eyeballs/elementals. The box in the back also has Rularuu, an AV, by it. The goal at this point is to take out Rularuu, which was pretty easy with 20+ heroes mobbing him.

At that point, the trial completed, and we now had a +1% XP item of power sitting in our vault.

All in all, it seemed a pretty easy trial.

For Lady Sadako's review of the trial, see this post on the Training Room forum.

Tags: guides_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Staggerlee -- depends if the spawns scale with team size or not. We were up against multi-boss groups, and we not only had to defeat them but also hit the obelisk a bit before they respawned. I think we have around 20ish people when taking down the obelisks...not sure I would want to try it with 15.

Mie -- you can stack IoPs. So, if you get multiple fury monuments, for example, you can get higher than the base +1% XP.

11/18/2005 03:28:00 PM  

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SG Costume?

Do we want a SG costume? With free costume tokens coming out, making a second outfit to wear when playing with your favorite buddies won't cost you a thing. Wearing the SG costume would be entirely optional, of course, but it might be nice having a snazzy outfit to show our team loyalty. Any design suggestions?

Tags: admin_


Blogger Andy said...

Villain-camp is in!

11/17/2005 08:15:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I was going to play with some ideas last night, but as many of you know, to avoid wife-agro, I activated Stealth and walked away from the game last night to watch a movie with her. I'll try and do some concepts tonight... I think Lob said he wanted a SWAT look? lol jk. :O)

11/18/2005 09:40:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

One thing I thought might be kind of cool was to have the main costume have black (or some other neutral color) as the primary color and a secondary based off of SG rank:

purple = EG
red = Enforcer
white = Kidney Punchers
blue = Slackers
green = Cannon Fodder

Swapping into SG mode would allow us to have uniform yellow highlights.

(Colors are just of the top of my head based off of the con system. I'm sure you all can figure out a better color scheme.)

11/18/2005 03:35:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Well, what's the general theme we're aiming for? Tech armor? Evil jumpsuits? Military ware? Casual clothing? Something else?

11/19/2005 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds pretty cool but i think we need to stay witht the whole "dark and evil" thing.

PS i was wondering when i could get promoted

11/19/2005 10:09:00 AM  

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

King Venom's mission info list

Since I'm prevented from doing my missions for a while (bugged mission door), I figured now would be a good time to post the mission info I've got so far. This is only rough/unedited, but it might prove useful. Check out the first comment on this post - I don't want to post it on the main page because it is fairly long.

Please feel free to add any info you may have, if possible please put it in roughly the same format - or just include mission short desc from the nav bar, extra goals, map type, enemy types, and if there are temp powers/badges awarded. Usefull stuff like that.

Tags: guides_


Blogger Andy said...


a) Speak with archmage Taraxus [SI]
b) Find Mystic artifacts [martial] - large warehouse - carnies
c) Offer artifacts to powers [CaD] - large oranbega - cot

Seer Marino, Mercy Island
1) Talk to Operative Oudot [BB]
2) Uncover Paolo's true fate [MI] - Find Surveillance, find more information - trashed office - lost
-> 15 TOs available
-> phone after return
3) Get records, leave no witnesses [MI] - Find Wretch's files, destroy security computer - arachnos lab - arachnos
4) Steal research from Legacy Chain [MI] - 3 books to research - red office - legacy chain
-> 15 DOs available ?
5) Protect Ohanko [MI] - Free Ohanko, Remove body, Defeat base leader - arachnos lab - arachnos
6a) Warn Ghost Widow [MI] - arachnos lab - arachnos
6b) Speak with Arbiter Diaz [MI]
7) Rescue the Wretch [MI] - Defeat Mu'Rakir - arachnos lab - arachnos


Billie Heck, 6-10
1) Defeat all Verandi intruders [PO] - Rescue Emil Marcone - red office - mooks
-> phone after return
2) Kidnap Vanessa Verandi [PO] - Assist Pitbull, Get Vanessa out of cargo ship - boat top and interior - mooks - elite boss (bloody vicious)
3) Get reward from warehouse [PO] - Defeat all ambushers - ruined warehouse - hellions/mooks - low cons
-> enhancements
4) Capture Guido "The Mooch" Verandi [PO] - warehouse - mooks/hellions - elite boss (guido verandi)
5) Defeat Bloody Vicious, Pitbull, thugs [PO] - Defeat Bloody Vicious [boss] & thugs, Defeat Pitbull [lt] & thugs - red office - mooks

Mr. Bocor
end or l12: introduce: The Radio

The Radio, PO, level 10-15
1a) Steal Outbreak from Lost [PO] - sewers - lost
1b) Drop off the canisters of Outbreak [PO] - 4 drop-off points - outdoor city - longbow
*BADGE: Plague Carrier*
2) Take out Wyvern Financier [PO] - red office - wyverns
-> phone after completion
3) Bust up Legacy initation [PO] - 4 things to steal, defeat initation boss - red office - legacy chain
A) Beat Wyvern Rep for info [CaD] - Beat Wyvern rep - red office - wyverns
B) Force Tech to get codebreakers [PO] - Kidnap technician, take tech to computer - arach lab - arachnos
C) Get the Hit List [PO] - Steal list, 3 research files, beat guardian - red office -
5a) Learn spy identity [PO] - Find spy identity, defeat spymaster - council caves - council
5b) Catch Council spy, or not [PO] - catch the spy - arach labs - council


*Get the Sonata CD [PO] - warehouse - mooks
*Kidnap Haxx0r [PO] - warehouse - goldbrickers

Rob the Hook & Anchor [PO] - casino - security guards


*Defeat Joey Hamburger & Guards [CAD] - red office - mooks
*Get the Dagger of Erishkigel [Cad] - brown cave - snakes
*Get the membership list - red office - mooks
*Kidnap RJ - red office - hellions
*Defeat Gamuche & guards - warehouse - mooks
*Get the treasure map - sewers - cot

Boris the Russian:
*Get the loot [CaD] - bank - RIPs
*Rob the speakeasy - speakeasy - rips

Dr. Shelly Percey, CAD, 10?-15
l16 -> introduce Marshal Brass
1a) Find the Nictus - council caves - council
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Shadow Step (teleport): 2 hour duration,
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Gravitic Emanation: cone kb, disorient, slow: 2 hour duration
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Absorbtion: passive, res neg/nrg
1b) Have Nictus extracted [CaD] - lab - council
*NICTUS Powers removed
-> 10-15 TOs available
2) Defeat Hicks & his men [CaD] - Steal the equipment - arach lab - arachnos, luddites
-> Phone after completion
-> ?? available

Marshal Brass, CAD
1) Talk to Seer Marino [MI]

1a) Steel Rocket-pack from Brickers [CaD] - Steal Rocket-pack - warehouse - goldbrickers
1b) Get Rocket-pack to Dr. Flammond [CaD] - 90 mins - Find Dr. Flammond, escort Dr. Flammond out - arachnos lab - goldbrickers
-> 15 tech/natch DOs available
2) Defeat all Wyverns in base [CaD] - Find Wyvern's objective - arach lab - wyvern
-> phone after complete
3) Recover Amanda Vines [CaD] - Find Vines, Prof. Echo - lab - shivans
-> ?? available
4) Kidnap workmen [CaD] - 3 workers to kidnap - outdoor industrial map - clockwork
5) Find truth about PTS [CaD] - Secure PTS data, Find Vines - arach cave - arach, wyvern
6) Destroy the generators [CaD] - 90 mins - 7 generators to destroy - outdoor cobblestone town - wyvern, arach



* Defeat Manhandle & Guards - red office - freaks
* Get Henri's Cross - sewers - cot
* Kidnap Kerry Killen:
- red office - council - *BUGGED: KILL BOSS not hostage
- warehouse - lost
* Kidnap Luke - sewers - sky raiders
* Kidnap Arbiter Armstrong - warehouse - sky raiders
* Get the Claw of Doom - brown cave - tsoo
* Defeat Flying Dragon & Guards - brown cave - tsoo
* Kidnap Jesse Montoya - sewers - cot
* Defeat Veratzu & guards - sewers - cot
* Kidnap Gigabyte - sewers - council
* Get hacker codes - Get the hacker codes - warehouse - freaks - click + kill all in room
* Defeat Connor & guards [SI] - red office - lost


* Defeat all security (chum bucket) [SI] - rob the safe - bar casino - security guards


Vince Dubrowski, 20-25
1) Talk to Operative Massey [Sirens]
2) Defeat all Freaks at Hellforge [SI] - 6 crates to recover - outdoor forge - freaks
1) Seek clues to disappearance [SI] - brown cave - cot
2) Kidnap problem scrapyarders [SI] - 4 leaders to kidnap - sewers - scrapyarders
3) Negotiate with Circle [SI] - 3 circle mages to rescue - scrapyarders - tunnels - [pets]
-> XX available
4a) Get info in the Pit [SI] - Defeat 10 scrapyarders
4b) Recover stolen arms shipment [SI] - 4 weapon crates to recover - abandoned warehouse - scrapyarders
5a) Talk to Crash Cage [SI]
5b) Recover the shipment [SI] - 8 crates to retrieve - new warehouse - arachnos, slag golems
*BADGE: Slag Reaper
5c) Return shipment to Crash [SI]
-> introduce: Crash Cage
6) Bomb Scrapyarder cell [SI] - 5 bombs to place - warehouse - scrapyarders
7) Stop safehouse boss & his men [SI] - abandoned office - scrapyarders - boss is an 8k hp DESK

Crash Cage, 20-25
1) Steal the Coral [SI] - 4 shards to steal - warehouse - cage consortium guards, arachnos - entering arachnos ambushes
-> introduce: Diviner Maros
2) Talk to Mr. Bocor [PO]
-> 20/25 mag/natch DOs
3) Defeat all Arachnos in base [SI] - oranbega - arachnos & cot & cot portals
4) Take shard to Mr. Bocor [PO]
-> ?? available
5) Talk to Vince Dubrowski [SI]
6) Kidnap Leonard Sykes [SI] - red office - cage guards
7) Defeat all Legacy Chain [SI] - brown cave - legacy chain, cot
8a) Talk no Vince Dubrowski [SI]
8b) Steal the crystal [SI] - oranbega - cot

Diviner Maros, 25-30
*ARC: *
1a) Speak with Tarixus [SI]
1b) Defeat Circle in cavern [SI] - brown cave - cot - freak pet
2a) Steal Citadel's plans [SI] - lab - sky raiders
2b) Take plans to Council [SI] - council caves - longbow - council pet,
-> 25 mag/natch DOs & 25 magic SOs available
3) Get Coral for Maros [SI] - brown cave - slag golems, ?freakshow?
-> phone after finish
4) Strike Freakshow cultists [SI] - abandoned warehouse - freaks
-> ?? available
5) Defeat Metal Shift [SI] - freak warehouse - freaks - elite boss pet Barracuda
6) Force info from Legacy Chain [SI] - red office - legacy chain
7) Destroy shaper cult [SI] - freak warehouse - freaks - ele
8) Stop Calystix [SI] - water cave map - freaks & coralyx AV
2) Steal Theron's devices [PO] - longbow base - longbow
3a) Steal scroll of Tielekku [SI] - abandoned red office - BP
4a) Get scroll from Legacy [SI] - red office - legacy chain
4b) Beat all Circle & Warrions at Deal [SI] - warehouse - circle, warriors



*Defeat Dretch & guards - brown cave - cot
*Defeat Officer Waynewright & Guards - lab - skyraiders
*Kidnap efficiency expert - brown cave - tsoo
*Kidnap Dr. Montrose - sewers - lost
*Defeat Zeke & Guards - sewers - lost
*Get Isis' Staff - brown cave - tsoo
*Get Shard of Serafina - sewers - skyraiders
*Defeat Pharason & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Arista & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Teramis & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Jag & guards - warehouse - freaks
*Kidnap Giovani Morricone - red office - freaks
*Defeat Zeke & guards - warehouse - lost,rikti
*Kidnap Dizzy - red office - sky raiders
*Kidnap Larry Croft - sewers - cot


*Get the loot -
wood panelled bank - rips
light grey panneled bank - rips - rip minion pet

Lt. Demitrovich, NA, 25-30
1) Rescue Huntsman Davros [NA] - 75 mins - red office - longbow, arach [allies]
2) Place manifest on cargo ship [SI] - ship - wyvern, longbow [ambush]
-> 25 sci/mut DOs, 25 sci SOs available

1) Take out Lost leader & crew [NA] - sewers - lost, rikti
-> phone after completion
2a) Hunt Lost on Crimson Cove [NA] - Defeat 20 Lost
2b) Rescue Yushenko from Lost [NA] - warehous - lost
-> 30 sci SOs available
3) Steal blueprints and components [NA] - longbow base - longbow
4) Steal electronic components [NA] - lab - arachnos
5) Defeat Lt. Krieg & crew [NA] - warehouse - sky raiders, freakshow
*TEMP POWER: Nullifier Gun Prototye - 5 charges - -end, -rec, detoggle - gone after mish
6) Deliver Nullifier Gun to Arachnos [SI]
*TEMP POWER: Nullifier Gun Mk. I - 5 charges - -end, -rec, detoggle - gone after mish

4) Destroy cargo crates [NA] - ship deck & ship - longbow
5) Defeat Longbow agents [NA] - warehouse - longbow, family [pet]
6) Defeat Longbow on Nerva [NA] - Defeat 30 longbow

Darla Mavis, 25-30
*ARC: Aurora Fades*
1) Investigate in Crimson Cove [NA] - Defeat 10 Longbow
-> 25 mut/magic DOs, 25 mutant SOs
2) Defeat all Longbow agents [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> phone after completion
-> 30 mutant SOs available
3) Defeat Aurora Borealis [NA] - outdoor nerva map - longbow - hero: Aurora Borealis
*ARC: Power Mine*
4) Steal the Sapper research [NA] - big longbow base - longbow
5) Defeat all Lost in sewers [NA] - sewers - lost, rikti
6) Free Dr. Rossi [CaD] - arachnos lab - arachnos

Shadowy Figure, 25-29
1a) Get computer virus [NA] - (errand)
1b) Upload virus to computer [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> 25 tech/natch DOs, 25 tech SOs
-> phone after return to contact


*Get the Golden Tortuga -


Virgil Tarikoss SF, CaD, 15-20
1) Defeat all Legacy in office [CaD] - Find ritual notes - red office - legacy chain
2) Find reason for Circle attack [CaD] - Find foreman, defeat attack leader & crew - outdoor industrial map - cot
3) Take book and stop investigator [CaD] - Take Journal, Defeat investigator - red office -
legacy chain
4) Find Circle plan with Bat'Zul [Cad] - Discover Circle plan, Defeat Circle Librarian - oranbega - cot
5) Steal barrier piercing knowledge [CaD] - lab - longbow
6) Bind Bat'Zul [CaD] - 5 altars remaining, Bind Bat'Zul - hollows Trial map - bat'zul, cot

11/16/2005 11:31:00 PM  

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Quick base update

The four basic/advanced crafting tables are back up with enough control to keep both them and the two teleporters active. Note that to use a teleporter, you will need to zoom the camera in close enough to be inside the teleporter, then click on the computer. The blue swirly field is currently blocking mouse clicks. The teleporters are currently set up to take you to Mercy Island, Port Oakes, Cap au Diable, or Sharkhead Isle.

We are very close to exhausting the potential of our inital plot. About all we can do on our current plot is add a third teleporter to Nerva and St. Michael. Doing this will require upgrading the current teleport room at a cost of 450k, plus the placement cost of the teleporter itself and two beacons. The upgraded teleport room will also be able to eventually support a raid teleporter.

Once this is done we can start saving for a base plot upgrade. The smallest upgrade available will cost just over 3.3 million prestige, so it will take a while to get there. (By comparison, our current base is probably worth around 1.5 million total.) We'll also will be maxed out on control with the third teleporter, so we'll probably add another database (106k) before upgrading the plot. (Small point of upgrading if you can't add anything useful to the base.) With an upgraded plot, we can expand our current workshops to support the expert tables, add a vault for base raids, and do all sorts of other nifty things.

So, don't expect to see too much happening with the base in the near future, but we do have big plans for the prestige you all are earning.

Edit: I neglected to account for the 5 control cost per teleport beacon. We'll need another database before we can add the third teleporter, so that's next on the list. We're actually almost there -- as of a few hours ago, we were only 26k short.

Tags: base_

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Silver Mantis SF

Hey all. I'm a bit new at this, so bear with me please. I would like to do the Silver Mantis Strike Force that is given to us by the Mission Computer in the base. I found this info on it so far:

"Given by: SG Mission Computer contacting Silver Mantis
Min Level: 20
Exemp'd to: 25
Min # in party: 4
Several missions against Crey, Sky Raiders, Lost, Council Vamps.
And our beloved Colonel Duray was the lvl 27(?) Arch-Villain

Final mission just has to be done just for the spectacular view.

Memorable Missions: Council Vamp Producing Crypts in Striga
2 Hospital Rescues.
Escort 2 Tsoo Tattoo Artists to safety (one mission, 2 hostages, 2 bosses)
The hospital rescue were glowie clicks that caused 3 waves of ambushes each.
Also received Tellus Legacy of Earth..."

I would like for us to get a team together to do that this coming up weekend. I know that we won't get XP for it (at least those over level 25) but those 25+ could use some Infamy I'm sure.


Tags: events_ guides_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Sure, I'm up for it. Infamy is good. Just about any reasonable time works for me, but 8pm Sunday night seemed to work for most people last time.

With a minimum number of villains of 4, we should be able to accomodate as many people as want to come by running SFs in parallel. I'm sure we can work something out on the fly if necessary.

11/15/2005 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it'll be cool, im lvl 12 so im working my way up


PS how do you make your own account to post something?

11/15/2005 07:31:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Hmmm. I'll see if I can get a second char up to 20 by then, not sure if I can handle being level 25 again without my Oni! ;)

11/15/2005 08:18:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Techmind, see link on posting privs on the right of the main blog page.

11/15/2005 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



11/16/2005 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but how do i get an account without having to be anonymous?


11/16/2005 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can get a blogger account on Or, just don't select "anonymous" underneath the comment box?

11/16/2005 11:46:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, it turns out that this Sunday, my wife is throwing a baby shower for one of her friends at our apt. This means that Sunday, if i get to play, i wont be around much. I know ill spend plenty of time Fri/Sat getting xp as much as possible (since again the week has proven fruitless for me). I'm currently just into 29, so I want at least my aura this weekend! woot!

If you all want to run it without me, thats fine. I can always pick it up later.

11/17/2005 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys i signed up so i have a screen name. YAY

11/17/2005 07:30:00 PM  

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Monday, November 14, 2005

11/14 Base Update

With the fix of the missing prestige bug, we got a 400k prestige infusion that let us put in upgraded control, the advanced forge (arcane worktable), and a teleport room. We're a bit short on control -- only one of the teleporters is working, and it will take you to CAD and Sharkhead. Once we get more control up, the second teleporter will take you to Mercy Island and Port Oakes. goal is another database. As of this post, we need about 50k, so hopefully it will be up soon.

Regarding crafting and salvage: Just about all of the placable items you can currently craft aren't useful to us at this point. We'd like to be able to craft the medical upgrades, but we need the SG healing badges for that.

Tags: base_ crafting_


Blogger Unknown said...

Also, I've been hording salvage. It's all for the team, so if you would like to meet up with me and drop off your salvage, I'd be happy to do that.

Basically, for now, I'm trying to be the crafter for the group, working with Pal and the other Evil Geniuses to get what we need from crafting.

11/15/2005 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Had a bit of a problem with disappearing items this morning -- our TP beacons and the medical reclaimator were missing. I sold off the advanced forge to replace them, and we're back under the control limit, so we should be okay. I also submitted a ticket to support asking them to check our prestige totals.

11/15/2005 12:46:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

As an additional note, our first rent came due. 11/13 10:48 AM, 21791 prestige.

11/15/2005 01:34:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We only have rent if our net worth is 1,000,000+, correct?

11/15/2005 03:47:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Yeah, but we're definitely over that. 6 rooms = 850k
generator = 225k
mainframe + 3 databases = 250k (?)

then there are the 3 worktables and over 200 decorative items....

11/15/2005 07:15:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

So how much is our rent?

11/15/2005 08:17:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

See comment 3 above your question, Lobster.

11/15/2005 10:53:00 PM  

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Respec Success!

Team Evil successfully completed its first group respec (although Lord Conquerer's previous experience with outside villains was invaluable at the end). The team consisted of Lord Conquerer, Mie, Lady Crey, Raury, Omicron Cypher, and me (Palcioz). Time for completion was approximately 90 minutes.

The team and associated minions.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey! That's me, looking off into space because I wasn't paying attention lol.

11/14/2005 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys, i think we should have a party at the base!


11/15/2005 01:44:00 PM  

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List of Alts

Hey, all -- in an effort to keep track of which character belong to whom, please list your main character and any alts in the group in the comments to this post.

List as of Jan 8, 2006:

Lord Conqueror
Path of Destruction
Bad Dawg
Bitter Flower
Fallen Valkyre
Hell's Mercy
Screaming Medusa
Echoes of the Fallen

Gom Arhan

Lady Licentious
Lilith Lilitu

Dr. Jack

Cave Mortis

Proxima Centauri
Red Ant Bite


Omicron Cypher
Maverick XS
Maverick Thorn

Magma Phoenix
Double Impact

Alice of Malice
Winter Wulfen

Lady Crey

Alice of Malice
Kaptain Kadaver

Tormenting Soul
Towering Inferno
Lin Gui


Tags: admin_ intro_


Blogger Unknown said...

Main character: Omicron Cypher
Alts: Maverick XS

11/13/2005 04:00:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Filth (14 en/stone brute)
Phantom Soldier (14 merc/ff mm) are mine....for now!

11/14/2005 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger yynderjohn said...

Main: Alice of Malice (24 eng/eng stalker)
Alts: Kaptain Kadaver (lvl 6 ice/thermal corruptor)

11/17/2005 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winter Wulfen--7 ice/ice Dominator

11/27/2005 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Main: Magma Phoenix. Stone/Fire Brute.

Double Impact is my alternate.
EM/EA brute.

11/28/2005 07:59:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Since I can't find a way to edit my comment, I'll post an update...

Main character: Omicron Cypher
Alts: Maverick XS, Maverick Thorn

12/06/2005 10:44:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Main character: Palcioz
Alts: Brob Dingnag, Bray, Cameo

12/08/2005 11:10:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Compiled a list in the main post up to this point, with the exception of Lobster's alt list which I'm certain is terribly incomplete and out of date. Please post any revisions in comments.

1/08/2006 12:14:00 PM  

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Base Update

Last night, we finally got sufficient prestige to place the infirmary and a resurrection circle. When you are defeated, you should now have the option to resurrect either at the hospital or the base. If you resurrect at the base, you should be able to exit the base either right outside the door of your mission (if you died in a mission) or approximately where you died (if you died outside).

The next goal is to get a workshop build and a basic worktable. This will run 100k for the room and 25k for the table. We currently have 35k banked, so we will hopefully get this working by the end of the weekend. This will almost tap out our available control, so the next goal after that will be to buy a bookshelf at 106k. This will double the amount of control available and allow us to work towards the other five worktables.

The other option is to build a teleport room, but judging from people's comments in SG chat, you'd all rather be able to do something with your salvage.

Edit: Okay, I overestimated both the control requirements and the amount of time required to earn prestige. Basic arcane and tech worktables are now in place, allowing you to refine your salvage and craft a few items. Although you are welcome to craft whatever you like, I would not recommend actually making anything beyond components as the crafted items are either useless to us at this time (like all the base defense stuff) or too expensive to place (like everything else). Next goal: Increased control. We're currently at 45/50, and I'd like to put up a bookshelf, which costs 106k. After that, we can either build more workshops, add a mission computer, or build a teleport room.

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...

Woot! I got the honor of placing the rez portal, though without everyone helping, even that would have been impossible.

I plan on playing most of the weekend in helping to push towards the goal of getting a worktable, as I'm close to maxing out many of my salvage types.

Excellent job Team EVIL!

11/11/2005 11:23:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

We're now just shy of 60k banked. At this rate, we may be able to place the workshop room tonight and the table tomorrow.

11/11/2005 03:18:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be on just as soon as I get home. I definitely want to play with the work table because I didn't really get to in beta. I cant wait to see what I can do with it.

11/11/2005 04:05:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Grooovy. Although - I've seen some recipes posted and most were obscenely expensive, so the fact that we have a worktable and/or salvage seems somewhat negligible. I wouldn't mind that 1.5 million computer that you get for the mentoring badge that gives access to the 21-25 SF...

On a lighter note - I think I shall celebrate our functioning rezzer by christening a new alt or two to break it in this weekend!!! Need to remind myself to remove Burning and promote King though

11/11/2005 04:45:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, just screwing around with the salvage yesterday, I accidentally ended up with the mission computer. I thought there would be some sort of confirmation ("Are you sure you want to build this item with your salvage?" or something along those lines), but there was not. It is 75k to place i believe.

11/12/2005 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Yeah -- I ended up with three mission computers before I figured things out. Oh, well.

The control item isn't very good -- costs somewhere between 90k and 100k and gives 25 control. A bookshelf is 106k for 50 control.

11/12/2005 08:47:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Does the rez thing work for anyone else? It was putting me & Lord out all over the map last night, anywhere but near the mission.

11/13/2005 06:42:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The one time I got to use it, it just threw me randomly back out in Nerva (I did die there). I was greatful for this though, be cause I came out of my mission and was instantly ganked by a 3+ Boss. So, needless to say, when it placed me between that mission door and the ferry, I wasn't complaining.

11/13/2005 08:50:00 AM  

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Respec Trial This Weekend

So, anybody up for running the first respec trial this weekend? Minimum level is 24 (I believe), and if we can keep the top 3-4 villains in the group at approximately the same level, we should be able to LK people up into a 2-level range.

I propose Saturday night, 8pm eastern. Anybody interested? Interested but prefer a different time? Comments are yours....

Edit: Looks like Sunday night, 8pm EST works better for most people. Plus, the more people who are 24+, the better. Let's try to keep the higher villains in the group around the same level so we don't have too bad of a level spread for the trial.

Edit 2: I am told that this trial has a minimum level of 25. Adjust your plans accordingly. Judging from current levels, I'm predicting that we should be able to run in the 26-28 range on Sunday.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

This sounds good to me. I really want to make the push to 26 this weekend, and since I prefer teaming, this would be great for me. I just need to get the rest of the way to 24 at least.

I'm not sure what I'm doing on Saturday, hopefully I'm available. Saturday is just a hard day for me since my wife likes for us to get together with others on that day, but I'll keep you informed.

11/10/2005 12:58:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

If I'm around I'm definitely up for it, but I can't guarantee anything with the whole marriage thing :P

False just ran it last night and it sounded like he had a pretty easy time with it (although I left before he finished), I've also heard that this is a TF where MMs actually excel in the last mission ;). So yeah...hopefully!

Glad to help you cruise to 26 if I'm around Omi - I haven't had any real problems leveling yet at all. Sure some missions are a pain (the infinite arachnos ambush mission where they automatically target me and never my pets got old real fast...), but my leveling rate has been pretty constant and I'm very pleased so far. 'course, it is only the mid-20s, I'm sure by 30s leveling will have slowed quite a bit.

11/10/2005 02:15:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Well, I have no problems doing this on Sunday 8pm EDT if that's better for people's sechdules and lets more people hit 24. Would that work better for you all?

11/10/2005 02:32:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, this week's wife patch has included a large wife agro buff. lol Sunday is always a better day for me. Maybe we can hook up Trin, get both of us to 26?

I look forward to teaming with you all this weekend.

11/10/2005 04:30:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

As per the edit, new time is Sunday 8pm EST. Let's see if we can get the 19ish-23 crowd up to 24 by then.

11/10/2005 11:19:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Well, if we have more than 8 people, we can try to run two in parallel, possibly picking up additional people to round out the teams if necessary. Anybody know the minimum number to start this?

11/11/2005 11:52:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

According to the contact, I would need to gather 4 more villains to fight with me, so I take it that the minimum would be 5.

11/13/2005 09:00:00 AM  

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Group policies

I've made a few minor updates to the proposed group policies. Please see this post for the specifics. Any comments should be left at that post.

If there are no other suggested changes before then, I think we should go ahead and consider the policies final and implemented in one week (on November 17).

Edit: If you don't see a bunch of red text on the top of the policies, please refresh the page.

Edit: The policies should now be considered final and active.

Tags: admin_

Monday, November 07, 2005

Base & weekend update

I purchased the mainframe last night - now all we need is 160k for the medical room (150k) and transporter (10k)! Almost there guys! Your next alt will thank you for earning that prestige when they have the benefit of a teleporter to get back to missions.

I had a great time this weekend grouping with everyone, old and new alike. We ran the level 15-20 Strike Force twice on Saturday with great results - that last mission is murder on MM's though! Gotta love pets that try to kill stationary burn patches (lava)... The AV himself was no pushover, but not in any way "hard" - it was the map that was the killer there. At least you can see the map this time! (The Hollows trial uses the same map, but the map is hidden.) I do apologize if I was a little more bitchy than usual, I shouldn't be letting my RL stress leak over.

Member levels are moving along nicely with a nice distribution - we have several low & mid twenties now and a good smattering of teens and lowbie alts as well. Something handy I found - if you are looking for a quick xp fix - try hazard zone door missions - they are very short and the reward is 25% higher. The Siren's Call missions have been one of two sorts so far - plant 2 bombs (very annoying because bombs make no noise!) and a defeat all that also requires a hostage lead out. Handy thing is the hostage is a rad/rad who will fight for you, happily slaughtering his allies...

Tags: base_ events_


Blogger Unknown said...

It's all good, Pal. I'm sure we all had fun this weekend. Unfortunately, I missed the Strike Forces, but alas, I'm sure there will be another time.

It's good news about the base though. My only problem with the PvE missions in the PvP zones is the one that is a defeat all/escort. That end boss is MURDER on me. Everytime I tried one of those, she/he would kill all my pets, then be perma aggro'd on me. Lead to debt EVERY time. Oh well.

I know I had tons of fun, and where I have to help a friend move this week, I plan on seeing everyone in the Rogue Isles. Who knows, maybe I can even may 26 by the end of the week?

Also, I vote for a workshop after we get our base infirmary up and running.

11/07/2005 03:24:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Dude. Read the poster's name, that was me not P. :P

Yeah that boss at the end was a bitch, she killed me the first time before I figured out a little smarter pulling - I use my tfoe to clean up all her minions, and then distract her with my tier ones, who may or may not eat it, while debuffing.

Here is one place poison actually has an advantage - once I get the second weakness stacked on her it is over. Over over. For you I would suggest force bolting her into oblivion, or using the phase power to hold her while cleaning up the minions.

26 is doable - I made 1.5 levels last night in like 3 hours soloing. Those missions I just mentioned are the easiest way, they should be doable for you on heroic. Seriously - force bolt for teh win! If not, paper missions/contact arcs are good too. I found that just duoing or soloing is actually faster than teaming since teams will have the inevitable snafu, or wait for other players, or whatever. Fun, but not what I want to do all the time. Especially with 5 mms worth of pets running around. Muh hahahah!

11/07/2005 04:15:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

While teaming under ideal conditions is better xp then soloing under ideal conditions, my experience has been that "ideal conditions" are far easier to engineer solo than in a team. CoV ATs don't have nearly as much synergy as CoH ATs, and that really takes away a lot of the efficiency of teaming with respect to xp.

Then again, this could just be a reflection of the composition of the teams I've been on. For some reason, they mostly seem to be full of Masterminds....

11/07/2005 08:07:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Masterminds are filthy, dirty, and need to bathe!

But yeah...CoV has something that is not quite the opposite of synergy but is close - EVERYONE does damage, and no one really seriously controls aggro (unless a brute actually takes taunt) or can survive aggro (unless you are playing with a level 38+ stone brute). Lots of minor aggro control with doms & mms, but nothing on the level of (pre-i5) controllers, tanks and even scrappers.

The hazard missions I mentioned are assigned by the first (only?) contact you will see right when you walk in. Well, there are two in BB - one that gives the zone wide mission and another that gives the patrol & door missions. This was the same in Warburg, and in SC I'm not sure what the second contact/zone wide mission is, but there is at least the guy I was referring to right when you get off the chopper.

On a lighter note - I think there will be "more" syngergy once the # of MMs in a group drops off to 25% of the group or less. But, like, not with me around it won't! :)

11/07/2005 08:16:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I'll get my MM to 40/50 then retire him (using him only as a badge whore). I started a Stalker last night (don't worry, hes only level 2, not really any prestige missed out on lol) and found that at level 2 I could one shot guys. I literally about wet myself. After the first, I was impressed, but when I did it successfully 5 times in a row, my wife was tellin me to calm down. :O)

It's going to be a hard choice as to what I'll play next. Not sure to continue my brute or play my new stalker.

I guess because of that Ideal Engineering that Pal does with missions is why he didnt respond to my requests for teaming the past night. Oh, I'm sure he'll blame it on "base redecorating", but we all know the truth now!!!11!!1!!! >:) Just messing with you Pal.

I had fun with my MM in beta, but even after spending ALL of my inf on 16 SOs, my robots respond better, but they still leave much to be desired. COME ON LEVEL 26!!!!

11/08/2005 09:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and forgot to say it in my last post, but sorry Lob. It had been a long day for me, and I was a bit confused when I posted that. I realized it was you later, but I didn't see a way to edit my post.

But, um, i meant it like, buddy, pal, u know... Yeah, thats what i meant... :OÞ

11/08/2005 03:35:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Dude. I am always confused, you know the drill. :)

Man, xp is moving a lot faster than I thought it would on an MM. I really should do something different next so I have an outside source for comparison, but I'll probably be doing a dual MM bot team. M U hAHAHA!

Hopefully oni tonight!

Oh, and the pet damage fix went in - this should be bigger news for pre-26 robots & mercs than it is for me (since those groups use their upgrade attacks more). But, it's a nice damage/accuracy boost that we were due for anyway.

11/08/2005 07:07:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Handy base calculator spreadsheet here:

Oh, and ONI POWA! Well, it's not overwhelming, but it sure is fiery!

11/09/2005 12:59:00 PM  

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Sky raider mission bug

In the mission where you have to defeat Bastilla-1 (a VERY cool mission, by the way -- won't say anything more to save the surprise), there's a bug where if you are defeated and try to exit to the hospital, you'll be ressurected where you stand. (There's an error message about "can't find gurney" or somesuch.) As this mission involves an elite boss and you'll be standing back up right where he killed you, this is a potential invitation to massive amounts of debt. I highly recommend that you don't do what I did and use this "feature" to solo the dude. He's rather tough -- bring along some teammates to get the fire off of you when you stand back up on your feet.

(If you do want a hint, check out this screenshot.)

Tags: bugs_

Cape Mission Team

We currently have 3 20+ villains, 2 19s, and 2 18s. Anybody up for a join cape mission team this weekend? It's a tough one for a lot of ATs to solo, and with mission combining we'll only have to do it once.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Shoot yeah! I want in. Also, perhaps we could consolidate our 2nd costume mission for those of us who haven't gotten those.

11/04/2005 12:31:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Oh, yeah -- completely forgot about that 2nd costume mission. Okay, this weekend, we'll do a costume-related-missions team. Say, Sunday evening? To give people a maximum amount of time to get to 20?

11/04/2005 12:48:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds good to me!

11/04/2005 01:14:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Hmm...we could roll this into a 17-20 SF, too, if people are interested.

11/05/2005 02:20:00 AM  

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Alt Group?

So, any thoughts on what we should name an alt group? One nice benefit of starting an alt group is that we can use the alt group bonus prestige to build a social base while we focus on getting the Team Evil base functional. If we get 15 characters in the alt group (meaning, let Lobster at it for 5 minutes or so), we get 300k prestige that would buy us a couple of rooms and some furnishings.

Tags: hiddenevil_ admin_


Blogger Unknown said...

Are we going for a themed group? or just alts in general? I'm still trying to find a name/costume I like for my stalker, and I'm sure he'll find a home there.

11/03/2005 09:13:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I'm thinking an unrestricted alt group. The idea would be that villains who want some personal space could throw an alt in here. When their contribution to the main TG reaches a certain point, they gain editting privs and can modify some part of a common social room (think their space in a bunkroom).

11/04/2005 10:36:00 AM  

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Base Editting and Design

I went ahead and gave all ranks temporary base editting privileges so we can all play with the base editor for a bit. I went ahead and stuck in some decorative stuff -- feel free to edit anything that's currently there. All prestige is completely refundable, so don't worry about spending it. Know that this free-editting period is so you can play around with the editor and will be restricted once we have enough prestige to start making the base functional.

I think that to encourage members to earn prestige we should consider granting personal space eventually. One of the social rooms could easily be designated a bunkroom, and we could allot space out of it for personal design based on the amount of prestige earned for the TG. There are a lot of details that would have to be worked out for this, but it'd be pretty far off in the future anyway.

Tags: base_

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hero <-> Villain Communication

Please remember that if you want to be able to hear members of the opposite faction, you need to set the appropriate options under chat.

Tags: intro_


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, it'd b nice to chat with you guys while I wait on my box...

11/01/2005 11:43:00 PM  

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